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Dave Asprey
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Food Processing
June 2013
Mark Anthony
Boning Up on Nutrition: Food Manufacturers Take a Closer Look at Dietary Calcium With a $4 billion bone and joint health market, functional ingredient manufacturers look to dietary calcium and Vitamin D's capabilities to help restore cracks in bone health. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 13, 2013
Tony Horton
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A New Look at Bone Health Although vitamin D and calcium are the mainstay ingredients for osteoporosis prevention, studies show that vitamin K2, phosphorous, magnesium, prebiotics and soy can also play a role. mark for My Articles similar articles
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American Family Physician
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American Family Physician
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Chemistry World
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Chemistry World
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American Journal of Nursing
August 2011
Karen Roush
Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women: A Review This article provides an overview of osteoporosis, describes current recommendations for its prevention and treatment, and discusses nursing implications. mark for My Articles similar articles