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Investment Advisor
May 2009
Marlene Y. Satter
Insurance Update: Out in the Open The National Association of Insurance Commissioners approved a compromise version of the climate change survey sent out for comments in 2008. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 2, 2011
Alyce Lomax
Your Fiscal Forecast: Another Brewing Crisis Are insurers ignoring the long-term risks of climate change? mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
June 2008
Marlene Y. Satter
Telling All? Now that climate change seems to be on everyone's lips, the talk in the insurance industry is getting hot about disclosure. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
December 2010
Jerilyn Klein Bier
Partly Cloudy The global investment community reacts to U.S. legislative uncertainty On Climate Change. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2007
Allyson K. Anderson
A Political Comment On... Fire and Ice on Capitol Hill: Climate change and its impacts are being discussed with much fervor in the district these days. Nearly every congressional office has taken up the charge. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Sandra I. Erwin
Climate Change: What Should the Pentagon Do? Among the topics that are being debated in the Quadrennial Defense Review is the impact of climate change on U.S. national security. mark for My Articles similar articles
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January 5, 2007
Jim Rourke
Look to the Long-Term Insurers need to look to vendors that provide proven, mature solutions and invest in technologies that will adapt with the company's vision. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
August 19, 2004
Scoring Discrepency Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) opposes National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) recommendations on use of credit scores. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2004
Naomi Lubick
Past warming for the future As the Bush administration prepares for a second term, only time will tell how its climate change policy will change in the next four years. In the meantime, discussions of the science behind climate changes abound in the journals and within the scientific community. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
October 2006
Marlene Y. Satter
The Times Are A-Changing Climate change is a tsunami sweeping through the insurance industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
July 11, 2007
Katherine Burger
Insurance Companies' IT Strategies Will Be Influenced By Understanding of Climate Change's Effects Going green no longer is a fringe affair, and a growing number of insurance companies are very publicly making environmental responsibility part of their business agendas. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 20, 2012
Alyce Lomax
Investor Action Thumps Government Washington may be slacking on climate change policy, but private investors are stepping up. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
June 12, 2007
Katherine Burger
The Pressure Is On Banks and Their IT Organizations To Address Environmental Issues HSBC is the latest among leading financial institutions to commit to addressing climate change and other environmental issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
March 2010
Robert F. Keane
SEC Issues Guidance on Climate Change Disclosure The SEC has decided to provide public companies with interpretive guidance on existing SEC disclosure requirements as they apply to business or legal developments relating to the issue of climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2003
Megan Sever
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Fast Company
Neal Ungerleider
Anonymous Hacks Paris Climate Talks Anonymous-affiliated hackers leaked account and personal information from more than a thousand attendees at the Paris climate summit earlier this week in retaliation for the arrest of protesters mark for My Articles similar articles
September 24, 2009
Feuding Over Climate Change Which corporations are for, and which against, a climate bill? Read on to see. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 9, 2013
Angeli Mehta
Australian climate body saved by crowd sourced donations Backing from the Australian public has helped resurrect a body set up to provide independent information on climate change to government and citizens. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2009
David Blanchard
Green is the New Black A new survey suggests that enviro-conscious manufacturers are the best risk for investors. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
June 2009
Robert F. Keane
A 20-Year Investment Theme Why climate change is likely to be one of the major investment themes of the next 20 years. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
February 2009
Marlene Y. Satter
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Insurance & Technology
November 28, 2005
Maria Woehr
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March 2007
Carolyn Gramling
Climate Report Points Finger at Fossil Fuels The world is warming, and the burning of fossil fuels is very likely to blame, according to a new report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2006
Lee Gerhard
Testing Global Warming Hypotheses Global climate change has been a natural phenomenon driven by natural processes for 4.5 billion years. Nevertheless, cultural pressures exist to identify a human cause for current global climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2003
Megan Sever
Climate debate in the journals, on the Hill While few people disagree that Earth's surface has warmed over the past few decades, the arguments and accusations start flying when the discussion turns to whether or not the warming is an anomalous result of human activity or part of natural climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
April 2010
Marlene Y. Satter
Insurance Update: Implementing Healthcare NAIC is closely watching the reform debate to see how it will affect insurers and insured. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2008
Stoss & Stoss
Heating Up for Global Warming Research and Policy The critical actions in combating global warming call for individuals, neighborhoods, communities, and geopolitical entities to implement a concept of global warming ICE. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
June 2009
Robert F. Keane
The Green Advisor: More On Climate Change Climate change can present some healthy investment opportunities for your clients, even if you don't believe it's real. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
August 4, 2007
Julie J. Rehmeyer
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Information Today
December 3, 2015
Companies Sign American Business Act on Climate Pledge The White House announced that 73 additional companies signed the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, bringing the total to 154. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
April 15, 2014
Carmen Nobel
Calderon: Economic Arguments Needed to Fight Climate Change Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderon says the United States Congress and Chinese coal plants are the biggest obstacles to fixing climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
August 2008
Marlene Y. Satter
Careful What You Wish For Treasury proposes big change, but will insurance companies be happy? mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
September 13, 2010
Nathan Golia
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Science News
November 7, 2008
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Chemistry World
February 12, 2010
Ned Stafford
Belief in climate change plunges Recent polls suggest the public in the UK and US are becoming increasingly sceptical about climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2007
Carolyn Gramling
Wallace Broecker: Changes in the Atmosphere An interview with an expert on issues of climate change about his experiences advising politicians about the consequences of climate change and his hopes for new technologies of carbon sequestration. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2010
Sarah Johnson
The Greening of Materiality The SEC calls on companies to predict the legislative process when determining whether to disclose risks related to climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2003
Megan Sever
Humans impact the climate, says AGU The American Geophysical Union (AGU) has adopted a new position statement on climate change that recognizes the increasing alteration of the Earth's climate by human activities. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
January 6, 2012
Toffel & Schendler
Where Green Corporate Ratings Fail Many companies receiving high marks in environmental sustainability are hurting the planet in other ways. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 2009
Hamilton & Fay
A Changing Climate for Development Climate finance can provide the resources developing countries need to mitigate and adapt mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2003
Neeta Bijoor
Land use could also affect climate Scientists have traditionally called attention to heat-trapping greenhouse gases as a reason for climate change, commonly known as global warming. A new study adds to evidence that urbanization and other land-use changes may play a comparable role in climate change. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
April 11, 2009
Michel Jarraud
Bracing For Global Climate Change Is A Local Challenge The secretary-general of the U.N. World Meteorological Organization discusses whether global climate change is real. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
November 17, 2007
Science Safari: Climate of Debate This site aims to provide a quick response to developing stories on climate science. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 24, 2009
John Carey
Carbon Curbs: It's Business vs. Business As some powerful corporate groups fight a U.S. climate bill, others are leading a counterattack. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 21, 2013
Philip Ball
Chemistry's climate of scepticism It could be important for chemists to consider whether (and if so, why) there is an unusually high proportion of climate-change doubters in their ranks. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 25, 2010
Rebecca Trager
US scientific body seeks national climate change strategy The US National Research Council is urging its government to act immediately to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop a national strategy for adapting to the impacts of global warming. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2007
Megan Sever
Climate Change Will Cost us According to a new report, dealing with the effects of climate change will cost both citizens and businesses, especially insurance companies, but will cost the U.S. government even more -- and before its emergency coffers are bankrupted, the government needs to take action. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
January 22, 2009
Nathan Conz
Highmark and Independence Blue Cross Withdraw Merger Applications Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and Independence Blue Cross have announced that they have withdrawn their applications to merge, citing opposition from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2001
Michael Levin-Epstein
Health Plans, Insurers Unsure About Likely Effect of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Insurers and financial institutions are flooding customers' mailboxes about their rights to protect medical and financial information under what's better known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. But just how GLB will affect health plans isn't totally clear... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2007
Semans & de Fontaine
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: The Business World Looks at Climate Change Increasing momentum at the state and federal levels, along with the business community, is proof that we are now in the design phase for climate change legislation, and companies clearly expect regulations soon. mark for My Articles similar articles