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Sep/Oct 2015
Casad et al.
Enduring Access to Rich Media Content: Understanding Use and Usability Requirements Through an NEH-funded initiative, Cornell University Library is creating a technical, curatorial, and managerial framework for preserving access to complex born-digital new media objects. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2015
Goethals et al.
Facing the Challenge of Web Archives Preservation Collaboratively: The Role and Work of the IIPC Preservation Working Group This article documents goals and activities of the IIPC Preservation Working Group, such as a survey about the current state of preservation in member web archives and a number of collaborative projects. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2013
Webb et al.
'Oh, you wanted us to preserve that?!' Statements of Preservation Intent for the National Library of Australia's Digital Collections Clarifying preservation intentions is likely to be a good starting point for preservation planning for diverse digital collections. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2004
Lavoie & Dempsey
Thirteen Ways of Looking at...Digital Preservation Fulfilling the promise of integrated and readily accesible material requires the cultivation of stakeholder communities that meaningfully engage with digital information environments. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2012
Joan E. Beaudoin
Context and Its Role in the Digital Preservation of Cultural Objects In discussions surrounding digital preservation, context -- those properties of an object related to its creation and preservation that make the object's origins, composition, and purpose clear -- has been identified as a critical aspect of preservation metadata. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2000
Stewart Granger
Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy Many libraries and archives are in the process of `going digital'. What are the issues with respect to emulation as a digital preservation strategy? mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
Searle & Thompson
Preservation Metadata Pragmatic first steps at the National Library of New Zealand mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2000
Gail M. Hodge
Best Practices for Digital Archiving: An Information Life Cycle Approach Digital information is fragile in ways that differ from traditional technologies, such as paper or microfilm. It is more easily corrupted or altered without recognition... mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2012
Vermaaten et al.
Identifying Threats to Successful Digital Preservation: the SPOT Model for Risk Assessment Digital preservation strategies, as well as the processes and tools that implement those strategies, are designed to secure the long-term future of digital materials. A successful digital preservation strategy must account for and mitigate the impact of various threats. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2004
Brian F. Lavoie
Implementing Metadata in Digital Preservation Systems: The PREMIS Activity This article discusses the objectives, current status, and future activities of PREMIS, an expert working group focused on the topic of implementing preservation metadata within digital archiving systems. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2007
H.M. Gladney
Digital Preservation in a National Context: Questions and Views of an Outsider Today's National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program is focused on cultural content similar to traditional research library holdings, with little attention to preserving practical information critical to most social infrastructure and of interest to most citizens. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2005
Jantz & Giarlo
Digital Preservation: Architecture and Technology for Trusted Digital Repositories To ensure that current digital archives can be trusted to be available in the future, methods, practices, and standards need to be defined. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2004
Dobratz & Neuroth
nestor: Network of Expertise in Long-term STOrage of Digital Resources A Digital Preservation Initiative for Germany mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2009
Kulovits et al.
From TIFF to JPEG 2000? Preservation planning at the Bavarian State Library using a collection of digitized 16th century printings. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2004
Seamus Ross
The Role of ERPANET in Supporting Digital Curation and Preservation in Europe While Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network (ERPNET) plans to continue playing a part in satisfying the need for reliable knowledge about digital preservation methods and practices and high quality research, the team recognises that many more organisations of this kind are needed for the development of effective preservation capabilities across public, commercial, and consumer sectors. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
Fox et al.
Toward a Global Digital Library: Generalizing US-Korea Collaboration on Digital Libraries A report on recommendations to remove barriers to worldwide development of digital libraries, drawing upon an August 2000 workshop involving researchers from the US and Korea who met at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2008
Brian F. Lavoie
The Fifth Blackbird: Some Thoughts on Economically Sustainable Digital Preservation How do we ensure that digital preservation activities survive beyond the current availability of soft-money funding? mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Aschenbrenner, Brandt & Strodl
Report on the 5th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW) In addition to web arching-related issues, the workshop discussed the broad topic of digital preservation. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Stewart Granger
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Jan/Feb 2016
Becker et al.
The Benchmarking Forum at IPRES 2015 The International Conference on Digital Preservation, brought practitioners to discuss opportunities and challenges in adopting software benchmarking as a systematic tool for evaluating digital preservation tools. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2012
In Brief and In the News SPRUCE project tackles digital preservation challenges with hands on events... The TIMBUS project - timeless business processes and services... Orphan works and mass digitization: obstacles and opportunities... mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2015
Stein & Thompson
Taking Control: Identifying Motivations for Migrating Library Digital Asset Management Systems This paper analyzes and discusses results from "Identifying Motivations for DAMS Migration: A Survey," which traces institutions' motivations for migrating from one DAMS to another. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2007
Digital Preservation Service Provider Models for Institutional Repositories: Towards Distributed Services Distributed preservation services require further investigation about the interaction of service providers and client repositories. While there may be some emerging consensus on the range of services that may be needed, the primary requirement is for market testing conditions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2002
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February 2001
Kenneth Thibodeau
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June 2002
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February 2002
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April 2003
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November 2004
Andreas Stanescu
Assessing the Durability of Formats in a Digital Preservation Environment: The INFORM Methodology Clearly, the process of measuring the preservation durability of digital formats is best done in collaboration with digital archives, global registries, institutional repositories, digital libraries, digital format experts, software and hardware developers and researchers. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2003
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May 2001
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Nov/Dec 2012
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Jul/Aug 2003
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December 2005
Clay Shirky
AIHT: Conceptual Issues from Practical Tests The Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT) was created with the idea that by giving a moderately complex digital archive to a variety of participants, we would be able to better understand which aspects of digital preservation were institution-specific, and which aspects were more general. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2012
Jinfang Niu
An Overview of Web Archiving This overview is a study of the methods used at a variety of universities, and international government libraries and archives, to select, acquire, describe and access web resources for their archives. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2002
Rauber et al.
Uncovering Information Hidden in Web Archives A glimpse at web analysis building on data warehouses mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2003
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January 2002
Hilary Berthon
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June 2008
Brian F. Lavoie
PREMIS With a Fresh Coat of Paint: Highlights from the Revision of the PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata was the first comprehensive specification for preservation metadata produced from an international, cross-domain consensus-building process. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2002
Amy Friedlander
The National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program Expectations, realities, choices and progress to date... mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2002
In Brief EU(DELOS)-NSF Working Group on Digital Archiving and Preservation... Update on the JISC X4L Programme... MedHist: A Subject Gateway for the History of Medicine... TREC Genomics Pre-Track Workshop Report... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2010
Cramer & Kott
Designing and Implementing Second Generation Digital Preservation Services: A Scalable Model for the Stanford Digital Repository This paper examines the lessons-learned through over five years of development and operational experience. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2009
Rauber, Masanes & Spaniol
Report on the International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW) 2009 The workshop provided a comprehensive overview on active research and practice on the preservation of the Web. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2003
Andreas Rauber
Report on the 7th European Conference on Digital Libraries The 7th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries took place in Trondheim, Norway, from August 17-22. ECDL 2003 attracted 360 participants from 35 countries, who followed a high-quality program at the wonderful conference location in the Hotel Britannia. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2011
Li & Banach
Institutional Repositories and Digital Preservation: Assessing Current Practices at Research Libraries Digital preservation is a significant problem facing libraries. Libraries are struggling with how to preserve the scholarly and cultural record now that this information is increasingly being produced in digital formats. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2002
William G. LeFurgy
Levels of Service for Digital Repositories This article outlines conditions that govern the persistence of digital materials and suggests a model for future levels of service for digital repositories... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2000
Dale Flecker
Harvard's Library Digital Initiative Building a First Generation Digital Library Infrastructure... mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
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November 2003
Ronald Jantz
Public Opinion Polls and Digital Preservation: An Application of the Fedora Digital Object Repository System This article provides an overview of the Eagleton Poll Archive, the website and, more specifically, the underlying preservation framework mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2004
Neil Beagrie
The Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy for the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Ultimately, digital preservation will be successful when it can be seen not as a stand alone institutional activity but as an activity embedded in how institutions manage and approach digital information and resources on an ongoing basis. mark for My Articles similar articles