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The Motley Fool
September 7, 2011
Dan Caplinger
Stop Picking at the Housing Carcass The latest attack on banks sounds reasonable but makes no sense. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 12, 2010
Morgan Housel
5 Questions for Bankers A gaggle of Wall Street bankers will be hauled before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission later this week. The topic: their role in blowing up the economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
February 1, 2010
Steven Sloan
Don't Expect Clarity From The Top The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's first public hearing gave the industry's top leaders an opportunity to express remorse for their role in the financial market collapse, but did little to enhance the public's understanding of the meltdown. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
March 2008
John Engen
The Politics of Lending Sen. John McCain took time to present his vision of a world with simplified mortgage applications, and even suggested that the government might need to jump in to help mitigate the worsening crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 30, 2007
Seth Jayson
Paulson's Plan to Punish the Public Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson's plan to protect homebuyers from their mistakes -- extending loan teaser rates for a few years -- will punish us all. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 30, 2009
David A. Geracioti
Government Regulators Are Not Gods The concept of some elite, enlightened government committee monitoring systemic risk, guiding the economy is as ridiculous as Obama's health care plan. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 17, 2009
Smith & Smith
Who's More to Blame: Congress or the Ratings Agencies? U.S. taxpayers have been handed a $700 billion TARP bill and told to bail out banks "too big to fail." Well, it was Congress who let the banks become too big in the first place. Or did the ratings agencies fail to provide in-depth and accurate analyses of the contents of mortgage-stuffed securities? mark for My Articles similar articles
December 17, 2009
Paul Barrett
A Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste This should have been the year of radical financial reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 10, 2009
Morgan Housel
Ex-Citigroup Chief: You're Right, That Was Dumb You should listen to him. John Reed's comments are one of the strongest signals yet that major bank reform is not only necessary, but gaining support. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 16, 2007
Seth Jayson
More Housing Hanky-Panky Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson views the housing decline and crisis as the most significant current risk to our economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
July 11, 2008
Tom Hutchinson
The Financial System Is Cracking Banking news: Things got worse in the credit crisis this week as the market speculated that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could need a government bailout. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 28, 2011
Alyce Lomax
Lessons From an "Avoidable" Crisis Solid corporate governance policies could help us avert the next disaster. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 28, 2011
Morgan Housel
Financial Crisis: The Greatest Hits The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's report, two years in the making, is a 623-page tome of everything you could ever want to know about the financial crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 19, 2009
Morgan Housel
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The Motley Fool
November 17, 2008
Alex Dumortier
Bank Execs Forgo Bonuses, but Does It Matter? Goldman Sachs announces that seven of its top executives, including CEO Lloyd Blankfein, will forgo bonuses this year. Expect others to follow. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
October 1, 2007
Big Boy Did It Who is at fault for the credit crisis caused by sub-prime loans gone bad? It could be you, or more precisely, your firm. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
July 16, 2010
Seth Jayson
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Registered Rep.
January 30, 2012
Kristen French
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The Motley Fool
June 25, 2010
Morgan Housel
Whom to Blame for the National Debt It's all about the revenue. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
February 21, 2008
Maria Bruno-Britz
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December 17, 2009
Peter Coy
Smile. The Economy Isn't in a Second Depression Don't get too angry over bailouts. That sort of rage could prevent a sustainable recovery. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 2, 2009
Smith & Barker
Who's More to Blame: Congress or the Repealers of the Glass-Steagall Act? Pick your poison! mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 9, 2008
Morgan Housel
How Did Freddie and Fannie Fall? In a word: ignorance. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 13, 2009
Anand Chokkavelu
The Biggest Cause of the Financial Crisis Based on readers votes, the repealers of the Glass-Steagall act are more to blame than any other culprit for this financial mess we're now in. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 24, 2009
Caplinger & Barker
Who's More to Blame: Derivatives or the Glass-Steagall Repeal? March Stock Madness -- Second Round: Which is bad, and which is worse? And which of these two things is more to blame for the crisis? mark for My Articles similar articles
September 25, 2006
Mara Der Hovanesian
Nightmare Mortgages Readers respond to a story on option ARMs, which struck a nerve with brokers, bankers, and consumers. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
May 2007
Thomas P. Vartanian
Crisis and Opportunity In Subprime Mortgage Markets Problems in the subprime mortgage business will inevitably lead to opportunities for those who can evaluate, service or manage the underlying loans, securities and real estate. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 8, 2004
Selena Maranjian
Most Companies Paid No Taxes During the 1996-2000 boom, more than 60% of U.S. firms didn't pay any taxes. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2008
Donald J. Boudreaux
The Coming Recession Seven observers debate the (sorry) state of the economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 9, 2010
Alex Dumortier
Does Goldman Sachs Need New Leadership? Is there a statesman in the house? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 12, 2006
Michael Mandel
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Financial Advisor
August 2009
Seth Becker
What Can We Do? The financial crisis shows that we must manage our own affairs -- responsibly and with restraint -- or someone will do it for us. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 28, 2001
Anthony York
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February 4, 2010
James Pressley
The Meltdown According to Hank Paulson How the former Treasury Secretary, exhausted and careworn, labored to save the financial system -- and made plenty of mistakes. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2010
Big Bad Bonuses? Pros and cons of bankers' bonuses: one defends bankers' bonuses; one says they are a symptom of a bigger problem -- reckless risk taking by big financial players. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 4, 2010
Alex Dumortier
What Buffett Didn't Tell Goldman's CEO Shortly after the SEC made public its fraud complaint against Goldman Sachs, CEO Lloyd Blankfein contacted Warren Buffett to ask for advice. Warren's been here before, but he's keeping mum. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 17, 2009
Mueller & Dumortier
Who's More to Blame: Mortgage Banking CEOs or Geeks Bearing Formulas? March Madness series: The financial crisis started right here, by giving a mortgage to anyone with a pulse. Or maybe it started with the model-building geeks in finance who made it possible for their banks to do the damage they did? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 1, 2010
Morgan Housel
Banks Aren't Lending? Says Who? The popular chant that "banks aren't lending, banks aren't lending!" is grossly misconstrued. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 25, 2009
Michael Mandel
Financial Rules: Why a Global Fix Is So Far Off The financial crisis just hasn't been bad enough for G-20 leaders to cede power to international regulators. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 8, 2008
Morgan Housel
Rating Agencies Begin to Come Clean If any group deserves the most blame for shady practices that gave credence to subprime debt, it might be the rating agencies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Kristen Armstrong
Avoid The Blame Game Some people are masters of evasion when it comes to accepting blame. There are some good ways to know when you should own up, and there are more than a few good reasons to stop. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 24, 2009
Smith & Bleeker
Who's More to Blame: Congress or the SEC? March Stock Madness -- Second Round: Let's bullet-point some of the failures of both Congress and the SEC to determine which is more to blame for the current crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 17, 2009
Morgan Housel
Who's More to Blame: The American Consumer or Wall Street? March Madness series: Wall Street says it's the fault of the American consumer, who was greedy and irresponsible. On the other hand, there's never been a time when Wall Street's complexity has exploded so while risk was completely ignored. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
July 2011
Phil Angelides
Four Steps to Reinvent the Financial Industry Have we learned the lessons of the financial crisis? The answer lies somewhere between no and not enough, says the author, who is a former chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 16, 2009
Katz & Harper
Bank Bonuses: The 'Fat Cats' Try to Look Slimmer The backlash over big bonuses has Goldman Sachs, for one, making changes. But they're mostly cosmetic mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 24, 2007
Tim Beyers
Quick Take: Have Banks Learned Nothing? When the subprime crisis first struck, Wall Street wondered whether it would spread to prime lenders such as Washington Mutual and Bank of America. Many investors appear to believe that it will. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 28, 2009
Morgan Housel
Goldman's New Golden Boy? Fortune magazine reports there's a 50-50 chance Alan Schwartz -- Bear Stearns' CEO at the time of collapse -- will be Goldman Sachs' newest investment banking employee. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 10, 2011
Alyce Lomax
Speaking of Debt... Beware the debt junkies of the corporate world. Investors should think long and hard about which stocks they snap up in the market's current turmoil. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2009
Stephen Fadel
A Searcher's Journey Through a Morass: Researching the Financial Crisis The economy during the past few months has been changing fast. Those maintaining information guides on the crisis will need to monitor changes in the crisis and add and remove resources when appropriate. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2008
Robert Kiyosaki
Don't Fear Failure One of the reasons so many people don't become entrepreneurs is because they're afraid of failing. They're afraid of making mistakes. They're afraid of losing money. But if people can't overcome these psychological fears, they'd be better off keeping their day jobs. mark for My Articles similar articles