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November 2011
Susan J. Ellis
Part-time Volunteer Management Means Equally Limited Volunteer Involvement, It is hardly news that the majority of people who lead volunteer involvement are expected to do so part-time. mark for My Articles similar articles
Susan J. Ellis
Prospective Volunteers Are Closer than You Think Ask yourself what you have done in the last year to make sure that you are really issuing an invitation to become a volunteer to the people in greatest proximity to you. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2012
Susan J. Ellis
What Would the Perfect Volunteer Involving Organization Look Like? Here is what I think an organization would look like if it practiced everything we preach about creative, welcoming, and effective volunteer management, led by a skilled director of volunteer involvement. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2012
Susan J. Ellis
End-of-Year Reports Can Illuminate Volunteer Achievements The invisibility of volunteers in many agency reports is matched only by the presentation of generally useless information about volunteers in other reports. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2014
Susan J. Ellis
Whom Don't We Ask to Volunteer? Consider where you recruit and what your expectations are of what applicants will look like. Don't limit your outreach and you'll be rewarded. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2011
Susan J. Ellis
I'll Never Understand Why Executives Still Don't Understand Here is the most succinct set of arguments for not ignoring volunteer involvement. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2010
Susan J. Ellis
The Correlation between Time Donors and Money Donors All research shows that people who volunteer tend to give more money to charity than people who do not. This often-quoted finding only tells part of the philanthropy story. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2012
Susan J. Ellis
Practicing What We Preach: Volunteers Helping Us, Too One of the enduring mysteries of the volunteer management field is how often those who lead volunteer efforts do not build a team of volunteers to help them in their important work. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2013
Susan J. Ellis
Education through Celebration on International Volunteer Managers Day It is important to let professional volunteer managers know that the spirit of volunteerism is enhanced and enabled by them -- and it is important to thank them. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2010
Susan J. Ellis
The Self-Directed Volunteer The author discusses what is meant by the "self-directed" volunteer and what this means for philanthropic organizations. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2014
Susan J. Ellis
Let's Help People Help Each Other Jayne's Cravens' story of informal volunteering in a neighborhood made me consider some challenging questions for those of us in volunteer resources management. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2008
Susan J. Ellis
From Organizing Charity to Building Community The challenge for volunteer resource managers is how to redirect the giving model to one that focuses instead on community building. This requires moving from concentrated holiday events to year-round support. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2014
Susan J. Ellis
It's Time to Discuss the Complex Relationship of Volunteering and Money We constantly fight the attitude that "volunteers are free," but money is connected to volunteering in complex ways. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2014
Susan J. Ellis
Identifying Who Is and Is Not a "Volunteer" I suspect that every reader has engaged in this sort of discussion/debate/argument more than once. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2006
Susan J. Ellis
Together We Stand: Volunteers and Volunteer Resource Managers Connected Frontline volunteers and boardroom volunteers are more alike than different, and the principles of effective volunteer administration apply to each group. mark for My Articles similar articles
Susan J. Ellis
Volunteers and the Quest for Innovation Are we inventing bigger and better Band-Aids for the symptoms rather than eliminating the root causes of seemingly intractable problems? mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2014
Susan J. Ellis
What Did You and Volunteers Do Well this Year? 2014 is rapidly coming to an end. Before you consider making any resolutions for the new year, use December as an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
August 16, 2011
Orienting and Training Volunteers for Success All volunteers should go through orientation to the organization and at least some training for their roles as volunteers. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2014
Susan J. Ellis
I Really Want to Know: What's Going on Out There? Here are a few of the ideas from the past few years that I really love as concepts. Have you (or someone you know) tried any of them? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2013
Susan J. Ellis
The Treasure Trove of Knowledge Philanthropists This month our colleagues at Vantage Point in Vancouver, BC, Canada are releasing a new book, The Abundant Not-for-Profit by Colleen Kelly and Lynda Gerty. Inspirational and practical, the book argues for a transformation in thinking about volunteers. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2012
Susan J. Ellis
Why Do We Love Volunteer Satisfaction Surveys? How did we arrive at this particular method of assessing success with volunteers? Do such surveys reveal anything meaningful about the value of volunteer contributions? mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2013
Susan J. Ellis
Strategic Volunteer Management: Expanding Your Organization's Brain The problem in volunteer management is not that our organizations are without strategies of various sorts; it's that volunteers are not naturally integrated into those strategies even as an operational tactic. mark for My Articles similar articles
Susan J. Ellis
Volunteering and Employability: Cause or Effect? Most of us in volunteer management support the observation that volunteering builds resumes, provides career exploration, and demonstrates each volunteer's abilities, but can we make the case that volunteering directly affects employability? And is that the point? mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2007
Susan J. Ellis
The Moral Obligation of Volunteer Recruitment Promises Recruiting volunteers to contribute their time and effort to your organization puts you in the middle of an implied promise. mark for My Articles similar articles
Susan J. Ellis
Should We Cap the Number of Hours a Volunteer May Serve Each Week? New volunteers may start off gung-ho and promise many hours before they know what they will experience. So I like the practice of setting an initial limit of maximum time until the situation evolves and looks to be successful. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2006
Susan J. Ellis
The Implications of History Volunteering lessons gleaned from the newest edition of By the People: A History of Americans as Volunteers. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2010
Susan J. Ellis
AmeriCorps and Senior Corps Targeting Volunteer Management The most popular capacity building option among both charities and congregations with social service outreach activities is the addition of a one-year, full-time volunteer with a living stipend (like an AmeriCorps member), with responsibility for volunteer recruitment and management. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2011
Susan J. Ellis
My Personal "State of the World's Volunteering" Report On December 5th, International Volunteer Day, United Nations Volunteers is set to issue its State of the World's Volunteering Report, officially bringing to a close the 2011 International Year of Volunteers + 10. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2007
Susan J. Ellis
Should Volunteer Program Managers Be Volunteers, Too? There's never been a better time to volunteer for a volunteer management network - and that's true in a range of countries around the world, many of whom are nurturing embryo associations right now. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2006
Susan J. Ellis
Wouldn't It Be Nice to Really Know.... Trends in volunteering are reported largely based on observation and anecdotes rather than on hard data. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2005
Susan J. Ellis
Mobile Volunteers - `Tis the Season In the past, one simply wished vacationing volunteers a good time and hoped they'd return in a few months. But if the person is going to have access to a computer and the Internet while away, consider a virtual assignment. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2012
Susan J. Ellis
Let's Be Honest about Nonprofit Boards of Directors (or, Lessons to Be Learned from Penn State) The scandal at Penn State may have begun as a horrifying case of unstopped pedophilia, but ultimately it has become an example of very poor governance. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2009
Susan J. Ellis
The Difference between Needing and Wanting Volunteers A few measures of true willingness to find the full range of resources to help meet your organization's mission and serve the most people in the best ways. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Susan J. Ellis
Charity Burnout? How to Cope with the Impact of Mother Nature in 2005 The huge commitment of time and money to so many areas needing disaster relief has a ripple effect on volunteer recruitment and fundraising for "everyday," local organization needs. Here are some suggestions to cope during tight times. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2013
Susan J. Ellis
What Volunteer Resources Managers Can Teach Human Resources Managers Volunteer resources managers are constantly being told what we can learn from professionals in personnel or human resources. Maybe it's time we tell HR what they can learn from us. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
July 31, 2006
Online Volunteering: Factors for Success A new study examines the potential benefits of cultivating online volunteers and the necessary infrastructure and capacity organizations need to effectively employ these volunteers. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2014
Susan J. Ellis
Virtual Volunteering Revisited Some people will volunteer solely online, others will combine a virtual component with an onsite placement, and others may do their service totally hands on. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2011
Susan J. Ellis
Celebrate Collective Accomplishments, Not Volunteered Time Volunteer recognition is a powerful tool for leaders of volunteers that remains largely underutilized. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2008
Susan J. Ellis
Replacing Volunteers with Paid Staff When and how is it legitimate to place employees into roles traditionally held by volunteers? This is an emerging trend that deserves attention. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2008
Susan J. Ellis
Is the Rising Cost of Gas a Crisis or an Opportunity for Volunteering? I haven't really heard much discussion yet about the effect of gasoline prices today, but it has to be an issue that will soon surface. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Susan J. Ellis
Strength in Numbers: Engaging Volunteers as Partners in Program Development There is a specific form of volunteer involvement that has great potential as a tool for internal advocacy: activating a visible team of volunteer representatives. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2007
Susan J. Ellis
Boards of Directors: Governing at a Distance? What began as a legitimate concern to avoid micro-managing in favor of long-range planning has instead served to distance board members from first-hand understanding of the organizations they lead. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2007
Susan J. Ellis
Make New Friends, but Keep the Old... For volunteer organizations, it is important to find ways to revitalize the involvement of inactive members. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
January 22, 2007
Survey Examines Corporate Support of Employee Volunteers in Canada Most corporations and businesses in Canada encourage or accommodate their employee volunteer activities during work hours, although the manner and extent of the support varies widely, according to a new survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2010
Susan J. Ellis
Reimagining Service: Is Corporate HR Management What We See? If you see volunteer management as just HR management, then you will love Reimagining Service, which promotes the idea of applying private sector human resources practices to nonprofit organizations. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2005
Susan J. Ellis
Save a Life, Win a Car! When Do Incentives to Volunteer Cross the Line? Perhaps the diehard volunteers who want to give back to someone that has helped them will continue without perks, but the casual or more transitory volunteer will be siphoned off. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2012
Susan J. Ellis
Volunteering is Inherently Political What would happen if we intentionally appealed to the political motivations of prospective volunteers? Instead of recruiting mainly by expressing the needs of our organizations and clients, we might put our work into a broader community perspective. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2009
Susan J. Ellis
Confidentiality and Other Objections to Volunteers It's easy for staff in our organizations to stop any creative idea involving volunteers from going forward. They just have to raise one of the following objections: mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2010
Susan J. Ellis
Differentiating Volunteering and Working for Pay The distinctions between the two groups are vital because we need both for different reasons. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2012
Susan J. Ellis
Common Sense and Volunteer Involvement I am very interested in what you have to share as your examples of lack of common sense when it comes to decisions affecting volunteers. mark for My Articles similar articles