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Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
Cem Karacadag & Michael W. Taylor
Toward a New Global Banking Standard: The Basel Committee's Proposals The Basel Committee's new capital framework proposals will have important implications for developed and developing countries alike. Although many details remain to be worked out, it is not too early for countries to start preparing for the proposals' implementation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2000
Tomas J.T. Balino & Angel Ubide
The New World of Banking Four trends are fundamentally altering the financial world: consolidation of institutions, globalization of operations, development of new technologies, and universalization of banking. Each of these poses challenges for the effective supervision and regulation of the financial sector.... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Burton et al.
Asia's Winds of Change The path that Asian countries have traveled to growth and prosperity in the past 50 years will remain relevant for the future -- the embrace of openness, the commitment to macroeconomic stability, and the drive to adapt and reform in response to changing circumstances. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2002
Haizhou Huang & S. Kal Wajid
Financial Stability in the World of Global Finance To reduce their vulnerability to national and international financial crises, countries must address the weaknesses in their financial systems... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Burton & Zanello
Asia Ten Years After A decade after the Asian financial crisis, the region is growing rapidly but still has a long to-do list. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Charles Kramer
Asia's Investment Puzzle Despite the recovery in Asia, lingering uncertainty appears to be holding back investment. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Belaisch & Zanello
Deepening Financial Ties The combination of favorable economic conditions and a clear commitment to integration can provide a fitting environment in which the policy debate can flourish -- and Asia's financial integration can continue to advance. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2000
Roger Nord
Central and Eastern Europe and the New Financial Architecture As the Central and Eastern European countries prepare to join the European Union, they are participating in worldwide efforts to strengthen the global economy... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Zeti Akhtar Aziz
Asia's Decade of Transformation The Asian crisis 10 years ago marked not a halt, but the start of a greater role for Asia in the global economy. Since the 1997 crisis, Asian countries have seized the opportunity to undertake significant restructuring and reforms and to strengthen the dynamism and resilience of their economies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2005
Eswar S. Prasad
Next Steps for China Why financial sector reform is a crucial element of a long-term economic growth strategy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2009
Cihak & Mitra
Losing Their Halo Many countries in central and eastern Europe are finding it hard to adjust to the new economic reality mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
Anoop Singh
Asia Leading the Way Asia is moving into a leadership role in the world economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2000
Robert Rennhack
Banking Supervision Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, like other emerging markets, have experienced banking system difficulties that have hampered growth and generated fiscal costs as high as 10 to 20 percent of GDP and even more. Many countries have improved their banking systems, but further reform is needed. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2008
Kang & Miniane
Global Financial Turmoil Tests Asia As the global financial crisis spreads, how will Asia weather the storm? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
Sanjay Kalra
Deeper Markets, Cheaper Capital Financial sector reforms can help reduce the cost of capital, spur investment, and promote rebalancing in Asia. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
Min Zhu on Asia's Economy and More A conversation with the special advisor to the IMF's managing director about Asia in the new world order, global economic issues, and the IMF's relations with the region that is favored to lead the world out of crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
July 15, 1999
Summary of the Basel Committee's Consultative Document: "A New Capital Adequacy Framework" The paper describes a framework for bank supervision and regulation that contains three "pillars" -- a regulatory capital minimum, an enhanced supervisory review process, and more effective use of market discipline through disclosure. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 27, 2004
Bremner et al.
Is Asia Prepared for the Next Crisis? Sound budgets, big trade surpluses, healthier banks -- the developing world has come a long way. That's why investors are pouring in money. But the risks haven't disappeared. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Andrew Sheng
The Art of Reform Both domestic and global investors will look to regulatory assessments to judge for themselves the quality of Asia's market governance. And they might also want to remind themselves of the ancient dictum: he who knows the competition and himself wins in the global competitive game. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2000
Paul Hilbers, Russell Krueger, & Marina Moretti
New Tools for Assessing Financial System Soundness Macroprudential indicators--defined broadly as indicators of the health and stability of the financial system--can help countries assess their banking systems' vulnerability to crisis. In recent years, an increasing amount of work has been done on such indicators... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2001
Bulletin Kohler Calls For Coordinated International Response in Wake of September 11 Attacks... IMF Releases Reduced World Economic Outlook Projections... External Financing for IMF Technical Assistance... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Anthony Elson
What Happened? Here's why East Asia surged ahead of Latin America and some lessons for economic policy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2008
Noel Sacasa
Preventing Future Crises The financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in the current regulatory and supervisory frameworks and made it clear that we are in need of regulatory reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2009
Brad Setser
The Shape of Things to Come Individual national decisions, not international summits, will remake the global financial system. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2009
Marek Belka
Europe Under Stress The global economic crisis is testing the cohesion of the European Union mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2009
Amar Bhattacharya
A Tangled Web Everyone agrees on reforming the governance of financial markets, but who will do what remains unclear. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2009
Pisani-Ferry & Santos
Reshaping the Global Economy The economic and financial crisis marks the end (for now) of a rapid expansion of globalization. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2008
Charles Collyns
The Crisis through the Lens of History The current financial crisis is ferocious, but looking at history shows the way to avoid another Great Depression. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
Dadush, Dasgupta, & Ratha
The Role of Short-Term Debt in Recent Crises The 1990s witnessed a boom in short-term lending by international banks to developing countries that lasted until Asia's financial crisis erupted in 1997. By 1997, nearly 60 percent of all outstanding international bank claims on developing countries had a remaining maturity of less than one year. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2002
Keller et al.
The Bottom Line Weaknesses in public and private sector balance sheets could be the sign of a crisis in the making. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 2009
Archana Kumar
Crisis Contained Five leading Asian voices share their views on Asia's economic pain and recovery, and how there are no easy answers for coping with the region's future challenges. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2009
Adelheid Burgi-Schmelz
Data to the Rescue Why improved statistical information will be key for prevention of future crises. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2011
Nicolas Eyzaguirre
Sustaining Latin America's Transformation Building on recent successes, Latin America now has a chance to raise its profile in the global marketplace. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2005
Singh & Collyns
Latin America's Resurgence Latin America's recent resurgence amid continuing favorable external conditions provides another historic opportunity for the region to catalyze its considerable natural and human capital resources into sustained and higher growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 14, 2003
Basel and the Evolution of Capital Regulation: Moving Forward, Looking Back How much capital is enough? How bank regulators have answered this question during the post World War II period has been shaped by two contending strands of thought. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
Olaf Unteroberdoerster
Serving Up Growth Promoting the services sector in Asia is another way to restore balance and boost growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2000
Hans Dieter Seibel
Agricultural Development Banks Close Them or Reform Them? Agricultural development banks were established to extend credit and other financial services to customers not considered creditworthy by commercial banks. Should these banks be closed or are they worth revamping? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2007
Cottarelli & Mateos y Lago
Helping the Global Economy Stay in Shape The IMF adopts a new framework for monitoring countries' economic performance. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2007
Yaga Venugopal Reddy
Point of View: Converting a Tiger The Reserve Bank of India's governor offers lessons from the country's gradualist approach to capital account convertibility. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2005
Carstens & Luis I. Jacome H.
Taming the Monster How Latin America's central banks survived hyperinflation to become guardians of price stability. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2009
John Lipsky
Preparing for a Postcrisis World Assessing the IMF's role in the future international financial architecture mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2000
James M. Boughton
Michel Camdessus at the IMF: A Retrospective It may be some years until a definitive assessment of Michel Camdessus's unprecedented 13 years as Managing Director can be made. In this article, the IMF's Historian provides a preliminary evaluation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
Cartas & McConagha
Credit to the Private Sector Remains Weak Bank credit continues to fall despite the global recovery. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2002
Nsouli & Schaechter
Challenges of the "E-Banking Revolution" Electronic banking is the wave of the future. It provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of the ease and cost of transactions. But it also poses new challenges for country authorities in regulating and supervising the financial system and in macroeconomic policy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2009
Berglof et al.
A Tale of Two Crises Russia is still a resource-dependent economy that must diversify in a market-friendly way mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2006
Jeremy Clift
The Quiet Integrationist A profile of Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda and his ambitious agenda to promote a new financial architecture for Asia. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2002
Christian Mulder
Assessing the Dangers Spotting vulnerability to financial risks is key to preventing crises. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Gulde & Pattillo
Adding Depth Africa can achieve even higher economic growth through financial sector reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2002
Gerd Hausler
The Globalization of Finance Financial globalization has brought considerable benefits to national economies and to investors and savers, but it has also changed the structure of markets, creating new risks and challenges for market participants and policymakers... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2010
Berkmen et al.
Differential Impact There's a reason why some countries were hit harder than others during the global crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles