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May 2002
Stanton Peele
Hungry for the Next Fix Behind the relentless, misguided search for a medical cure for addiction... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 23, 2000
Cynthia Kuhn & Wilkie Wilson
Sober realization Although I quit drinking years ago, I am concerned that I may have irreparably damaged my health. Should I be worried? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2002
Mary-Anne Enoch & David Goldman
Problem Drinking and Alcoholism: Diagnosis and Treatment Although associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, alcoholism often goes unrecognized in a clinical or primary health care setting. Several brief screening instruments are available to quickly identify problem drinking, often a pre-alcoholism condition... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2000
Stanton Peele
After the Crash The author of the 1994 book Moderate Drinking and founder of Moderation Management, an organization aimed at helping problem drinkers control their alcohol consumption, killed two motorists in a crash while driving drunk in March. This tragic accident throws the moderation movement into upheaval... mark for My Articles similar articles
Charles Capuano
FAQ On Alcohol There's hardly a man who doesn't enjoy his drink, but few among them know what the happy elixir does to the body and the mind. Once you know some of the effects that alcohol has on your body, use the information for your own benefit -- that is, have fun, but always drink responsibly. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 1, 2000
Ted D. Epperly
Health Issues in Men: Part II. Common Psychosocial Disorders During screening examinations and, when appropriate, other health-related visits, family physicians should be alert for signs and symptoms of common psychosocial disorders in men. Health issues of concern include alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, midlife crisis and depression. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2002
Problem Drinking -- How To Recognize It Guidelines for recognizing problem drinking and getting help if necessary... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2004
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Emotional Choices What story you choose to believe about antidepressants reveals a deeper truth about who you are. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2005
Alcoholism-What Should I Know About It? A patient hand-out on the disease and how to get help for it. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2004
Substance Abuse Questions and answers on substance abuse. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 1, 2003
Substance Abuse--How To Recognize It Am I drinking too much?... Am I taking risks with alcohol or other mood-altering substances?... Has my drinking or drug use become a habit?... Is alcohol or drug use taking over my life?... Has drinking alcohol or using drugs become a problem for me?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 14, 2000
Caroline Knapp
Crashing and burning When the founder of the "alcohol in moderation" movement pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide last week, it was a sobering reminder that there's no alternative to quitting cold turkey. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 11, 2005
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Can Alcoholism Be Treated? Research shows how stubborn addictions are -- and how medications may help. Drug companies have good reason to be pay attention. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2004
Alcohol Abuse: How to Recognize Problem Drinking Questions and answers on alcohol abuse. mark for My Articles similar articles
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American Journal of Nursing
November 2008
Madeline A. Naegle
Screening for Alcohol Use and Misuse in Older Adults: Using the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test--Geriatric Version The availability of accurate, easy-to-use screening tools to detect people in need of counseling can increase the number of older adults whose lives can be improved and even lengthened. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 1, 2003
David J. Mersy
Recognition of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Ten percent of the population abuses drugs or alcohol, and 20 percent of patients seen by family physicians have substance-abuse problems, excluding tobacco use. These patients can be identified by relying on regular screening or a high index of suspicion based on "red flags." mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2012
Elliott et al.
Managing alcohol withdrawal in hospitalized patients A focused nursing assessment is critical in identifying the potential for alcohol withdrawal symptoms in all hospitalized patients. This article discusses how to assess patients at risk and how to use these assessment findings as a basis for nursing interventions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
February 22, 2003
Janet Raloff
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Jacob Franek
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March 3, 2001
Joshua Levine
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April 22, 2003
George Rolph
Domestic Violence and the Male Victim Studies carried out on male and female bullies in schools and my own observations of abusers show a startling similarity between the two. This has led me to the conclusion that an abuser, whether male or female, is simply a bully who never grew out of it. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Cary Tennis
My name is George, and I'm an alcoholic Nearing the 15th anniversary of the president's sobriety, a fellow ex-drinker tells what he sees when he looks at George W. Bush... mark for My Articles similar articles
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Lisa Moricoli Latham
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Andy Dehnart
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Eddie Chandler
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Speider Schneider
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Registered Rep.
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Carina S. Diamond
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Reactive Reports
Issue 43
David Bradley
Ibogaine Gaining on Alcohol Addiction Ibogaine has been used outside the US to treat addiction because of its known ability to reduce cravings for drugs of abuse and alcohol. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
January 2011
Vicky Keys
Alcohol Withdrawal During Hospitalization For a chronic drinker, sudden alcohol withdrawal because of an unexpected hospitalization can lead to escalating withdrawal symptoms and even death if unrecognized and untreated. mark for My Articles similar articles
Charles Capuano
FAQ On Alcohol - Part II Here are answers to some questions you may have concerning the effects of alcohol on your body and your mind. mark for My Articles similar articles