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OCC Bulletin
July 1, 2004
Embedded Options and Long-Term Interest Rate Risk This bulletin alerts banks to the importance of measuring the cash flow and valuation risks for assets and liabilities with embedded options. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin Classification of Securities The revised agreement for the "Uniform Agreement on the Classification of Assets and Appraisal of Securities Held by Banks and Thrifts" was issued on June 15, 2004. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
April 4, 2001
Leveraged Financing Guidance for bankers and examiners that more fully describes supervisory expectations regarding sound practices for leveraged financing activities. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
November 1, 2001
Third-Party Relationships This bulletin provides guidance to national banks on managing the risks that may arise from their business relationships with third parties... mark for My Articles similar articles
May 19, 2004
Effects of Interest Rates on Money Market Mutual Funds The prolonged low interest rate environment has pressured returns on money market mutual funds (MMMFs). Although low rates are a boon to borrowers, the opposite, of course, is true for savers. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
September 5, 2002
Investment Portfolio Credit Risks: Safekeeping Arrangements This guidance alerts banks to the potentially significant credit risks they incur when safekeeping investment portfolio assets with third parties, such as brokers, broker/dealer firms and banks. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
December 7, 2004
Bank-Owned Life Insurance An interagency statement reminds financial institutions that the purchase and risk management of bank-owned life insurance must be consistent with safe and sound banking practices. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
September 2005
Thomas W. Killian
Designing an [Optimal ] Capital Structure Nimble capital management can help non-Basel II-adopting banks level the competitive playing field. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 22, 2006
Nathan Powell
What the Yield Curve Does (and Doesn't) Tell Us Regardless of the slope of the existing yield curve -- positive, flat, or negative -- bankers will benefit from strategies designed to cope with the uncertainty of changing interest rates. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 14, 2003
Basel and the Evolution of Capital Regulation: Moving Forward, Looking Back How much capital is enough? How bank regulators have answered this question during the post World War II period has been shaped by two contending strands of thought. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
July 15, 1999
Summary of the Basel Committee's Consultative Document: "A New Capital Adequacy Framework" The paper describes a framework for bank supervision and regulation that contains three "pillars" -- a regulatory capital minimum, an enhanced supervisory review process, and more effective use of market discipline through disclosure. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 22, 2006
Stephen D. Simpson
A Closer Look at Bank Stocks Learn the secrets of investing in this often-intimidating sector. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 21, 2003
Risk-Based Capital Requirements for Commercial Lending: The Impact of Basel II The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the mechanics of the Basel II risk-based capital calculation for commercial credit exposures, and to present evidence on the impact of the new calculations on capital requirements for syndicated loans. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 31, 2005
Stephen D. Simpson
A Closer Look at Bank Stocks These investors must deal with unusual terms and funny-looking financial statements, but the rewards can be well worth it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2005
Mohammed El Qorchi
Islamic Finance Gears Up While gaining ground, the Islamic financial products industry faces unique regulatory challenges. mark for My Articles similar articles
FDIC FYI FYI: An Update on Emerging Issues in Banking Assessing the banking industry's exposure to an implicit government guarantee of gses mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2003
Martin Mayer
A Borrower Be Tough economies and easy credit usually don't mix. So why are banks falling all over themselves to lend small businesses money? mark for My Articles similar articles
November 26, 2002
Quarterly Banking Profile Commercial Banking Performance, Third Quarter 2002 Gains on securities sales keep earnings near record level... Weakness in overseas operations limits industry profits... Margins improve at community banks, decline at larger institutions... Strong mortgage demand fuels growth in loans... Asset-quality problems continue to grow at large banks mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 1, 2002
Eric Uhlfelder
A Yen for Yield There's a little-known corner of the securities market that could help brokers win kudos from clients who have exhausted safe domestic sources of good yield: foreign preferred stock. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
Cem Karacadag & Michael W. Taylor
Toward a New Global Banking Standard: The Basel Committee's Proposals The Basel Committee's new capital framework proposals will have important implications for developed and developing countries alike. Although many details remain to be worked out, it is not too early for countries to start preparing for the proposals' implementation. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
February 28, 2001
Bank-Provided Account Aggregation Services This bulletin discusses the risks of bank-provided account aggregation services, and suggests control mechanisms banks should consider when they offer aggregation services. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
August 2001
John Hackett
Credit Derivatives Hit a Snag After years of booming growth, the market in these hedging tools dropped in the first quarter, but the consensus is that they're too good to keep down. Includes statistics on the biggest bank participants. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 3, 2002
Favorable Interest-Rate Environment Drives Record First-Quarter Bank Earnings Commercial banks earned a record $21.7 billion in the first quarter of 2002, besting the previous quarterly earnings record set in the first quarter of 2001 by 9.6 percent. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
October 2007
Eric Uhlfelder
Income Alternatives Preferred stocks are some of the best sources of income that many investors don't know about. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Real Estate Investor
February 1, 2007
Ben Johnson
Small Banks, Big Risks In the new era of commercial real estate lending, federal regulators are pressuring even the smallest banks to upgrade their portfolio analysis capabilities to avoid the pitfalls of past downturns. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2008
Noel Sacasa
Preventing Future Crises The financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in the current regulatory and supervisory frameworks and made it clear that we are in need of regulatory reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2007
Randall Dodd
Subprime: Tentacles of a Crisis The mortgage market turbulence is as much about the breakdown of the structure of U.S. financial markets as it is about bad debt. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
October 2009
Michelle Knight
Cashing In On Cash Flow Retirement-age investors need not resign themselves to a portfolio of Treasury bonds with pitifully low yields. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
March 2008
Thomas Killian
Surviving the 2007 Financial Crisis A four-point plan for bank managements and boards of directors to successfully weather these challenging financial times. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
April 9, 2002
Risk-Based Capital A final rule permits banks to reduce the risk weight on certain claims against qualifying securities firms from 100 percent to 20 percent... mark for My Articles similar articles
Real Estate Portfolio
Nov/Dec 2001
Fick & Mitsoff
Capital Balancing Act: Preferred vs. Common Stock Because every REIT has unique characteristics and investment opportunities, there is no formula that applies in every situation... mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
November 15, 1999
Risk-Based Capital Interpretations Credit Derivatives A new issuance addresses the risk-based capital treatment of certain synthetic securitization transactions involving credit derivatives. The objective of these capital interpretations is to recognize the effective transference of the economic risk of loss in these transactions... mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
June 2001
Brian O'Connell
Risk Management Software Spells Relief for Bankers The technology also helps keep regulators happy... mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
June 2008
Eric Uhlfelder
Searching For Yield Venture just slightly beyond familiar places advisors look for income and advisors can find opportunities in which to find yield. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
July 5, 2001
Assessment of Fees: Independent Credit Card Banks; Lower-Rated Institutions Under the rule, a national bank will be deemed an "independent credit card bank" if it engages primarily in credit card operations and is not affiliated with a full-service national bank. The OCC will continue to assess independent credit card banks based on balance sheet assets... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2006
Hilbers, Otker-Robe & Pazarba
Going too Fast? Managing rapid credit growth in Central and Eastern Europe. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 1, 2006
Fink & Durfee
The 2006 CFO Survey of Trends in Banking Finance executives' concerns about the banking industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
November 1, 2010
Tim Knepp
The High Yield Influence The meteoric rise of asset prices seen in 2009 was particularly evident across high yield bonds, and 2010 has witnessed another strong year for this asset class. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2000
Robert Rennhack
Banking Supervision Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, like other emerging markets, have experienced banking system difficulties that have hampered growth and generated fiscal costs as high as 10 to 20 percent of GDP and even more. Many countries have improved their banking systems, but further reform is needed. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
March 2002
Man Yin Li
Transfer That Risk! With more and more bankruptcies and defaults, many banks can protect themselves with credit derivatives. There are dangers in using them, but if used intelligently, they can be a boon to many banks... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2009
Randall Dodd
Overhauling the System The United States is proposing the most radical reform of financial regulation since the New Deal. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
March 30, 2000
Financial Subsidiaries and Operating Subsidiaries A final rule adds a new regulation to implement the financial subsidiary provisions of the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, to provide a notice process for national banks making non-controlling investments... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2008
Karen M. Kroll
Pedaling As Fast As They Can Companies will now need to work harder for credit, as banks' markedly different posture on lending money is affecting businesses of all stripes -- not just those in default. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
October 1, 2002
Eric Uhlfelder
Making the Grade Think you're safe buying an investment grade bond for your client? Guess again. Rating downgrades are coming at a record pace. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
March 1, 2011
Jerry Webman
The End Of The Bond Empire? Now, investors reasonably ask whether fixed income investments actually have a future. My answer is that they do. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 1, 2003
Hilary Rosenberg
Compromising Positions Will credit derivatives encourage more lending, or will they harm the interests of borrowers? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 11, 2009
James Cooper
Business Outlook: Signs of Progress on the Road to Recovery Improved financial conditions are laying the groundwork for a turnaround as investors' appetite for risk increases. Still, a second-half stumble could halt the momentum. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2001
Neil Gregory & Stoyan Tenev
The Financing of Private Enterprise in China A 1999 survey of more than 600 private Chinese enterprises revealed that they relied primarily on self-financing. For China's private sector to thrive, firms will need increased access to external loan and equity financing... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 27, 2002
Loan Weakness Spreads; Banks' Defenses Hold Large banks' business loans have been hit hardest by the recession, but some weakening is now appearing for smaller banks and for other kinds of loans... mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
January 20, 2009
Julia Hanna
Risky Business with Structured Finance Even modest imprecision in estimating underlying risks is magnified disproportionately when securities are pooled and tranched. mark for My Articles similar articles