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Bank Systems & Technology
March 27, 2008
Mike McDonough
Centralized and Single-Platform Operations Reduce Overall Trade Finance Risk Banks with centralized operations and banks with all of their operations on a single platform will have a distinct advantage because there is lower operational risk generally associated with these structures. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
January 6, 2009
Katherine Burger
Bank Technology Outlook 2009: Risky Business Topics and trends that will set the tone for banking technology decision makers in 2009, with risk management and regulation compliance looming large. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 16, 2011
Ebert et al.
Managing Regulatory Challenges in a Global Marketplace Meeting requirements in emerging markets makes regulatory compliance an increasingly difficult issue for manufacturers. A new study sheds light on the challenges and how leading companies are meeting them. mark for My Articles similar articles
T.H.E. Journal
November 2005
CELT National Education Summit '05 The Center for Education Leadership and Technology's October Cape Cod forum focuses on bridging the gap between education reform and technology. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
June 2010
Melanie Waddell
The Regulators Never Sleep The SEC and the CFTC have formed a joint committee that will address emerging regulatory issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
November 2010
Small Banks and Dodd-Frank: Ready or Not This summer's passage of the Dodd-Frank regulator reform law, and the impending Republican takeover of Congress, has left many small banks scrambling to react to impending regulatory demands. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
March 2010
Alan Kline
Dysfunction in D.C. The sight of Democrats cheering and Republicans sitting on their hands when the president plugged financial reform was disheartening to anyone who believes the system needs fixing. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
July 1, 2012
Five Questions With John Taft John Taft talks about his new book, Stewardship: Lessons Learned from the Lost Culture of Wall Street, and how advisors can help guide the industry toward rebuilding trust. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
April 3, 2008
Katherine Burger
No Surprises in Insurance Industry's Mixed Reception for Treasury Department's Endorsement of Optional Federal Charter Concerns about competitive advantage inspired the life insurance industry's welcome of the Treasury's call for an optional federal charter as part of broad regulatory reform proposals for financial services. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
2nd Quarter 2011
Jack Milligan
2011 Acquire Or Be Acquired Record crowd hears predictions of huge consolidation to come and focuses on growth and regulatory challenges. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 15, 2012
Sarah Johnson
An Emerging Concern CFOs must stay abreast of the number and impact of emerging risks, which are rapidly growing, say experts. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 7, 2013
InfoDesk Delivers Regulatory Monitoring Service Pharmaceutical companies collaborated with InfoDesk to develop Regulatory InfoMonitor, which is a regulatory affairs version of InfoMonitor, its newsletter service designed primarily for pharmaceutical clients. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2009
Sandra I. Erwin
Can Congress Keep Up the Pressure on Acquisition Reform? A recent groundswell of legislative and regulatory actions to reform Defense Department weapon acquisition practices may not lead to meaningful change if the efforts are not kept up for years to come mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 11, 2010
Jennifer Schonberger
A Rough New Year for Congress Let's preview the political implications for financial regulatory reform and the market. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
November 11, 2009
Maria Bruno-Britz
Banking Groups React to Sen. Dodd's Draft Regulatory Legislation With a Big 'No' Although organizations approve of the Senate's efforts, they say it goes too far in undermining those aspects of financial services that actually work. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
June 24, 2008
Kathy Martin
In Wake of Credit Crunch, Service Remains Key to Profits Even with the current shaking of the industry and profit margin compression, it is important to remember that customers still perceive that having someone to talk to -- someone available and concerned -- still drives the quality of the account relationship. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
January 2010
Rebecca Sausner
2010 IT Predictions And Resolutions These are some IT issues we're watching and betting that bankers will need, or ought, to take action on in 2010. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
January 2009
Melanie Waddell
Watch Out. Reform In on the Way As the New Year unfolds, one thing is certain: financial services regulatory reform will be hotly debated in the 111th Congress, and perhaps some reforms will actually be put into place. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
July 2009
Melanie Waddell
Regulatory Reform Angst It's clear that advisors are worried about the impact of regulatory reform measures. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
July 30, 2015
LexisNexis Acquires Legal Media Company MLex is a legal media organization that provides market insight, analysis, and commentary on regulatory risk. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
August 1, 2010
Sen. Tim Johnson
Coordinating Global Regulation Senator who helped hammer out the reform bill says this is just the beginning. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
September 4, 2007
Lynda M. Applegate
Jumpstarting Innovation: Using Disruption to Your Advantage Jumpstarting innovation is a critical business imperative. Executives realize that radical change is needed but do not feel equipped to make such change. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
February 1, 2007
Wolfgang Gaertner
Discipline and Growth Bank CIOs need to further reduce complexity in their systems' landscape to be more flexible and react faster to changing customer demands. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
July 1, 2009
Glenn G. Kautt
Survival of the Fittest The financial planning business is part of the evolving landscape, therefore we must do two things: Execute the current business plan for today and adapt a plan for tomorrow. mark for My Articles similar articles
Wall Street & Technology
January 5, 2007
Demand for Depository Receipts to Stay Strong According to a new report, global market consolidation will not spell the end for the international depository receipt as a financial instrument. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 25, 2009
Halah Touryalai
Regulation, Not Growth, Is Top Concern for RIAs Clients are demanding more of their time, revenues are taking a hit and on top of it all, there's potential for major regulatory changes in their industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
T.H.E. Journal
December 2004
Ramsay & Milton
A Vision for a Summit The Center for Education Leadership and Technology recently brought together school districts, vendors and professional organizations for a national summit on leadership, learning and technology for the 21st century. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
August 24, 2006
Katherine Burger
The Tough Get Going It's good to feel needed, and in banking these days perhaps no one is more valued than a capable technology executive. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
June 2009
Steve Culp
Integrating Risk Management with Financial Performance In addition to regulatory headwinds, U.S. banks will have to face a new vanguard of foreign competitors -- both domestically and abroad. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
2nd Quarter 2010
Jack Milligan
A Shot in the Arm The financial services industry needs a prescription for the mess that's been created because this is an industry that can't afford another crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
May 2009
Michael Sisk
The Repercussions of Reform After months of Congressional hearings, debates and some hysterics, only the broadest outlines of the new banking regulatory regime have emerged. mark for My Articles similar articles