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American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
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Shaina Falcone
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James Fell
Weight Loss Tips From A Former Fat Guy Many lose weight and then regain it, but I lost weight and kept it off for more than two decades. I also added a bunch of muscle and kept that too. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Michelle Magnan
The Final Word On The Possibility Of Getting Fit Fast I promote what I like to call a flexible diet. I tell people to hit a certain amount of protein, carbs and fat a day, but if you want to have a little bit of ice cream and you still hit those numbers, that's okay. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Sabrina Rogers
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Diane Toops
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Sebastien Stefanov
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Simon McNeil
Dieting Made Easy Two major factors are key in shedding inches off your waistline: a proper diet and a good exercise regimen. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Sabrina Rogers
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Seasoned Cooking
August 2004
Michael Fick
The Classic Weight Control Dilemma: Diet or Exercise? The bottom line is that to really save time in your weight management program, stop eating the wrong food and eat plenty of good food to avoid putting the weight on in the first place. mark for My Articles similar articles
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September 19, 2012
Fitness Modeling Part 2 Getting in shape to be a model is a serious task and shouldn't be taken lightly. You have to eat a certain way all the time and live a very active lifestyle. To be brutally honest, you really can't take any days off in order to get into good shape to be a fitness model. mark for My Articles similar articles
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American Family Physician
June 15, 2004
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Jen Janzen
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Simon McNeil
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Science News
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September 12, 2002
Simon McNeil
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Mike Hofman
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Simon McNeil
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Dustin Driver
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April 24, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
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October 24, 2002
Sabrina Rogers
7 Fad Diets To Avoid A piece on seven popular diets on the market, including their advantages, disadvantages and long-term effectiveness, will shed some light on this growing trend and perhaps change your mind about considering them. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
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Managed Care
July 2002
John La Puma
An obesity primer for the medical office: Lessons from CHEF Clinic To help patients make healthy choices in an unhealthy environment, this primer summarizes recent data on nonprescription remedies and identifies behavioral changes that work. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 15, 2000
You Have Diabetes--But You Don't Have to Get Heart Disease Too People with diabetes are more likely to get heart disease because diabetes can have a bad effect on your blood vessels. Some of your lifestyle habits may also raise this risk. Here are some things you can do about your lifestyle habits... mark for My Articles similar articles
Dustin Driver
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November 21, 2002
Sabrina Rogers
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Adrienne Turner
World's Healthiest Cuisines: Mediterranean & French America could stand a diet and lifestyle lesson from countries and regions that live healthier, fitter lives without trying half as hard. Best of all, following these diet tips from the Mediterranean region and France is easy. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
Choosing the Right Diet to Lose Weight What kind of diet will help me lose weight?... Why am I overweight?... What kind of diet should I follow?... Won't it be hard to change my diet? mark for My Articles similar articles
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James Fell
How To Lose Weight It's important to see exercise as a tool that gives you the power to resist junk food. Because it does. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2004
Nutrition: Tips for Improving Your Health Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. Good nutrition means eating foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, and foods that are not high in fat. mark for My Articles similar articles
John Romaniello
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