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HBS Working Knowledge
July 5, 2004
Jonathan Byrnes
Manage Your Suppliers as a Resource Your suppliers can be your most valuable hidden resource. If your supplier management function sets its sights on innovation and value creation, you can find a clear pathway to success. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 22, 2010
Portrait of Supplier Quality Management An epidemic of product recalls points to a need for more visibility into the supply chain. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 15, 2010
Karlyn & Overly
How to Protect Your Company from Vendors Who Don't Deliver Heed the warnings from recent legal cases and business scandals. Before you sign that deal with an IT vendor, make sure you know what you'll do if your supplier doesn't keep its promises. mark for My Articles similar articles
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HBS Working Knowledge
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Jonathan Byrnes
Supply Chain Management in a Wal-Mart World Here's a supply-chain dilemma: Now that you've learned how to do business with Wal-Mart, what do you do with everyone else? mark for My Articles similar articles
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The Benefits of Business Process Standards A broad set of process standards will soon make it easy to determine whether a business capability can be improved by outsourcing it. The low costs and low risk of outsourcing will accelerate the flow of jobs offshore, force companies to look differently at their strategies, and change the basis of competition. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Nursing Management
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