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Simon McNeil
Lose The Fat Generally, fat consumption is the most important component that needs monitoring in a diet designed for weight loss. But many say that the amount of calories is the most important measurement. The truth is, the ideal is to monitor both. Here are some guidelines. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 14, 2003
Evan Campbell
Fitness Top 10: Healthiest Junk Food No matter how much you vow to stay away from junk food, every once in a while, you crack and give into temptation. Alleviate some of the guilt by learning what to indulge in when you do. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 13, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
12 Foods You Probably Think Are Healthy If you're trying to lose those love handles, you've probably been avoiding cheesecake and fries. Although this is definitely a good start, there are many other foods out there that may seem "safe" when, in fact, they are actually very high in calories or fat. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 5, 2002
Sabrina Rogers
9 High-Protein Snacks Busy men are always looking for nutritious snacks to eat on the go. Unfortunately, many of you end up grabbing high-carb, high-fat and low-protein convenience store snacks, which are terrible nutritional choices. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
February 2001
Don't Say Cheese Just one ounce of full-fat cheese can have as much as six grams of artery-clogging saturated fat---a third of a day's worth. Switch to reduced-fat cheese and you can reduce your sat fat intake dramatically... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2007
Camille Noe Pagan
Bad Foods That Are Actually Great for Your Waist You don't have to give up treats like ice cream and pizza. Here's how they can help you stay trim. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2008
Learn to Substitute Cut your calories with this food-swap guide and chart. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2006
Simon McNeil
Eating For Lean Body Mass Here are a few simple guidelines on how much fat, protein and calories a healthy person should consume. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 16, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
Eat Out & Still Lose Weight If you're sick and tired of holding back from eating what you really want at restaurants for fear of packing on extra pounds, I have some good news for you. It is possible to both enjoy the good stuff when eating out and still lose weight -- that is, if you follow a few key strategies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Abigail Ekue-Smith
The Perfect Diet Forget fad dieting; follow these tips on adopting the perfect diet. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
Healthy Food Choices for Losing Weight What should I eat when trying to lose weight? mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
October 1999
Right Stuff vs. Food Porn Land O' Lakes Fat Free Half & Half...Pizza Hut's Big New Yorker Pizza mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
November 1999
Ingrid VanTuinen
The Best and Worst Breakfasts We examined popular breakfast items from fast-food chains, sit-down restaurants, and supermarkets. The results should sound a wake-up call... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 16, 2003
Evan Campbell
Fitness Top 10: Most Unhealthy Snacks It's 4 p.m., and it seems like your lunch hour was ages ago. You're hungry and you need to eat something right now. But before you grab whatever is most readily available, know the 10 most unhealthy snacks, and make sure that you choose to scarf down something else instead. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Worst Fast Food Choices Certain fast food items contain more fat and calories than some people eat in an entire day. Even items that seem healthy can be packed with calories, fat, sodium, and other unhealthy things. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 29, 2001
Simon McNeil
The Perfect 7-Day Diet Hopefully, with these quick and easy meal ideas, you'll never have to go on a strict diet again. And always remember to keep exercising at least 30 minutes a day for 3 days a week, to keep that extra weight off... mark for My Articles similar articles
January 18, 2001
Simon McNeil
Deciphering What Food Labels Really Mean Nowadays, many men pay close attention to what they eat on a daily basis. After all, we want to look and feel our best for the ladies, right? The problem, though, is that we tend to become confused as soon as we read the labels on food products... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 11, 2002
Sebastien Stefanov
Your Fast Food Calorie Counter Do you really want to know how many calories certain fast foods contain? Well, when you finally understand what you're putting in your system, only then will you consider changing your fat-eating ways... mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
September 1998
Bonnie Liebman & Jayne Hurley
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Shannon Clark
How To: Make Healthy Food Unhealthy In your quest to get ripped and muscular, you make sure to take the time to carefully prepare your meals as healthily as possible. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 13, 2003
Anne Tergesen
The Fine Art of Finding the Fat Trans-fats won't be listed on all food items till 2006. Here's how to spot them now. mark for My Articles similar articles
Vince Del Monte
Diet To Build Muscle The average hard-training individual will need to consume at least 10 calories per pound of body weight just to meet their daily basal metabolic requirement. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
September 1998
Right Suff -v- Food Porn Subway, 7 subs with 6 grams of fat or less...Big King, Cini-minis mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 15, 2006
Keeping Your Heart Healthy Through Good Nutrition and Exercise An informative patient guide offering healthy food choices along with foods to avoid in the various food groups as well as exercise recommendations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
May 2000
Rating the Diet Books A comparison of various diet plans: What they recommend and how nutritionally balanced is it? mark for My Articles similar articles
November 21, 2002
Sabrina Rogers
12 Ways To Avoid Weight Gain On Holidays This year, don't stuff your face while telling yourself that you'll deal with all the extra weight after the New Year: There are ways you can prevent overeating and weight gain during the holidays. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2008
Your What-to-Eat Guide From breakfast to dessert, here's your complete eating strategy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shannon Clark
Abs Diet Commandments If you're on a mission this summer to get cut and achieve that ripped set of six pack abs, there are some important abs diet commandments that you must follow. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Top 10 Energy & Protein Bars When you're on the go and looking for a quick, healthy snack, a nutrition bar can be a good option. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2000
Choosing Healthy, Low-Fat Foods Eating healthy foods doesn't mean losing flavor. You can choose and prepare low-fat foods that your family will enjoy.... mark for My Articles similar articles
John Romaniello
Body Recomposition Body recomposition (the term we use for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain) isn't impossible; it's just tricky. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 29, 2013
James Fell
Why Fat Makes You Fat Protein has the highest satiety factor of the three macronutrients. Carbohydrates come second, and fat is hardly satiating at all. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Top 10 Pre-Workout Foods In addition to ensuring that you are properly hydrated before and after exercising, you need to eat the right foods beforehand in order to maximize your efforts and results. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 24, 2001
Simon McNeil
Fast Food, Fast Calories Some very eye opening and interesting information about fast food joints and the ill-health effects of over-consumption of fast food... mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Top 10 Recovery Foods If you work out seriously, whether it's running, weightlifting or any other intense sport, you have to make sure that you're giving your body the fuel and nutrients it needs to recover adequately from the effort. mark for My Articles similar articles
Adrienne Turner
7 Desserts You Shouldn't be Eating The worst desserts you can eat if you're trying to lose your gut -- and some healthier alternatives. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter Rate Your Restaurant Diet A quiz to help you size up what you eat away from home... mark for My Articles similar articles
John Romaniello
Fat Is Good For You There is not sufficient evidence to support current guidelines advising us all to cut down on saturated fat mark for My Articles similar articles
Jeff Bayer
Creating A Mass-Building Diet On A Budget Creating a mass-building diet on a budget is much easier than expected -- with these tips. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shannon Clark
Ab Foods When it comes to getting ripped abs, your diet plays an extremely large role. Regardless of what type of program you are following, if you aren't eating ab foods, you aren't seeing results. It's really that simple. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
November 2000
Greek Food: a Mediterranean Mixed Bag A look at the fat and sodium content for various popular Greek foods. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jeff Bayer
Protein Loading Overall, there are good reasons to bring your protein intake higher than normal, but you can take this too far. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 3, 2001
Joshua Levine
Xenical: The Fat Buster If you are overweight, or have a loved one who is, then read on and discover the "wonder drug" called Xenical... mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2006
Easy Cheesecake Squares Nutritional Comparison: Before, 117 calories -- After, 97 calories. Recipe follows. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 13, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
18 Common Diet Mistakes Although cutting back on desserts and checking the calorie and fat content on food labels is a great start when you're trying to get rid of those love handles, you may be making some unwise decisions without even realizing it. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 20, 2002
Sebastien Stefanov
Can Fat Be Healthy? Fat doesn't just fall under one simple category; it is comprised of three main groups -- monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated -- each with its advantages and disadvantages. To solve the mystery that is fat, let's examine each category one by one. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2001
Simon McNeil
The 10 Most Unhealthy Foods mark for My Articles similar articles
December 20, 2001
Sebastien Stefanov
Staying Lean On The Holidays This article lists some of the worst holiday foods out there and offer a few alternatives in their stead... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 9, 2000
Simon McNeil
Great Desserts Without The Fat Donuts, ice cream and candies -- we're a nation addicted to junk food and our habit is killing us. An astonishing one-third of the average American's diet is junk food, and the other two-thirds doesn't cut it nutritionally... mark for My Articles similar articles
Anthony Yeung
Healthy Dietary Fats Read on for the five best fatty foods to add to your diet to actually improve your fat-loss and feel better. mark for My Articles similar articles