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Chemistry World
December 20, 2007
Richard Van Noorden
Off-the-Peg Organic Synthesis Goes Commercial Chemists have created an efficient way to make small molecules by repeatedly using just one coupling reaction to clip together pre-prepared chemical fragments is going commercial. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 2010
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic The total synthesis of macrolide targets is now a relatively mature field. Any synthesis that bucks these trends grabs attention, with a recent publication of dictyosphaeric acid A by Richard Taylor's team at the University of York, UK, a case in point. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
November 3, 2008
Simon Hadlington
Organic synthesis set for auto-pilot Peptides are routinely made by machines that couple together amino acid components. Could organic synthesis ever get this simple? mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 2012
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic What a Japanese team demonstrates in this synthesis of dragmacidin D is the state of the art, uniting all the key fragments using C-H bond couplings. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
March 12, 2015
Matthew Gunther
Chemical building blocks produce a wellspring of organic molecules Scientists in the US have developed an automated platform to create small organic molecules from a set of simple of chemical building blocks. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
November 2010
Carbon Couplers Take the Prize Three giants of organic chemistry, who pioneered palladium-catalysed cross coupling reactions, have shared this year's Nobel prize. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 2008
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Samuel Danishefsky of Columbia University (and the Sloan-Kettering Institute for cancer research), has focused on function rather than family. His many synthetic conquests are unified by their cancer-busting potential. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
June 2011
Column: Totally Synthetic I've never heard of the Polonovski-Potier reaction, the keystone of a remarkable synthesis by a team led by Tohru Fukuyama at the University of Tokyo, Japan. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 2010
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic When one attempts the first synthesis of a natural product, the set of challenges are often unknown; which intermediates are either inaccessible or unstable, for instance. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 31, 2012
Paul Docherty
Epicoccin G The class of natural products known as 2,5-diketopiperazines is both broad and synthetically well-trodden. An important sub-class of these targets are found with a sprinkling of sulfur atoms, and seem particularly well-suited to pathogen-bashing. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 28, 2015
Rubriflordilactone A It's likely that organic chemists have been practicing retrosynthesis in one form or another for at least a century, and certainly for decades before E J Corey formalized the concept in the mid-1990s mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
June 8, 2014
David Bradley
Carbon--carbon couplings go 3D Chemists have devised a new stereospecific coupling reaction for electron-rich aromatics using secondary and tertiary boronic esters that works under mild conditions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
July 1, 2012
Paul Docherty
Vincorine Cage-structured natural products are some of the most appealing (if perhaps not appetising) targets for organic chemists -- perhaps due to their obvious intricacy of form, but also because of their structural rigidity. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 24, 2007
James Mitchell Crow
Palladium Coupling in Fewer Steps Look out Suzuki - Canadian chemists have successfully joined up simple benzene ring-like aromatics without any pre-activation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
September 2011
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Corey Stephenson of Boston University is an expert a type of reaction called photochemical reduction-oxidation. He has charmed photons into performing many chemical tricks, but one is a photoredox dehalogenation using blue light and a ruthenium bipyridyl catalyst. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
December 2010
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic In a conversation at the beginning of this year, a friend and I considered the most challenging targets available to the total-synthesizer - and maoecrystal V was at the top of the list. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
September 2009
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Maduropeptin chromophore (the active component of a chromopore-protein complex, noted as for its potent antitumor and antibiotic activity) is built of two distinct domains mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 2011
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Yuanhuapin, a fabulously complex member of the daphnane diterpene orthoester class of natural products, bears an astonishing twelve contiguous stereogenic centres around its seven rings (look closely!). mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
June 2010
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Although its chemistry is mature and varied, my use of silicon reagents in my synthetic forays has been limited to a somewhat clumsy use of hydroxyl protecting groups. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
July 2009
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic When it comes to making large natural products, different researchers will often propose identical 'end-game' strategies to complete the target. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 16, 2009
Tom Bond
Catalyst free carbon-carbon bond formation The method offers an environmentally friendly way to form one of the most important bonds in organic synthesis. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 2009
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Perhaps the most frustrating part of being a synthetic chemist is the jealousy with which we must regard nature mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 29, 2015
Derek Lowe
Magic molecule modifiers The synthesis of a new organic molecule can be approached in several ways. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
November 2010
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Perhaps the most familiar (and dull - they do say that familiarity breeds contempt.) chemical reaction to medicinal chemists is the amide bond formation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
July 9, 2012
Phillip Broadwith
'Molecular cobra' turns C-H to C=C A reagent developed by US chemists can selectively introduce synthetically useful C=C double bonds into unactivated carbon chains, guided by an activating group attached to a nearby oxygen or nitrogen atom. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
February 2011
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Although most of the natural products I've discussed have had biological activity at the core of the rationale for their synthesis, most organic chemists will admit that an unusual chemical structure is by far the stronger draw. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 2010
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Of all the natural product classes, the steroid family are perhaps the most prevalent in the public consciousness; from cholesterol to testosterone, their infamy inflates the 'science bit' in countless advertisements. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 2008
Column: In the pipeline Problems develop when there are too few workhorse reactions, which may well generate compounds that are too similar to each other. Are we at that stage now? mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 2009
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic It's been a while since I've seen such a battle for the 'first publication' of a molecule as has recently been witnessed for haplophytine. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
November 2008
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic Vannusal B -- This is a classic case of misassigned identity - the structure published by the researchers who first isolated the compound from its natural source has been recreated via total synthesis, and found wanting. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 30, 2009
Phillip Broadwith
C-H oxidation proves its worth US researchers are going against the grain of total synthesis and developing new approaches to complex molecules. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
November 27, 2012
Paul Docherty
Pentalenolactone A methyl ester One team that really gets the Pauson -- Khand reaction or the PKR and all its nuances is that led by Zhen Yang at Peking University in Beijing, China. They recently published a very neat synthesis of the intricate pentalenolactone mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 2011
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic The ability to understand molecular structure is perhaps both our greatest skill and largest encumbrance as scientists. A quick glance at the structure of a target such as nanolobatolide tells us much about its connectivity and the manner in which it might react. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 19, 2009
Phillip Broadwith
Antioxidants could promote cancer Some tumor cells can actually use antioxidants to protect themselves from natural cellular defense mechanisms, enabling them to survive and proliferate. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
February 6, 2011
Laura Howes
Cells as test tubes Chemists have used living cells as test tubes to carry out chemical reactions never before seen within living cells. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 12, 2015
Emma Stoye
Chemistry Nobel laureate Richard Heck dies Richard Heck, the organic chemist who shared the 2010 chemistry Nobel prize with for developing palladium-catalyzed cross coupling reactions, has died aged 84. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
December 2009
Paul Docherty
Column: Totally Synthetic What turns a good synthesis into a great synthesis are the steps surrounding that motif, something that Darren Dixon from the University of Oxford, UK, exemplifies with this synthesis of Nakadomarin A. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 1, 2013
Paul Docherty
Kingianin A The capacity for nature to astonish me with architectural ingenuity has remained undimmed. One glance at the kingianin family of natural products did this again -- the remarkable and unusual cyclobutane functionality kindling thoughts of 'how the hell..?' mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 11, 2010
Simon Hadlington
Non-metal-catalysed C-C coupling Chinese chemists have successfully coupled aromatic molecules without the use of a transition metal catalyst - something that people have been trying to do for years with little success. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 8, 2012
Phillip Broadwith
Keep stirring that Suzuki The shape of your reaction vessel can influence the behavior of organotrifluoroborate compounds in Suzuki cross-coupling reactions, say chemists in the UK. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 28, 2011
Simon Hadlington
New method for aromatic coupling Chemists in Switzerland have developed a way to couple aromatic rings through the Friedel-Crafts mechanism - something many people would have believed impossible. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
June 2007
Dylan Stiles
Opinion: Bench Monkey This PhD student takes an organic chemist's tour around the periodic table. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
November 16, 2012
Yuandi Li
(+)-Myrrhanol C made Spanish chemists have completed the stereospecific total synthesis of (+)-myrrhanol C. This compound is a natural triterpene isolated from mastic gum, a substance well known for its medicinal properties as well as use in various cuisines. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
March 2012
Lead-oriented synthesis Ian Churcher and Alan Nadin call for the development of more robust synthetic tools to improve small molecule survival rates in the perilous journey from lead to drug mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 22, 2014
Derek Lowe
Death of a reagent Anyone who's been practicing organic chemistry for a while can think back to reactions and reagents that were once in far wider use than they are today. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 28, 2013
Edward Anderson
More dead ends and detours en route to successful total synthesis In this book Miguel A Sierra and his co-authors revisit their 2004 coverage of 'tales of the unexpected' in complex molecule total synthesis. mark for My Articles similar articles