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September 28, 2011
Michael Friedenberg
The CIO vs. CFO: Dueling Surveys Debate Who's in Charge of IT CIO magazine says most CIOs authorize IT spending, but a Gartner survey says more CFOs do. Who's right? mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2002
Carol Zarrow
What's Wrong with This Picture? CIOs are poor relations compared with their colleagues in the executive suite. CIOs make significantly less than their CEO, CFO and COO. Even at the higher end of the scale, CIOs are still at a disadvantage... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2004
Laton McCartney
The Great Divide Or, what your CIO would really like to say to you if only the job market were better. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 1, 2003
Lorraine Cosgrove Ware
What You Have to Say - Survey Results A year after our first "State of the CIO" survey, more than 500 IT leaders tell us they're spending more time on alignment and less time on staffing and new technologies. And, needless to say, they're still wrestling with scarce resources. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 26, 2012
Fred O'Connor
Five Tips for Dealing with Your CFO CFOs are increasingly calling the shots, which means CIOs are reporting to them, not the CEO. Do you know how to talk business in a way they'll understand? If you're all about the tech, the answer is no. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 15, 2002
Ken Denman
Bottom-Line Redux When budgets come under fire, CIOs should mimic their peers... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2002
Edward Prewitt
The State of the CIO The 2002 State of the CIO special report describes a job role in transition... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2002
Lorraine Cosgrove Ware
Salary CIOs comfortably crack six figures but still take home a lot less than other executives... mark for My Articles similar articles
July 15, 2002
Derek Slater
Get in Touch with Your Inner CFO How can the CIO and CFO quit arguing and come together? Who better to tell us than leaders who have lived both roles simultaneously. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 15, 2003
Stephanie Overby
The Incredible Shrinking CIO Their budgets have been cut, their work's been outsourced, their staff's been downsized, and they've been pushed off the executive team. Their status within the enterprise has suffered. That's dumb. And for CIOs, not fighting back would be dumber. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 26, 2013
Lauren Brousell
Door Opens for More Female CIOs at Universities The decline in the percentage of university CIOs who are women may be reversed as more male CIOs retire, a new study says. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 15, 2003
Julie Hanson
Think Like a CFO Leave it to an IS professor to state it definitively: The trend of focusing IT spending on capital projects and not integrating that spending into set budgets is over. That makes it even more important for CIOs to know how to think like a CFO. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 17, 2003
Russ Banham
The Power of 3 One way to bridge the CFO-CIO divide: Bring a third party into the conversation. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2, 2010
Kim S. Nash
Taking Business Risks With Your IT Budget New IT-enabled business models can be created only when CIOs take risks, says Vinnie Mirchandani, an expert in outsourcing and author of a book on disruptive technologies. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2001
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September 1, 2001
Lorraine Cosgrove Ware & Ben Worthen
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Raghavan Rajaji
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Johnson & Levien
CIO's December 2009 Economic Impact Survey Results Exclusive survey of heads of IT suggests budgets are continuing to stabilize and large companies, at least, are opening their checkbooks mark for My Articles similar articles
December 1, 2011
David Rosenbaum
CFOs and CIOs: Can We Talk? The CFO-CIO relationship is becoming increasingly bumpy. Executives who have worked in both finance and technology offer advice on smoothing things out. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 1, 2012
Gary Beach
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March 1, 2002
Kaplan & Prewitt
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March 1, 2002
The 2002 State of the CIO Survey Our survey findings highlight the fact that the CIO's time is spent more on strategy than pure technology... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2002
Tom Field
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September 15, 2001
Gary Beach
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Bill Bulkeley
What CFOs Need to Hear about Cloud Computing and Consumer IT Cloud computing and consumerization of IT change how you buy and budget for technology. Here's how to talk about it with the CFO. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 11, 2009
Kim S. Nash
One in Four CIOs Fired for Performance Poor performance puts the CIO's job on the line, says a new survey. But there are ways to avoid that fate. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 28, 2010
Martha Heller
Taking on IT Leadership in a New World CIOs must serve internal - even technical - needs while focusing on external value if they are to be the IT leaders their businesses need. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 29, 2015
Adam Hartung
Today's CIO is in a great position to be a future CEO COOs and CFOs do pretty much what they did in the 1980s. But IT chiefs have evolved to become strategic thinkers who can guide their companies to the digital future. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2004
Scott Leibs
We'll Deal, but Will We Manage? While there are many reasons why CFOs now play a larger role in IT strategy than ever before, the staggering cost of technology remains the biggie. True, IT has come to dominate the capital budgets of most companies. And true, when you're a CFO, finance is your middle name. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
September 22, 2008
Maria Bruno-Britz
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September 15, 2005
Michael Schrage
Contract Sadness Too many CIOs cut enterprise software deals that look fabulous to the CEO and CFO but commit the people who do the real work to a nightmare of unrealistic expectations. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 28, 2009
Mid-Market CIO Wish List for Vendors Although relationships between mid-market CIOs and their IT vendors have generally improved, there is still a significant disconnect between what CIOs want and what their vendors deliver. Top requests include tailoring offerings and better communication. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2004
Christopher Koch
The Sarbox Conspiracy Sarbanes-Oxley compliance efforts are eating up CIO time and budgets. Worse, CIOs are being relegated to a purely tactical role. And that may be the CFO's plan. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 15, 2002
Christopher Lindquist
IT Needs Leadership The Meta Group's report, "The CIO Desk Reference: Critical Competencies Every CIO Must Master," states that CIOs must look beyond day-to-day operations and gain skills in areas such as IT portfolio management and value management. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 1, 2003
Stephanie Overby
Worst Practices CIOs you don't want to emulate mark for My Articles similar articles
August 25, 2009
Martha Heller
Five Resume Musts For Future CIOs CIOs share the work experience they would most like to see on the resumes of future CIOs. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2010
David McCann
A Sense of Agreement How to bridge the finance-IT perception gap? mark for My Articles similar articles
October 12, 2009
Simone Levien
IBM's "The New Voice of the CIO" Survey Reveals Innovative CIOs Survey Results show how CIOs are spending their time and what they're doing to maintain and increase competitive advantage. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2007
Michael Friedenberg
New Year, Old Lessons CIOs deserve to be congratulated because 2006 was a year of great accomplishment and, in some ways, redemption. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2014
Adam Dennison
Follow the Money: CIOs Have Nothing to Fear From CMOs Our publisher doesn't buy the notion that CMO budgets for IT will outstrip those of CIOs in the coming years, citing new State of the CIO research to prove it. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 4, 2010
CFO Calling the Shots in IT: Study A Gartner and Financial Executives Research Foundation study finds that increasingly, IT is reporting to CFOs. A look at the implications. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 15, 2004
Inbox Thoughts on Obstacles to a CIO's Success mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2003
Chris Lofgren
The Importance of Being Influential Schneider National's CEO says IT is too important to business today for the CIO to be seen but not heard. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 25, 2011
Lauren Brousell
The Tech CIOs Are Paying For CIO's latest tech priorities survey suggests cloud and mobile continue to be in high demand. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2002
Jerry Gregoire
How to Play Your CFO Like a Fiddle Win over your CFO by getting him/her to identify with you, the CIO. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 12, 2009
Carolyn Johnson
IT Budget & Staffing Survey Shows Bleak Year Ahead for CIOs, IT Staffs A recent CIO magazine survey sees dwindling IT budgets and hiring freezes in 2009. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 27, 2009
Best Buy's CIO Bob Willett Offers His Crisis Agenda Advice Best Buy's CIO Bob Willett advises targeting customers, growth, housekeeping and communication mark for My Articles similar articles
October 5, 2009
Carolyn Johnson
More CIOs Planning to Spend Money, Hire IT Staff More CIOs are expecting to increase their budgets than at any time since mid-2008. There's some good news about staffing, too. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 30, 2015
Adam Dennison
CIOs are cutting back on the number of 'strategic' vendors they use In the past four years large enterprises (those with more than 1,000 employees) have reduced the number of vendors they consider to be strategic partners from six to three, on average. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 14, 2011
Maryfran Johnson
How the Cloud Changes the CIO-CFO Conversation The shift brings a new way of budgeting, making the CIO a true business partner. mark for My Articles similar articles