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April 11, 2013
Brett Smiley
TRX Training I didn't expect that two straps suspended from a beam overhead could generate such a diversity of exercises and inflict a world of pain. The TRX system (Total Body Resistance eXercise) was developed by a Navy SEAL with nothing but an old jiujitsu belt and parachute webbing he hung from a door. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 7, 2013
James Fell
Sibel Kekilli Sibel Kekilli has to keep fit because she plays Shae on Game of Thrones. She is fond of the TRX, a suspension training system invented by a former Navy Seal. mark for My Articles similar articles
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James Fell
Efficient Workout I don't care what it is you do to work out. In an age when only about 20% percent of people get any exercise at all (and only 5% get a considerable amount), simply doing anything is what matters. mark for My Articles similar articles