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Nutrition Action Healthletter
December 1999
News From CSPI In the coming year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which publishes Nutrition Action Healthletter, will embark on a campaign to encourage Congress and the Administration to mount a major effort to improve the American diet. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2004
Nutrition: Tips for Improving Your Health Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. Good nutrition means eating foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, and foods that are not high in fat. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2006
Giving Your Child the Best Nutrition Raising a healthy, active toddler takes work, and parents need to know the best foods to give their child. Feeding toddlers isn't always easy, but knowing about nutrition and eating habits will help you make the best choices for your child mark for My Articles similar articles
Joshua Levine
Prevent A Heart Attack: Part II Yes -- you can lower your chances of getting heart disease by choosing your foods more wisely. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Q&A: Charcoal vs. Gas, Low-Fat Snacks & More What's better for your health - charcoal or gas barbecues?... How much fat/carbohydrates/protein should I be eating a day?... Is it better to drink juice than soda?... How can I deal with food cravings?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 12, 2002
Simon McNeil
11 Questions About Eating Right Here are some frequently asked questions followed by answers to help you debunk some health mysteries. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 1, 2003
Healthy Eating for Blood Pressure Control You can help lower your blood pressure by eating foods that are part of a healthy diet. If you want to keep your blood pressure normal, the best diet is one that is low in salt, sugar, and fat, and high in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. mark for My Articles similar articles
Dustin Driver
Painless Diets The following diets are fairly straightforward, easy to use and don't require any dubious miracle drugs, fasts or cult memberships. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
What It Takes to Lose Weight What does it take to lose weight?... How often should I eat?... What is so bad about high-fat foods?... Can I trust nutrition information I get from newspapers and magazines?... Will diet drugs help? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2003
Gestational Diabetes and Nutrition What is gestational diabetes?... How does gestational diabetes affect my baby and me?... Why is it important to follow a special diet during pregnancy?... What foods should I eat?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Raiswell
Eat Like The Japanese Here are a few basic tips you can follow to help you eat like the Japanese -- that is, healthier. It isn't particularly difficult and it will help change your diet for the better. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
Choosing the Right Diet to Lose Weight What kind of diet will help me lose weight?... Why am I overweight?... What kind of diet should I follow?... Won't it be hard to change my diet? mark for My Articles similar articles
January 4, 2001
Simon McNeil
Are Canned Foods Good For You? mark for My Articles similar articles
May 9, 2005
Catherine Arnst
Putting The New Food Pyramid To Work Here's how to use the USDA's food guidelines to cook up a beneficial diet. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 27, 2010
Selena Maranjian
Soft-Drink Profits May Fizzle Soon But growing resistance to sodas won't be the end of the world. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
May 17, 2003
Janet Raloff
School Lunches are Struggling to Earn High Marks In the nation's schools, the presence of sweet, high-fat snacks in vending machines and on cafeteria lines are undercutting efforts by those institutions to improve the nutrition of U.S. youngsters. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 15, 2004
Metabolic Syndrome: What Is It and What Can I Do About It? Metabolic syndrome (sometimes called syndrome X) is a group of risk factors for heart disease. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
October 2000
Michael F. Jacobson
News From CSPI What happens when nutrition meets money? Consider: More and more "independent" professional organizations, researchers, and "consumer" groups receive funding from industry, something many fail to disclose when they talk to journalists... mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
March 2011
Dave Fusaro
USDA and HHS Release 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans The final recommendations deviate little from last June's committee report, but they do go softer on sodium. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
December 2010
Diane Toops
Poll Indicates Adult Consumers Need More than Knowledge to Curb Obesity Behavior-changing knowledge alone is not enough to curb obesity, a poll seems to indicate. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
May 2000
Rating the Diet Books A comparison of various diet plans: What they recommend and how nutritionally balanced is it? mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
October 2009
Diane Toops
No Health Care Debate Over Food Amid the nationwide debate over health care, Americans appear to agree on one thing: Food is one tool they can use to improve their health. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2004
Why should I eat more fiber? Eating foods that are high in fiber can help relieve some problems with constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2001
Simon McNeil
The 10 Most Unhealthy Foods mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
Healthy Food Choices for Losing Weight What should I eat when trying to lose weight? mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
September 2007
Take Nutrition Claims with a Grain of Salt Dietary studies sponsored by the food industry are often biased. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 11, 2001
Simon McNeil
Healthy Snacking Most nutritionists will tell you that snacking regularly during the day is good for you. However, what they sometimes forget to mention are the types of snacks you should be consuming... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 21, 2001
Simon McNeil
Food Fads Revealed These days, meat's in one week and out the next, and keeping up with nutrition trends is like running on a hamster wheel -- you can work as hard as you can and you still won't get anywhere. Well, here's the final say on some of the most popular food fads and myths... mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
February 2006
David Feder
Well Noted: Tell Me What to Eat Where nutrition educators are struggling, manufacturers may be succeeding -- because the best way to get folks to eat healthier food is to put it in front of them. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
June 2006
Diane Toops
Toops Scoops: Our own worst enemies Consumers may fudge answers on healthy-eating surveys, but they also appear to know what they're supposed to eat and what to avoid. mark for My Articles similar articles
Seasoned Cooking
January 2006
Ronda L. Carnicelli
Slimming Your Refrigerator Tips and hints about how to put your refrigerator on a diet that will make living healthier easy for you and your family. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shaina Falcone
9 Bad Eating Habits To Avoid Lucky for you, you don't have to resort to a prehistoric lifestyle to break your bad eating habits; funneling unhealthy eating habits out of your life is easier and takes less time than you think. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 31, 2005
Michael Arndt
Needed: More Bite To Fight Fat Without stronger federal guidelines, foodmakers will keep pushing junk. mark for My Articles similar articles
Adrienne Turner
World's Healthiest Cuisines: Mediterranean & French America could stand a diet and lifestyle lesson from countries and regions that live healthier, fitter lives without trying half as hard. Best of all, following these diet tips from the Mediterranean region and France is easy. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 13, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
18 Common Diet Mistakes Although cutting back on desserts and checking the calorie and fat content on food labels is a great start when you're trying to get rid of those love handles, you may be making some unwise decisions without even realizing it. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 14, 2003
Sarah Keefe
Food Myths Destroyed - Part III Is juice healthier than soda?... Is it okay to pig-out after a workout?... Is red meat bad for you?... Can uncooked chicken be left on the counter?... Is sugar fattening?... Excessive sweating leads to weight loss... mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
January 2002
Michael F. Jacobson
News From CSPI Ornish, Diehl, and CSPI have shown that if the right message is delivered well, people will respond. I know how important it is to deal with bioterrorism, but we also need to prod the government to make a major investment in diet and exercise campaigns. mark for My Articles similar articles
Adrienne Turner
Carbs: Low Or Slow? Low-carb diets that have made bread, cereal and pasta the enemies for the last few years are losing their popularity. A new, more balanced way of eating is taking their place. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 15, 2003
Coronary Artery Disease: How Your Diet Can Help What is coronary artery disease?... What is cholesterol?... How does lowering LDL cholesterol help?... What foods should I add to my diet?... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 18, 2010
The Food Lobby Fights Back How food and drink companies responded to a federal advisory panel's recommendations on new dietary guidelines. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 15, 2004
Sticking to Lifestyle Changes: Healthy Eating How do I pick a healthy eating plan I can stick with?... What can I do to help me stick with this healthier eating program?... How do I keep from getting bored?... What happens if I slip?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2000
Food Choices to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer mark for My Articles similar articles
September 17, 2012
Tony Horton
Dietary Laws "I'm here to tell ya, supplementation is a beautiful thing, but unless it's paired with a healthy eating plan, it doesn't work." Welcome back to the 11 Laws of Nutrition. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 10, 2001
Simon McNeil
Calorie-Intake For Your Body Type No matter who you are or what kind of body type you have, there is one definite rule in this universe: you'll come out on top only if you're physically and mentally fit... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Gardening The Way to a Heart-Healthy Diet Fruits, grains, and vegetables are the key... mark for My Articles similar articles
Anthony Yeung
Healthy Dietary Fats Read on for the five best fatty foods to add to your diet to actually improve your fat-loss and feel better. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
July 6, 2009
USDA urged to reverse Bush-era gag rule preventing criticism of soda Bush-era rules at USDA prohibit states from using federal nutrition education funds for discouraging soda consumption, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is urging Secretary Tom Vilsack to reverse them. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
July 1999
Ten Tips for Staying Lean Tips for losing and gaining weight by modifying your diet. Includes table of calorie densities for various foods. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2003
Jacob Sullum
The Anti-Pleasure Principle The "food police" and the pseudoscience of self-denial mark for My Articles similar articles
April 25, 2005
David Kiley
French Women's Svelte Secret The advice in in the book French Women Don't Get Fat works anywhere: Buy fresh, season with love, savor the flavor, and shun fast food. mark for My Articles similar articles