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Popular Mechanics
October 9, 2009
Allie Townsend
Can Worms Help Recover Memory? Fringe Fact vs Fiction In the latest episode of Fringe Agent Olivia Dunham begins to piece together her memories from a meeting in an alternate dimension. Carmela Tartaglia from San Francisco's Memory and Aging Center talks about memory recall. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 10, 2008
Kate Schweitzer
From LSD Brain to Dead Autopilot, Fringe Premiere Skirts Reality J.J. Abrams moved beyond the sci-fi-bending universe of Lost -- the Large Hadron Collider, time travel and all -- and set out to create Fringe, the new X-Files-esque show that debuted last night on Fox. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 24, 2008
Kate Schweitzer
Fringe's Brain Science Flirts with Facts in 3rd Episode This week's episode of J.J. Abrams' sci-fi hit Fringe was full of situations in need of a reality check. We check in with a neurologist to debunk more of the show's junk science. mark for My Articles similar articles
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September 17, 2008
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American Family Physician
March 1, 2003
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Popular Mechanics
February 13, 2009
Erin McCarthy
Dollhouse's Memory Science Mixes Fact with Fiction Memory erasure might seem like pure sci-fi, but it's actually on the cutting edge of science. Three memory experts separate what's fact from what's fiction on Fox's new show, Dollhouse, premiering tonight at 9 pm. mark for My Articles similar articles
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July 2010
Roadblock on memory lane It might sound like science fiction, but researchers are taking steps towards developing a drug that could erase the fear associated with traumatic events. mark for My Articles similar articles
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May 22, 2002
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Popular Mechanics
September 18, 2009
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Fringe Season Two Premiere Misrepresents Head Trauma Neurologist Justin Sattin reveals to readers why the tv show's depiction of brain damage is misleading. mark for My Articles similar articles
Home Theater
July 13, 2009
Mark Fleischmann
Blu-ray Is a Memory Machine Panasonic has marked the launch of its Blu-ray recorder line in the United Kingdom with an academic study that puts a price on memories. mark for My Articles similar articles