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October 2004
David Drucker
When Your Partner Is Your Spouse Do the traditional gender roles of the 1950s carry over to the office when husband and wife financial advisors work together? Here are three representative situations. mark for My Articles similar articles
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April 2007
Olivia Mellan
Child Is Father to the Man Few money messages are as enduring as the ones a son learns from his dad. Here's what financial planners need to understand about this special relationship. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
October 1, 2013
Kathy Kristof
Prominent Advisor Easing Into a Handoff At Briaud Financial Advisors, the founder said she wanted a succession plan - until her daughter actually made her an offer. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
December 2006
Mark Tibergien
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Financial Planning
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Charles Paikert
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Investment Advisor
March 2009
Robert F. Keane
Planner Profile: All in the Family At Newport Beach, CA-based Beacon Pointe Advisors Shannon Eusey serves as president, her father as CEO, and her sister is the CFO -- in other words it's just your average family business with $3.5 billion in assets under management. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 14, 2006
Leving & Sacks
New Report: Foster Care System Disregards Fathers America's child welfare policies are seriously misguided. When a mother is deemed unfit to care for her children, dad shouldn't be just one option out of many. He should be first in line. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
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Olivia Mellan
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David J. Drucker
Keeping It In The Family Some advisors have built-in succession plans: sons and daughters: The Single-Child Transfer... The Multiple-Child Sale... The Multiple-Child Bequest... mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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Investment Advisor
October 2005
Olivia Mellan
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Financial Planning
October 1, 2013
Influencer Awards: See the Winners Our seven honorees have earned their accolades with impressive individual accomplishments and a commitment to bettering the financial advice industry. Meet this year s winners. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Warren Farrell
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Ross Bonander
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Financial Planning
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McCormick & Sacks
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Financial Advisor
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Financial Planning
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Investment Advisor
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Sports Illustrated
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The Motley Fool
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June 13, 2000
Amy Silverman
The secret life of Dad He stood up to John McCain to protect me -- and never told me about it. mark for My Articles similar articles