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February 3, 2001
Joshua Levine
Xenical: The Fat Buster If you are overweight, or have a loved one who is, then read on and discover the "wonder drug" called Xenical... mark for My Articles similar articles
Reactive Reports
Issue 56
David Bradley
The Weighty Issue of Fat Spread the word: trans fats make you fat. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
September 2, 2006
Janet Raloff
Another Way Men and Women Differ One reason young women face a much lower heart-disease risk than do men may reflect the different way their bodies respond to fats circulating in their blood during the first hours after a meal. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 29, 2013
James Fell
Why Fat Makes You Fat Protein has the highest satiety factor of the three macronutrients. Carbohydrates come second, and fat is hardly satiating at all. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2006
Simon McNeil
Eating For Lean Body Mass Here are a few simple guidelines on how much fat, protein and calories a healthy person should consume. mark for My Articles similar articles
Simon McNeil
Lose The Fat Generally, fat consumption is the most important component that needs monitoring in a diet designed for weight loss. But many say that the amount of calories is the most important measurement. The truth is, the ideal is to monitor both. Here are some guidelines. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
April 5, 2003
Janet Raloff
Another Way Saturated Fats Can Hike Heart Risks Numerous studies have linked heavy consumption of these fats to elevated cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease. Now, Johns Hopkins University researchers tie high-saturated-fat diets to a second risk factor for cardiovascular disease: abdominal fat. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 20, 2002
Sebastien Stefanov
Can Fat Be Healthy? Fat doesn't just fall under one simple category; it is comprised of three main groups -- monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated -- each with its advantages and disadvantages. To solve the mystery that is fat, let's examine each category one by one. mark for My Articles similar articles
Adrienne Turner
7 Things You Didn't Know About Fat Fat plays a critical role in many of the processes that our bodies go through each and every day, and it has both positive and negative sides. Here is a look at how it impacts your health and what you should eat. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 18, 2002
Ian Lee
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April 12, 2014
Nick English
Everyone Was Wrong: Saturated Fat Is Good For You The spread of obesity has no single cause; there are a lot of complicated factors that have led to America's health crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shannon Clark
7 Ways To Swap Fat Out Of Your Diet One of the simplest ways to create a calorie deficit is to trim off some of the fat from your diet because, gram for gram, fat contains the most calories. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutra Solutions
January 9, 2008
Dairy Products and Weight Management Research studies point to a beneficial role dairy products and ingredients may have in weight management. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
Cheat Days When you try to lose fat, your body fights you. You need to outsmart it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shaina Falcone
Is Chinese Food Healthy? Unfortunately, most guys are under the mistaken impression that Chinese food is a healthy alternative to fast food. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
January 2010
Melinda Wenner
Brown Fat Revelations May Lead to New Weight Loss Drugs As it turns out, doctors are still discovering how fat works. Rather than just a blubbery, lifeless mass, fat is now considered to be a sophisticated and scientifically complex biological organ mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
January 10, 2006
Fat analysis In-line analyzer measures and controls fat in meat, also detects metal. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
September 29, 2007
Janet Raloff
Fattening Carbs--Some Promote Obesity and Worse Easily digestible carbohydrates induce obesity and liver disease in a test on rodents. mark for My Articles similar articles
Joel Marion
Overlooked Fat Loss Factors The actual "number" of calories you consume is not the only factor that affects your fat-loss efforts. Read on for five other things that should be considered when determining the effect of your diet on your waistline. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
The Truth About Six-Pack Abs This is a hard slog of lots of intense exercise and dietary deprivation. Junk food and booze need to be dramatically cut, and you may develop something akin to an obsessive-compulsive disorder about caloric balance. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 14, 2002
Sebastien Stefanov
Are Your Eating Habits Making You Fat? The answer to why you might be getting a spare tire is as simple as poor eating habits... mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
October 13, 2007
Janet Raloff
Food for Thought: Diminishing Obesity's Risks Mouse data suggest that, properly managed, obesity can be benign. mark for My Articles similar articles
John Romaniello
Body Recomposition Body recomposition (the term we use for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain) isn't impossible; it's just tricky. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jen Janzen
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June 28, 2001
Curt Pedersen
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Nutrition Action Healthletter
November 2000
Greek Food: a Mediterranean Mixed Bag A look at the fat and sodium content for various popular Greek foods. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 11, 2015
Anthony Yeung
Lower Ab Exercises 7 lower ab moves to demolish those stubborn pounds around your middle. mark for My Articles similar articles
Vince Del Monte
Nutrition And Training A regular schedule of five solid meals a day, rather than three meals a day, helps your body experience a slight increase in calorie burning, because, every time you eat, your body uses energy (calories) to break down, digest and absorb the food. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 25, 2015
Nadiv Rahman
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Jeff Bayer
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March 6, 2014
Yuri Elkaim
Yes, A Health Coach Actually Wants You To Quit Doing Sit-Ups The secret to burning belly fat is to actually not focus your efforts on abdominal training. Rather, your focus should be on big, full-body movements that recruit a lot of muscle. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shannon Clark
Metabolism Myths Mixed in with the useful information there's a good chance you've come across at least a couple of metabolism myths that could be sending you down the wrong path. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Worst Fast Food Choices Certain fast food items contain more fat and calories than some people eat in an entire day. Even items that seem healthy can be packed with calories, fat, sodium, and other unhealthy things. mark for My Articles similar articles
Abigail Ekue-Smith
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Science News
October 6, 2007
Janet Raloff
Food for Thought: Diminishing Obesity's Risks Mouse data suggest that, properly managed, obesity can be benign. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 21, 2015
Daniel Tanner Baze
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Anthony Yeung
Healthy Dietary Fats Read on for the five best fatty foods to add to your diet to actually improve your fat-loss and feel better. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
December 2011
Benton et al.
Sarcopenic Obesity: Strategies for Management Nurses should be knowledgeable about this condition and its management and routinely educate older patients on the benefits of resistance training and dietary protein to prevent or reverse sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
January 2009
Diane Toops
Weighty Issues Surround Healthy Food Choices Consumers feel increasingly good about their health, but a disconnect with caloric intake continues. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 17, 2001
Curt Pedersen
Fat-Burning Supplements Spring is here and that means it's time to prepare your body for summer. While nothing replaces exercise and dieting, there are many nutritional supplements that can assist in shedding unwanted fat... mark for My Articles similar articles
Jeff Mendoza
Burn Fat With The Karvonen Formula How to burn fat with the Karvonen Formula. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 20, 2001
Sebastien Stefanov
Staying Lean On The Holidays This article lists some of the worst holiday foods out there and offer a few alternatives in their stead... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2, 2015
James Fell
Six-Pack Myths I was at Cirque du Soleil with my wife, feeling envious. Their amazing physiques came from doing lots of trapeze and gymnastics, proving there are many paths to a rippling midsection, just as there are many ab myths that need to die. mark for My Articles similar articles
Adrienne Turner
7 Desserts You Shouldn't be Eating The worst desserts you can eat if you're trying to lose your gut -- and some healthier alternatives. mark for My Articles similar articles
John Romaniello
Fat Is Good For You There is not sufficient evidence to support current guidelines advising us all to cut down on saturated fat mark for My Articles similar articles Physique-Based Fat Loss Physique-based fat loss involves paying particular attention to certain aspects of training and nutrition, and manipulating them correctly, to achieve fat loss while maintaining your muscle mass. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 16, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
Eat Out & Still Lose Weight If you're sick and tired of holding back from eating what you really want at restaurants for fear of packing on extra pounds, I have some good news for you. It is possible to both enjoy the good stuff when eating out and still lose weight -- that is, if you follow a few key strategies. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 21, 2014
James Fell
Are Your Exercise Habits Actually Making You Fatter? Every summer I spend a few weeks on the coast running, hiking, sea kayaking, swimming and getting about double my usual amount of exercise. And still I gain weight. mark for My Articles similar articles
Joshua Levine
Prevent A Heart Attack: Part II Yes -- you can lower your chances of getting heart disease by choosing your foods more wisely. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 4, 2003
Joel McConnell
Q&A: Frozen Dinners, Overhydration & More Find out what you can do to optimize your eating habits and keep yourself fit. mark for My Articles similar articles