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Finance & Development
September 2010
S. Raihan Zamil
Judgment Day Changing the rules alone cannot make the financial system safe. The judgment of banking supervisors is crucial. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 2009
S. Raihan Zamil
Too Big to Ignore Oversight of systemically important banks must be reevaluated mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2009
Andrew Crockett
Rebuilding the Financial Architecture What needs to be done to strengthen financial regulation and supervision? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2000
Tomas J.T. Balino & Angel Ubide
The New World of Banking Four trends are fundamentally altering the financial world: consolidation of institutions, globalization of operations, development of new technologies, and universalization of banking. Each of these poses challenges for the effective supervision and regulation of the financial sector.... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2002
Das et al.
Financial Regulators Need Independence Granting more operational autonomy to the agencies that keep an eye on the financial sector can bolster financial stability. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2009
Amar Bhattacharya
A Tangled Web Everyone agrees on reforming the governance of financial markets, but who will do what remains unclear. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2008
Noel Sacasa
Preventing Future Crises The financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in the current regulatory and supervisory frameworks and made it clear that we are in need of regulatory reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 14, 2003
Basel and the Evolution of Capital Regulation: Moving Forward, Looking Back How much capital is enough? How bank regulators have answered this question during the post World War II period has been shaped by two contending strands of thought. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2002
Nsouli & Schaechter
Challenges of the "E-Banking Revolution" Electronic banking is the wave of the future. It provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of the ease and cost of transactions. But it also poses new challenges for country authorities in regulating and supervising the financial system and in macroeconomic policy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2009
Kodres & Narain
What Is to Be Done While there is enough blame to pass around, one key contributor to the global financial crisis was inadequate regulation. The scope of financial regulation needs to be revamped and the provision of liquidity improved. Here's how. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 2010
Risky Business Global banks will adapt to the new international rules on capital and liquidity, but at what cost to investors and the financial system? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2008
Ingves & Lind
Stockholm Solutions A crucial lesson from the Nordic experience is the need for prominent state involvement in crisis resolution. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
1st Quarter 2011
Jack Milligan
In the Eye of the Storm Former Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan speaks candidly about the financial crisis of 2008, the landmark Dodd-Frank Act and the need for minimum loan underwriting standards for the banking industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2009
Randall Dodd
Overhauling the System The United States is proposing the most radical reform of financial regulation since the New Deal. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2000
Robert Rennhack
Banking Supervision Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, like other emerging markets, have experienced banking system difficulties that have hampered growth and generated fiscal costs as high as 10 to 20 percent of GDP and even more. Many countries have improved their banking systems, but further reform is needed. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
November 2009
Kaper & Hopkins
Dodd's Power of Persuasion Facing long odds, the Banking Committee Chairman builds support for a plan to create a prudential regulator. But would a single agency kill the dual banking system? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
William Poole
Principles for Reform In designing new policies for the financial sector, old-fashioned ideas are important. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
May 2010
Rob Garver
No Regulatory Relief in Sight Five new rules have taken effect since Jan. 1 and at least eight more are on the way. The onslaught is posing immense challenges for banks trying to keep up. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
August 2010
Mark W. Olson
Endangered Species: The State Banking Charter Should state legislatures continue to see value in funding their state bank regulators, the charter in those states would continue to have viability. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
Cem Karacadag & Michael W. Taylor
Toward a New Global Banking Standard: The Basel Committee's Proposals The Basel Committee's new capital framework proposals will have important implications for developed and developing countries alike. Although many details remain to be worked out, it is not too early for countries to start preparing for the proposals' implementation. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
April 23, 2008
Dwight Crane
The Gap in the U.S. Treasury Recommendations U.S. Treasury recommendations for strengthening the regulation of the financial system are a good start but fall short, says Harvard Business School professor emeritus Dwight B. Crane. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
June 18, 2009
Maria Bruno-Britz
The Financial Industry Reacts to Obama Regulatory Proposal Although most agree with the general principles outlined in the President's financial reform plan, they find several sticking points -- and IT won't be immune. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
June 22, 2009
Roger Thompson
"Too Big To Fail": Reining In Large Financial Firms The federal government should slap tough new regulations on all firms that pose "systemic risk" - the risk that a failure of one institution could wreak havoc across the entire financial system. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
August 1, 2010
Sen. Tim Johnson
Coordinating Global Regulation Senator who helped hammer out the reform bill says this is just the beginning. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2000
Roger Nord
Central and Eastern Europe and the New Financial Architecture As the Central and Eastern European countries prepare to join the European Union, they are participating in worldwide efforts to strengthen the global economy... mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
January 6, 2009
Katherine Burger
Bank Technology Outlook 2009: Risky Business Topics and trends that will set the tone for banking technology decision makers in 2009, with risk management and regulation compliance looming large. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
2nd Quarter 2010
Jack Milligan
A Shot in the Arm The financial services industry needs a prescription for the mess that's been created because this is an industry that can't afford another crisis. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 27, 2009
The Treasury Answers Fools' Questions Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Neal Wolin answers Motley Fool readers' questions regarding regulatory reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2010
Duvvuri Subbarao
Redefining Central Banking Central banks must distill lessons from the global crisis and make concrete reforms. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
3rd Quarter 2009
John Berlau
Overregulation Plan Won't Fix Financial Crisis Initial reports indicate that these early hopes of a more accountable regulatory structure from the Obama administration have been dashed. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Wim Fonteyne
EU: From Monetary to Financial Union The choice is not between a centralized and a decentralized framework, but about the degree of centralization that will give Europe the best tools to manage risks to its financial stability without impeding the integration process itself. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
April 23, 2002
Parallel-Owned Banking Organizations This statement discusses the characteristics of parallel-owned banking organizations, reviews potential risks associated with these banking organizations, and provides information on supervisory issues... mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
May 8, 2007
Nancy Feig
Technological Improvements Crucial To Greater Transparency In Banking Supervision Traditional approaches to government supervision of banks may actually hurt development and lead to greater corruption in lending in some countries, according to research. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
November 11, 2009
Maria Bruno-Britz
Banking Groups React to Sen. Dodd's Draft Regulatory Legislation With a Big 'No' Although organizations approve of the Senate's efforts, they say it goes too far in undermining those aspects of financial services that actually work. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
September 28, 1999
Risk-Based Capital: Joint Statement As part of their efforts to foster readiness for year 2000, the Federal banking agencies have issued guidance to banking organizations calling for the development of contingency plans to address funding, liquidity, and other issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
November 3, 2000
Risk-Based Capital--Simplified Framework for Non-Complex Institutions Currently, banks and thrifts are required to maintain minimum levels of risk-based capital under a framework established by the 1988 Capital Accord. The Agencies believe that the size, complexity, and risk profile of many banking institutions may warrant the application of a simplified capital framework. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 1, 2010
Vincent Ryan
Making Sense of Bank Reform The Dodd-Frank Act is arguably as inscrutable as the institutions and instruments it is supposed to fix. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
November 2004
Daniel Drosdoff
Unshackling the Banks A new IDB study urges Latin American governments to create environments where credit can thrive. mark for My Articles similar articles
OCC Bulletin
July 15, 1999
Summary of the Basel Committee's Consultative Document: "A New Capital Adequacy Framework" The paper describes a framework for bank supervision and regulation that contains three "pillars" -- a regulatory capital minimum, an enhanced supervisory review process, and more effective use of market discipline through disclosure. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Gulde & Pattillo
Adding Depth Africa can achieve even higher economic growth through financial sector reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
4th Quarter 2010
John R. Engen
Back in the Saddle Former FDIC chairman Bill Isaac has taken the reins as the new chairman of Fifth Third Bancorp. Here, he talks about his career, growing the bank, and why, in his view, Dodd-Frank is an unmitigated disaster. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
August 2009
John Engen
How Banking Will Change A few years from now, just how much will the crisis have changed the environment banks compete in, and the way they go about their business? mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
November 20, 2009
Melanie Rodier
Bank Enforcement Cease and Desist Actions Quickly Rising The financial crisis is causing a dramatic rise in the number of cease and desist orders by bank regulators and should be a warning sign for bank managers and directors. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
2nd Quarter 2009
Jack Milligan
Scrambling for Solutions Get ready for the mother of all lobbying battles in Washington later this year when the Obama administration starts pushing its reform agenda for financial regulation in the U.S. Congress. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
May 2009
Michael Sisk
The Repercussions of Reform After months of Congressional hearings, debates and some hysterics, only the broadest outlines of the new banking regulatory regime have emerged. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Director
3rd Quarter 2010
Jonathan Joseph
Return of the Fortress Balance Sheet Since traditional noncumulative perpetual preferred stock is treated as Tier 1 capital, it should be considered to improve capital strength. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 2010
Good for Growth? The spread of Islamic banking can spur development in countries with large Muslim populations. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 28, 2010
Mark T. Williams
The G-20 Superpowers Should Learn From Canada Canada has been the gold standard of banking prudence. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2011
Looking Under the Hood Bank capital ratios have improved since the crisis, but mainly because banks are lending less. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
May 2006
Conrad et al.
Power, Progress and Public Responsibility A look at the people, organizations and events of historical significance whose individual and collective influence helped banking evolve to what it is today. mark for My Articles similar articles