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Scientific American
September 2008
Michelle Press
Reviews: Math Fix for Unfair Elections Three books analyze and identify key problems in the United States' voting system. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
June 20, 2009
Elizabeth Quill
Book Review: The Bomb: A New History By Stephen M. Younger Younger offers a straightforward account of nuclear weapons: how they were developed, how they work and how they forced humankind into constant vulnerability mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
February 2, 2010
Erin McCarthy
Director Lucy Walker Takes on Nuclear Weapons in Countdown to Zero In Countdown to Zero, Walker aims to show the world that nuclear weapons are an even bigger threat now than they were in the Cold War. mark for My Articles similar articles
Industrial Physicist
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National Defense
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A World Free of Nuclear Weapons: How Realistic Is Obama's Vision? Debating the realism of trying to rid the world of nuclear weapons is a pointless exercise. mark for My Articles similar articles
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National Defense
August 2013
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Information Today
April 9, 2015
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Popular Mechanics
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February 2003
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Mother Jones
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National Defense
April 2009
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National Defense
August 2008
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National Defense
December 2004
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National Defense
June 2006
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Stan Crock
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Popular Mechanics
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Jeremy Jacquot
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National Defense
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Popular Mechanics
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National Defense
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Popular Mechanics
November 25, 2009
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