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HBS Working Knowledge
December 7, 2011
Carmen Nobel
Are Creative People More Dishonest? In a series of studies, Francesca Gino and Dan Ariely found that inherently creative people tend to cheat more than noncreative people. It's a sobering thought in a corporate culture that champions out-of-the-box thinking. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
June 2, 2011
Carmen Nobel
Signing at the Top: The Key to Preventing Tax Fraud? Researchers Francesca Gino and Lisa Shu discuss whether governments and companies can bolster honesty simply by moving the honesty pledge and signature line to the top of the form, before people encounter the opportunity to cheat. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
August 5, 2015
Carmen Nobel
How Hormones Foretell Whether People Will Cheat There's a key link between our hormone levels and unethical behavior, according to new research by Francesca Gino, and colleagues. The good news: businesses can do something about it. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
November 14, 2011
Carmen Nobel
Creating a Global Business Code The turn of the 21st century has been laden with high-profile corporate scandals, prompting widespread concern about the standards of conduct followed by big business. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
April 20, 2011
Sean Silverthorne
Blind Spots: We're Not as Ethical as We Think Organizations can monitor how they are creating institutions, structures, and incentives that increase the likelihood of unethical actions, while individuals can "precommit" to intended ethical choices. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
May 5, 2014
Carmen Nobel
Reflecting on Work Improves Job Performance New research by Francesca Gino, Gary Pisano, and colleagues shows that taking time to reflect on our work improves job performance in the long run. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
December 5, 2011
Carmen Nobel
It's Alive!: Business Scholars Turn to Experimental Research Researchers use field and lab experiments to better understand the logic of real-world decisions, which sometimes fly in the face of established economic theory. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
May 2, 2010
Peggy Klaus
Ethical Behavior in the Workplace Was the economic meltdown caused by illegal activities or immoral practices? Do we apply a different standard of ethics in the workplace than we expect from each other in our private lives? mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
March 2, 2009
Sean Silverthorne
When Goal Setting Goes Bad Despite the mantra that goals are good, the process of setting beneficial goals is harder than it looks. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2003
Patricia Wallington
Honestly?! - Total Leadership Ethical behavior isn't easy, just essential. Here's how to run an honest organization and be an ethical leader. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
May 21, 2006
Michael Kinsman
Career Pros: Ethics Ought to Start at the Top If chief executive officers are only as effective as the people they surround themselves with, then doesn't it also follow that they are only as ethical as the people around them? mark for My Articles similar articles
October 1, 2002
Jeffrey L. Seglin
Ethics: Good for Goodness' Sake What we mean when we talk about ethics. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
September 2015
Charles L. Szews
Trust Plays Big Role in Corporate Culture In the defense industry, doing the right thing protects American lives and has national security implications. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2011
Chris Raymond
Ethical Leadership in a Global Marketplace Business has always been a contact sport. However, winning at any cost isn't winning at all. What's more, cutting ethical corners simply isn't necessary for the global defense industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
July 5, 2004
Mallory Stark
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HBS Working Knowledge
February 9, 2015
Carmen Nobel
Professional Networking Makes People Feel Dirty Francesca Gino and colleagues find that people avoid professional networking -- even though it's good for their careers -- because it makes them feel morally dirty. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2008
Hickey & Connolly
Codes of Conduct Don't Always Protect Reputation Alone, ethics codes will not protect an organization's reputation. Leadership is required. CEOs, boards, and every level of management, must vigilantly endeavor to steer their organizations clear of even appearances of questionable behavior. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
September 24, 2006
Michael Kinsman
Where to Draw the Line? Seemingly insignificant decisions we make every day are really tests to our personal ethics. HR employees, especially, must be constantly aware of the ethical decisions that are part of their jobs mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
April 2015
Dave Melcher
Understanding the Value of Ethics Surveys A healthy ethical culture is a critical component of all successful businesses, regardless of size or complexity. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
August 31, 2008
Michael Kinsman
Career Pros: Executives Set Ethical Standards By their example, management sets an organization's ethical compass. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
July 9, 2007
Behavior of Management, Supervisors Critical in Reinforcing Ethics Employed adults ranked the behavior of management and direct supervisors as the top two factors contributing to the promotion of an ethical workplace, according to a new survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
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September 2007
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HBS Working Knowledge
May 17, 2004
Manda Salls
Why We Don't Study Corporate Responsibility What can business do to improve social welfare? In fact, we don't know because too little study has been given the issue, argues Harvard professor Joshua Margolis and colleagues. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
February 22, 2011
Sean Silverthorne
The Most Important Management Trends of the (Still Young) Twenty-First Century Harvard faculty look backward and forward at the most important business trends of the young twenty-first century. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2004
Joe Reeder
Association Unveils New Ethics Code for Industry The National Defense Industrial Association's Ethics Committee has developed a benchmark statement of industry ethics for companies to incorporate into their day-to-day business. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
November 14, 2004
Carole Kanchier
Career Pros: A Question of Ethics Do you and your employer share the same moral values? Knowing your ethical boundaries as well as those of your organization is essential to working comfortably and with integrity. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
September 1, 2010
Maintaining a Culture of Compliance In order to sustain compliance it must become a core component of every company's training, sales processes, and incentive programs. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
January 2, 2012
Most Popular Articles of 2011 Our most-read articles of 2011 focused on how leaders can become better -- and what can lead to their downfalls. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
August 7, 2005
Bob Rosner
Working Wounded: Whatever Happened to Ethics? Given all the ethics training available today, why are there so many scandals in business? mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
October 4, 2010
Carmen Nobel
Introverts: The Best Leaders for Proactive Employees Introverts actually can be better leaders than extraverts, especially when their employees are naturally proactive. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
September 2005
Richard Hader
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HBS Working Knowledge
November 18, 2013
Michael Blanding
Pulpit Bullies: Why Dominating Leaders Kill Teams Power interrupts, and absolute power interrupts absolutely. Francesca Gino and colleagues discover that a high-powered boss can lead a team into poor performance. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2006
Norm Alster
I Am Joe's Conscience Employers are setting up ethics programs to teach workers to do the right thing. Is this the wrong approach? mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
May 5, 2011
How Ethical Can We Be? Two new books, "Blind Spots" and "Scorecasting," challenge our own belief that our decision making is unbiased. Is it possible to see through our own unethical behavior? mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
June 6, 2010
Peter Weddle
Making a Stand on Business Ethics With corporate crimes of fraud, greed, and unethical behavior alarmingly commonplace, a new type of career activism is emerging: employees who recognize that they serve their own best interests by respecting the best interests of everyone else. mark for My Articles similar articles
Terence Channon
Handling A Promotion Once a promotion arrives, so does the additional pay, the added responsibility and the greater advancement opportunities. But with all of the new benefits you should prepare for some pitfalls as well -- like jealous coworkers and your growing ego. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
Chris Sandlund
Trust Is a Must In the eyes of employees, investors, clients and the public at large, honesty is the only policy that will do. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2007
Paul Robinson
Ethics Training and Development in the Military While relatively new, formal military training programs for ethics have produced a number of common virtues that might provide a basis for a universal (military) code or ethic. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2006
Well, Honestly! Establishing ethics standards makes sense for your bottom line. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
April 2, 2008
Ethics Still a Hot-Button Issue in Philanthropy, New Survey Finds Percentage-based commissions paid to fundraisers tops the list of unethical fundraising behavior. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2015
Sandra Evers-Manly
An Ethical Culture: Own it, Live it, Lead it Anyone involved in ethics and compliance within the defense industry should know that to be truly effective, a corporate ethics program requires more than a "check the box" approach mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
September 17, 2012
Carmen Nobel
Blue Skies, Distractions Arise: How Weather Affects Productivity New studies show that workers are more productive on rainy days than on sunny ones. Does your office take advantage? mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
July 6, 2009
Martha Lagace
Conducting Layoffs: 'Necessary Evils' at Work When conducting layoffs, best practice for managers includes understanding yourself and recognizing your limitations. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 15, 2011
Travis Hoium
Are Corporate Ethics Dead? After the revelations of David Sokol's actions at Berkshire Hathaway, it appears not even the seemingly untouchable Warren Buffett is immune from the long reach of questionable behavior. mark for My Articles similar articles
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September 2005
Jennifer Vilaga
Making the Higher Call Decisions, decisions: an ethics course that won't put you to sleep: Ethical Fitness Seminar at the Institute for Global Ethics. mark for My Articles similar articles
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May 7, 2009
Sage Lewis
Make Sure Your Promotion Is Legal Jumping into sponsoring a promotion without first thinking through the potential legal issues involved could lead you into trouble. Here are some things to keep in mind. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Nichole L. Torres
Ethically Speaking What are today's students learning about business ethics? mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
August 1, 2011
Denise Federer
Guiding Choices to Secure A Client's Future As an advisor you have the potential to play a powerful role in guiding your clients to make tough choices and initiate steps that ensure their family's financial futures. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2003
Joshua Kurlantzick
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Kimberly L. McCall
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