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James Fell
Metabolism Myths: Part 1 Some myths about boosting metabolism are so prevalent that they've been repeated again and again via best-selling fitness books and popular magazines. But don't believe them. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 31, 2013
James Fell
How To Lose Weight It's important to see exercise as a tool that gives you the power to resist junk food. Because it does. mark for My Articles similar articles
John Romaniello
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James Fell
Here's Why Your Workout Today Isn't Like Your Workout 5 Years Ago If you train your body to get into great shape, then to keep it there you need to keep on using it. You can't just sit back and expect it to burn calories on autopilot. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
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Jeff Bayer
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Calorie Restriction Diets Some people claim that this diet is "the way" to eat, while others show concern about how unhealthy it really is and how it will limit your growth abilities. mark for My Articles similar articles
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James Fell
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James Fell
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Jeff Bayer
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James Fell
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American Family Physician
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Shannon Clark
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James Fell
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James Fell
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March 13, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
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James Fell
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James Fell
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James Fell
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Jen Janzen
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Shannon Clark
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Sabrina Rogers
Eating Well: Frequently Asked Questions It's really not surprising that many people simply stick to their bad eating habits because they find healthy eating too complicated. The following answers to some frequently asked questions about nutrition will hopefully help clear up some of this confusion and keep you on the right track. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Jeff Bayer
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Adam Ali
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