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National Defense
November 2011
Stew Magnuson
Who Is in Charge of What During Major Catastrophes Still Unanswered The answer is all of them and none of them, former Commandant of the Coast Guard retired Adm. Thad Allen suggested recently. mark for My Articles similar articles
Aug/Sep 2009
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The Motley Fool
July 20, 2010
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The Spill May Be Over, but BP Sports Nasty Wounds Since Thursday, the Gulf spill is down to a seep, but BP may be mortally wounded. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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Social Networking Guide for the Enterprise Popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter can be great for business but things can get out of control if the proper policies aren't in place and enforced. mark for My Articles similar articles
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National Defense
January 2010
Austin Wright
Commandant Discusses Coast Guard's Efforts to Modernize The Coast Guard's Deepwater acquisition program aims to overhaul the Coast Guard's fleet by 2027, but the project is more expensive than anticipated and may take longer to complete. mark for My Articles similar articles