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June 21, 2001
Findings And Recommendations From Lead Investigations Workers may be at risk of potentially hazardous exposures anywhere lead is present on the job, not just in traditional settings like shipyards and battery making plants. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2002
Skin Problems on the Job Skin diseases and injuries are the most common job-related medical problems. Workers of all ages and in almost all jobs can get skin problems. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2002
W.F. Peate
Occupational Skin Disease Work-related skin diseases account for approximately 50 percent of occupational illnesses and are responsible for an estimated 25 percent of all lost workdays. These dermatoses are often underreported because their association with the workplace is not recognized. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 29, 2001
Control Of Dust From Powder Dye Handling Operations The manual transfer of powder dyes from bulk containers to smaller process containers generates significant amounts of dust. Worker exposure to dye dust via breathing or skin contact can result in adverse health effects like occupational asthma, eczema and severe allergic reactions.... mark for My Articles similar articles
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CDC Chemical Exposure Report Begins To Fill Info Gaps In Environmental Health The first report initially measures the exposure of the US population to 27 environmental chemicals including lead, mercury, pesticide metabolites, phthalate metabolites and cotinine which tracks exposure to tobacco smoke. mark for My Articles similar articles
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July 30, 2001
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October 17, 2001
EMFs In The Workplace Everyone in our modern society is exposed to the electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) that surround all electric devices. This fact sheet answers frequently asked questions about EMFs in the workplace... mark for My Articles similar articles