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Financial Planning
June 1, 2007
Kathy Gevlin
Advisor Pulse The happiest financial advisors really do put their clients first, asserts the first study of advisor satisfaction. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
January 2008
The Compensation Food Chain Performance-based compensation is the future of investment advisor compensation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 7, 2011
Philip Palaveev
The Say on Pay: Registered Rep.'s 2011 Compensation Survey Financial advisors continue to expand their practices, work with more clients and receive ample compensation for their efforts. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 30, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Avoid the Boiler Room Some financial advisors know more about sales than they do about investing. Finding good financial advice is tough. Investors with little or no knowledge about their finances are extremely vulnerable to disreputable professionals. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 5, 2006
Dan Caplinger
How to Pick a Financial Advisor If you don't have the time or inclination to manage your finances on your own, it can be extremely beneficial to get help from an outside advisor. By following these basic suggestions, you can find a suitable advisor to keep you on the road to financial stability and independence. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
June 2007
Sherri Scordo
Indepedent Broker-Dealers/Financial Advisor's 2007 Snapshot of Leading Firms Advantage Capital Corporation... AIG Financial Advisors... American General Securities, Inc... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 4, 2014
Diana Britton
Investors Prefer Holistic Advice, CFP Board Says Contrary to the prevailing belief in this industry that it pays to focus on a niche market, investors actually prefer to work with an advisor who can discuss all areas of their life. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 4, 2012
Megan Leonhardt
(No) Experience Necessary When it comes to being a financial advisor, the more experience -- the more years you have on you -- the better, right? Not quite. A new study shows that firms should be cautious when bringing aboard advisors heavy on experience. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
May 8, 2013
Diana Britton
Moving on Up: Go Independent and Make More $ Advisors who switched firms saw a jump in their compensation, especially among those who went independent. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 9, 2001
Rashmikant Patel
Trusting Your Advisor Many of us are looking back at our investments over the last couple of years, and blaming our advisors for the less than stellar performance. It all comes down to one issue: do you trust your financial advisor? mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
May 27, 2015
Megan Leonhardt
Can Deferred Pay Buy Long-Term Loyalty? With the level of retention deals falling, firms are turning more to deferred compensation as a means to keep advisors in their seats. But is it a short-sighted solution? mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
November 1, 2008
Stacy Schultz
Key to Happiness The key to an advisor's happiness is support, at least for the independent advisor. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
June 2010
Angela Herbers
From Senior to Partner A description of a smooth transition from senior advisor to partner. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
August 1, 2007
Marshall Eckblad
Advisor Pulse If a new survey is to be believed, advisors who help their clients with retirement planning -- and that's most of you -- will soon face a difficult choice: Change the way you service clients or watch your profits shrink. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 7, 2006
Dan Caplinger
When Your Advisor Quits Facing the retirement of a trusted financial advisor can be traumatic. By remaining objective and cautious during your transition to a new advisor, you can take steps to ensure that you will continue to receive the good advice you've come to expect. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
June 2007
Sherri Scordo
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Investment Advisor
May 2009
Kelli Cruz
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On Wall Street
March 1, 2011
Conrad & Konish
Compensation 2011 While recruiting packages generate a lot of interest, the actual pay that advisors receive from their firms doesn't get as much attention. So once again, On Wall Street has sifted through the payout grids in our industry for a unique comparison of their pay packages. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
November 1, 2011
John J. Bowen, Jr.
Learn To Let Go The idea of shedding clients and the revenue they bring may sound reckless, especially in an uncertain economic environment. But working with non-ideal clients is holding you back from reaching your full potential. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
November 1, 2010
Joni Youngwirth
Calling All Advisors Over the past five years, advisors recruiting advisors has become an increasingly hot topic. Why? mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
March 30, 2011
Matt Matrisian
Bridging the Succession-Planning Gap Too many advisors need help planning their financial futures. Today, only about 18 percent of independent advisors have a well-defined business succession plan that is ready to implement. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
February 14, 2012
Anne Field
The Art of Writing A Check When Jon Yankee and his two partners started their Reston, VA-based firm six years ago, they wanted to do it right. Among other things, that meant putting in place a clearly-thought-out compensation plan for both advisors and staff. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
March 1, 2012
Lorie Konish
Go,Teams! When Hilliard Lyons introduced its current team-based award program in its compensation program five years ago, it led to what Executive Vice President Darryl Metzger now calls an "A-HA" moment for the firm. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
January 1, 2003
Grove & Prince
Staying Connected If financial advisors need yet another reminder about the importance of contacting clients, here it is: In our study of affluent investors conducted in late October, almost half of the respondents said they had changed primary advisors in the last year, often citing lack of contact. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
November 22, 2010
Charles Paikert
Fewer Small Accounts Mean More Production For Advisors: Study What's more, firms that more aggressively reduced small household concentrations among their advisors added approximately $45,000 per advisor in production. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
September 1, 2008
Stephanie Bogan
Who Will Succeed? There is little doubt that current and anticipated growth, the challenges of managing firms and related human capital dynamics will lead us further into uncharted waters. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
March 1, 2013
Braswell & Konish
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Financial Advisor
October 2005
Chris Radford
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Financial Advisor
July 2012
Jim McConville
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Registered Rep.
June 2, 2015
Megan Leonhardt
Compensation Survey 2015: The Slowly Disappearing Commission Moving from a commission-based business to one based on fees, advocates argue, removes conflicts and puts advisors on the same side of the table as their clients. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
July 23, 2012
Diana Britton
Virgin Banks Few community banks and credit unions offer wealth management services to their customers. But many of these firms are struggling and looking for new sources of income. Broker/dealers are finally tapping these untouched firms with revenue-sharing partnerships. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
July 2012
It's A Trust Thing People trust their financial advisor more than their primary doctor, according to a recent survey of investors by John Hancock Financial. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 3, 2015
Megan Leonhardt
Compensation Survey 2015: How Advisors Stack Up Advisors whose business mix leans more toward fees make almost twice as much as those who still lean heavily toward commissions, according to data collected in's compensation survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
March 1, 2010
Helen Kearney
Compensation 2010 Your definitive guide to the changes in advisor compensation across the industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 4, 2013
Diana Britton
Fading Bull Our annual compensation survey shows advisors are riding the market rally -- so what happens when it ends? mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
November 2009
Angela Herbers
Marketing Is Everyone's Job Following are ideas for advisors to incorporate into their strategic marketing initiatives. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
May 1, 2008
Stacy Schultz
Client Loyalty The most common reason affluent investors leave their financial advisors is because their advisor does not answer their calls, according to a new report. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
October 1, 2008
Danny Sarch
Seven Reasons Why Advisors Move A firm that's hemorrhaging money isn't the only reason advisors leave. Company polices and management attitudes also play a part. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
January 14, 2010
Kristen French
Wells Fargo FAs Grumble About New Tax Withholding Rate Wells Fargo's new tax withholding system applies a flat rate of 25 percent to all financial advisors, causing under/over withholding problems for many employees. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
April 2007
Rebecca Pomering
The Eat-What-You-Kill Model For advisory firms, the eat-what-you-kill, production-based compensation model inevitably promotes personal development of business and thus implicitly undermines teamwork, integration and sharing of clients, ideas and knowledge. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
January 7, 2011
Kristen French
Will the SEC Curtail Recruiting Bonuses? With brokerage revenues getting squeezed and regulators sniffing around compensation issues and potential conflicts of interest, it's possible that 2011 could bring some changes to broker comp plans. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
December 1, 2010
Five Questions With Dennis Zank In addition to being on the parent company's operating committee, Dennis Zank is also a director of Raymond James' insurance subsidiary. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
December 2009
Angela Herbers
The Fast Track: Figures Don't Lie Finding the compensation benchmarks you need may take work. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
March 2012
Joni Youngwirth
When To Prune One can find good reasons to cut clients and good reasons not to. Advisors who do are typically happy they took action. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
November 2009
Evan Simonoff
The Client Paradox For advisors, it's one thing to sense an opportunity. But when you are going through as much emotional stress as most have, it requires a great deal of intestinal fortitude to go out and try to capitalize on it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 21, 2012
Megan Leonhardt
Looking Back, 2012 A Mixed Bag For Wirehouses Assets mostly were up, but advisors are on the move. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
May 2, 2007
Kevin Burke
It's Not About the Money The firms that have the highest number of satisfied financial advisors aren't necessarily the ones with the highest-paid financial advisors. Industry experts say that what really drives advisors to jump is friction with a supervisor. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep. The Top 30 Independent Broker/Dealers in 2015 The list below is comprised of the 30 largest IBDs ranked by average assets under management per advisor, as of 2014. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2009
Asheesh Advani
Put Your Advisory Board to Work It's time to rethink the roll of advisors and how they are compensated. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
April 1, 2010
Howard J. Stock
Back Office Move Has Advisors Up In Arms -- Some Bolt Questions surround what will happen to BAI clients when Merrill moves their accounts from National Financial to Merrill Lynch. mark for My Articles similar articles