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February 2002
Steve Ditlinger
Mix protocols transparently in Web applications To maintain the security of sensitive data as it travels over the Internet to or from the browser, Web applications often rely on Secure Sockets Layer. The secure Webpages and processes that transmit sensitive data utilize HTTP over SSL (HTTPS) rather than the usual HTTP. Integrating SSL into a Web application should prove seamless and simple to implement as well as maintain. This article explores typical SSL implementations and develops an SSL solution using the J2EE servlet redirect mechanism to protect sensitive data transmission. It also develops an overall solution combining JavaServer Pages custom tags and an application-specific servlet base class. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2002
David Geary
Take command of your software How to use the Command pattern both in client-side Java to attach application-specific behavior to Swing menu items and in server-side Java to implement application-specific behavior with the Apache Struts application framework. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Julien Mercay & Gilbert Bouzeid
Boost Struts with XSLT and XML Struts is an innovative server-side Java framework designed to build Web applications. This article introduces the processing model underlying Struts, describes the Struts framework itself, and presents Model 2X, which enhances Struts... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 18, 2003
Coen & Nanduri
Jump the hurdles of Struts development Building and maintaining enterprise applications is very difficult. Designing elegant and easily maintainable user interfaces for these applications can be the most daunting task of all. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 5, 2003
Borislav Iordanov
Dynamic server includes with local runtime context This article shows how to achieve true black-box reuse of frontend logic in the form of JSP pages or Java servlets, by wrapping the servlet request object and effectively creating a local runtime context for an included resource. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2000
Thor Kristmundsson
Strut your stuff with JSP tags Learn how to use the custom tags from the open source Struts library and create extensions that ease the coding of properties associated with field values and user input validation... mark for My Articles similar articles
New Architect
January 2003
Paul Sholtz
Instant Update Making your data and spreadsheets Web viewable through MVC: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is an established and well-understood software design method. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2001
Ilirjan Ostrovica
Facilitate form processing with the Form Processing API 2.0 This introduction to the Form Processing API's newest version explores its most significant improvements: form design in XML format, support for clients other than HTML, enhanced support for various presentation techniques, and validation in field groups. He illustrates those features through an application example implemented with two different presentation techniques -- JSP and XML-XSLT-HTML in a Servlet 2.3 filter. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2001
Dustin Marx
JSP best practices This article discusses simple approaches and best practices that, when used correctly, facilitate JavaServer Pages (JSPs) development. These tips ensure reusable and easily maintainable JSPs, JSPs that allow developers to focus on their programming strengths... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
David Geary
A first look at JavaServer Faces, Part 1 JavaServer Faces, with a well-defined request processing lifecycle and a rich component hierarchy, will profoundly affect the development of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications. Part 1 of this series introduces JavaServer Faces and explores its fundamental concepts. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 29, 2003
David Geary
Follow the Chain of Responsibility The Chain of Responsibility (CoR) pattern decouples the sender and receiver of a request by interposing a chain of objects between them. This article discusses the CoR pattern and two implementations of that pattern in the Java APIs -- one from client-side Java and the other from server-side. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2002
David Geary
A look at the Composite design pattern The Composite design pattern lets you treat primitive and composite objects exactly the same. This article explores how to implement the Composite pattern and how to use it with the Tiles tag library from the Apache Struts application framework. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 25, 2003
Dustin Marx
More JSP best practices Advancements in the JavaServer Pages specification have eased the development of highly maintainable and standardized JSP-based Web applications. This article discusses key advancements and how each of them enables easier development of robust JSP Web applications. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2003
Jason Hunter
Servlet 2.4: What's in store On March 7, 2003, Sun Microsystems released the "Proposed Final Draft 2" specification for Servlet 2.4. This article explains the differences between Servlet 2.3 and 2.4, discusses the reasons for the changes, and explains how you can take advantage of the new features in 2.4. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2001
Jeremy Roschelle
Doclet your servlet! In many projects, some team members will write servlets while other team members write the Webpages that invoke those servlets. So how can a servlet coder easily produce documentation for a Web designer? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Letters to the Editor Readers and authors debate the fine points of programming languages, the security of redirecting to HTTPS, whether you should sacrifice performance for reusability in JSP (JavaServer Pages) development, and the benefits of templates over JSPs... mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2001
Jason Hunter
Servlet 2.3: New features exposed In October 2000, Sun released the 'Proposed Final Draft' specification for Servlet API 2.3. This article explains the differences between Servlet API 2.2 and 2.3, discusses the reasons for the changes, and shows you how to write servlets (and now filters!) using 2.3... mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2000
Jeremy Roschelle
Untangle your servlet code with reflection You can enlist the Reflection API to unravel an all-too-common problem in servlet development: doGet() and doPost() methods that grow long, complex, and hard to extend and debug. The use of reflection described here is fairly lightweight... mark for My Articles similar articles
New Architect
June 2002
Al Williams
Design Patterns for Web Programming Do you need the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern? MVC can help you design web architectures that will withstand the test of time... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2000
Thomas E. Davis, Craig Walker
Take control of the servlet environment, Part 1 The ever-popular servlet cleanly and simply develops and deploys Web-based applications. However, although Java is platform independent, the Web as a whole is not. The language and the servlet API do not provide such niceties as optional session-persistence schemas (i.e., store in memory, in a database, or in a cookie), and they don't easily accommodate ad hoc solutions to shortcomings in cookie handling. To handle such issues, Thomas Davis and Craig Walker have developed an unobtrusive framework, an invisible layer between your servlets and the servlet engine, that gives you greater control over the environment. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2002
Letters to the Editor JavaWorld readers warn about synchronization; present a Servlet 2.2-compliant solution for mixing protocols in Web apps; suggest using the Data Object Access design pattern with the Value Object design pattern... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 8, 2004
Jim Wagner
Programmers So Far Underwhelmed by JSF Some developers say the latest Web application specification needs third-party vendor tools before they will use it. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2000
Thomas E. Davis
Use Microsoft's Internet Information Server as a Java servlet engine Are you a Java fanatic trapped in a Microsoft-only shop? Using just Microsoft's Internet Information Server and pure Java, you can run Java servlets without the help of any third-party products. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 12, 2003
Java Product News Hoplo combines CATiX & ARIALiX; jXMLGateway gives XML access; Roxes offers Ant tasks; & more mark for My Articles similar articles
March 11, 2004
Jim Wagner
JSF Called a Misunderstood Standard Confusion over JavaServer Face's role in tools development has resulted in negative reactions, says Struts creator. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
April 19, 2004
Richard V. Dragan
Sun Java Studio Enterprise 6 Java Studio is a natural fit for any enterprise that runs Sun's application server platform. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2009
Cristina & Daniel Tofan
A Low Cost, Low Memory Footprint, SQL and Servlet-based Solution for Searching Archived Images and Documents in Digital Collections A simple, elegant solution to digitizing special collections documents to meet the needs of the institution without additional monetary commitments. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 5, 2003
Java Product News Ekkon Technologies optimizes MerchantSpace Commerce... Etnus connects debuggers... Koalog reveals Koalog Configurator 0.13 mark for My Articles similar articles
August 22, 2003
Java Product News Metanology produces two new MDE tools... Salmon's SOFIA swims forward... FWA Software integrates Struts 1.1 tags libraries... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 14, 2003
Java Product News IBM alphaWorks adds XML tool... Atlassian enhances JIRA... Side of Software puts out Print Preview library... Jamcracker produces Pivot Path... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 21, 2003
Java Product News /k/ Embedded Java Solutions unveils Mika... Infravio assembles Ensemble 4.0... Reasoning improves inspection services mark for My Articles similar articles
November 7, 2003
Java Product News Big Faceless Organization upgrades PDF Library... FWA Software offers Visual Tags for Struts 2004... New Atlanta serves up ServletExec 5.0... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 5, 2003
Java Product News Apache boosts Turbine & Torque... Sims Computing advances Flux 5.0 Job Scheduler... IconAge delivers JWin Express Enterprise mark for My Articles similar articles
August 29, 2003
Java Product News Systinet extends IDEs for Web services; JuggerNET meshes Java & .Net; Jinspired pumps up JDBInsight 2.0; & more mark for My Articles similar articles
December 6, 2002
Java Product News PrintWeaver leverages Java printing mechanism... Starlasoft updates JLAN Server... Thuraya phones receive J2ME boost... New JSP tag library now available... abaXX Technology announces support for JBoss... Precise adds Oracle9i support... Tortuga Technologies updates Ozibug... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Java Product News (updated November 27, 2002) SPEC updates benchmark for J2EE 1.3... Manning publishes Struts tutorial... MKS adds support for WebSphere... GRAN enhances bug tracking software... JIDE Software launches docking framework... Trigent Software launches J2EE training courses... Flashline integrates CMEE with WebSphere... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles