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OCC Bulletin December 6, 2000 |
Risk-Based Capital The Agencies are proposing to modify the risk-based capital treatment on claims against certain securities firms. The proposal would reduce the risk weight on claims on, or guaranteed by, qualifying securities firms to 20 percent from 100 percent... |
OCC Bulletin February 23, 2006 |
Risk-Based Capital -- Securities Borrowing Transactions: Final Rule This bulletin transmits a final rule on the risk-based capital treatment of securities borrowing transactions in which the borrower of the security posts cash collateral. |
OCC Bulletin December 8, 2000 |
Risk-Based Capital -- Securities Borrowing Transactions This bulletin transmits an interim rule and a request for comment on the risk-based capital treatment of securities borrowing transactions in which the borrower of the security posts cash collateral... |
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Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for National Banks with Securities The final rule, entitled "Reporting and Disclosure Requirements for National Banks With Securities Registered Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; Securities Offering Disclosure Rules," amends 12 CFR 11 and 12 CFR 16. |
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Summary of the Basel Committee's Consultative Document: "A New Capital Adequacy Framework" The paper describes a framework for bank supervision and regulation that contains three "pillars" -- a regulatory capital minimum, an enhanced supervisory review process, and more effective use of market discipline through disclosure. |
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Unsafe and Unsound Investment Portfolio Practices Description: Supplemental Guidance This bulletin alerts banks to the potential risk to future earnings and capital from poor investment decisions made at the current low level of interest rates... |
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Electronic Filing and Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership Reports This final rule, which applies to national banks that register their securities with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, amends the OCC's rules governing application of Securities Exchange Act disclosure rules to national banks (12 CFR 11). |
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Interagency Guidance for Determination of Risk- Based Capital for Unrated Direct Credit Substitutes Extended to Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Programs The provisions included in this policy statement are effective immediately. |
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OCC Bulletin September 25, 2006 |
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OCC Bulletin December 6, 2001 |
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OCC Bulletin October 20, 2005 |
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FDIC FYI April 21, 2003 |
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OCC Bulletin December 28, 2006 |
Risk-Based Capital: Domestic Capital Modifications This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is applicable to banking organizations that are not subject to the Basel II NPR that was separately proposed on September 25, 2006. |
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OCC Bulletin March 10, 2000 |
Risk-Based Capital-Recourse and Direct Credit Substitutes This bulletin transmits a proposed rule that would amend the OCC's risk-based capital regulations to treat direct credit substitutes and recourse obligations consistently and would incorporate the use of credit ratings as an indicator of a bank's risk of loss... |
CFO June 1, 2010 Randy Myers |
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A Few Common Clearing Service Providers The DTC is a member of the U.S. Federal Reserve System... The Fedwire Funds Service provides a real-time gross settlement system... The Fedwire Securities Service consists of a safekeeping function... |
OCC Bulletin July 13, 2001 |
Investment Securities; Bank Activities and Operations; Leasing The final rule amends parts 1, 7, and 23 to address changing industry practices and recent statutory amendments... |