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February 1, 2006
Tonya Vinas
Latin American CEOs Differ On Concerns CEOs at companies in Mexico and South America share many of the same worries, but they differ on their levels of concern on a few key issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
April 2009
Rebecca Sausner
Don't Stop Now: Maintaining IT Innovation Will Secure the Future The very best CEOs, CIOs and directors will show their mettle by maintaining investment in the future, and demonstrate that they can see beyond the crisis to the reshaped landscape that will emerge on the other side. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
May 3, 2006
Anthony O'Donnell
Getting Closer Insurance company CEOs might not yet know as much about technology as their technology officers might hope, but they know they need to be informed -- and so do the boards that evaluate their performance. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 6, 2008
Abbie Lundberg
Acceptable Risk Managing innovation is the same as managing a financial portfolio. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 23, 2009
Elana Varon
Technology and Your Company's New Business Model If your company is reinventing itself, IT plays a role. But CEOs set the agenda for change, says Innosight Chairman Mark Johnson. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Jill Jusko
Podium Appeal If CEOs didn't have businesses to run, they could keep quite busy simply accommodating all of the speaking invitations they receive annually. mark for My Articles similar articles
Wall Street & Technology
June 13, 2006
Greg MacSweeney
Disruptive CEOs Combine Vision, Strategy & Technology When it comes to market-changing business strategy, technology is o longer an afterthought. Here are four CEOs who are masters at leveraging technology to reshape the market. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
March 29, 2006
Katherine Burger
You're Wearing That? Innovation is not just about new products and services, but also encompasses business model innovation, process innovation, culture innovation and management system innovation. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 15, 2010
James P. Andrew
What Executives Make of Innovation The head of the global innovation practice at Boston Consulting Group dives more deeply into the findings from this year's survey taken to compile the ranking of the most innovative companies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Wall Street & Technology
June 16, 2006
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Top-Down Innovation CEOs have another - and an increasingly urgent - assignment to add to their leadership portfolios: driving innovation and tearing down barriers that may prevent it. Technology is playing a large part in new business models. mark for My Articles similar articles
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The Motley Fool
September 1, 2010
Alyce Lomax
The More Jobs You Cut, the Higher Your Pay CEOs collecting fat paychecks for big layoffs might actually be damaging their companies. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Bank Technology News
November 2007
Financial IT Hiring Will Rise A financial services recruiter's recent survey found all the current financial institution turmoil won't slow professional IT hiring. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
January 2009
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The Motley Fool
October 22, 2010
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July 1, 2004
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May 28, 2014
Martha Heller
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March 1, 2011
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Wall Street & Technology
September 23, 2007
Melanie Rodier
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October 1, 2008
Jill Jusko
Measured Success: By The Numbers Customer satisfaction is a popular metric by which to gauge the success of innovation efforts. But it's not the only one. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 17, 2010
Jill Jusko
Keep It Inside Internal candidates make better CEOs than outsiders, study finds. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 1, 2005
Jill Jusko
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May 31, 2012
Michael Friedenberg
CIOs Need a Wakeup Call Many CIOs think they're more relevant than ever before, but their CEOs often disagree. IDG Enterprise's own CEO is calling for CIOs to figure out how to better include innovation in their job descriptions mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
May 2010
Rebecca Sausner
Are Community Banks "Too Small to Fail?" Open Solutions CEO Louis Hernandez Jr.'s recently released book "Too Small to Fail" offers his take on the financial crisis and the role of community banks in the American economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 23, 2008
Jarina D'Auria
Five Things Judy Estrin Has Learned About Closing the Innovation Gap In her book, Closing the Innovation Gap, former Cisco CTO Judy Estrin shares why CIOs and other leaders must nurture innovation to fend off global competition. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
January 27, 2014
Carmen Nobel
Family CEOs Spend Less Time at Work CEOs who are related to the owners of family-owned firms work significantly fewer hours than nonfamily CEOs, according to a new study by Raffaella Sadun and colleagues. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
May 5, 2008
Anthony O'Donnell
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June 2008
Jane Berentson
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September 2008
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November 1, 2009
Scott Leibs
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March 1, 2006
Karen M. Kroll
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March 17, 2010
Jill Jusko
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August 1, 2012
Andrew Sawers
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Bank Technology News
November 2008
Crisis Woes Mean Less Focus on Innovation. Bad Timing. A trend that started last year continues in 2008 and, with the 2009 economic environment expected to be far worse, many financial companies will make sizable cuts in technology, and IT priorities will be shuffled or put on hold. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 1, 2006
Traci Purdum
Ex-Military CEOs Shine Military experience parlays into better business performance, according to a recent study by Korn/Ferry International, a Los Angeles-based executive search firm. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
June 29, 2009
Sharpening Your Skills: Leading Change Learn about building a business in a down economy, motivating the troops, and other current topics. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 31, 2012
Josh Cable
GE Barometer: Executives Believe Innovation and Growth Go Hand-in-Hand However, uncertainty in the global economy is curbing their companies' appetites for risk and making it harder for them to find capital. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
May 3, 2006
Leadership, Vision and Collaboration: The state of technology and its influence on the state of the insurance industry ensures that increasing numbers of CEOs are more deeply acquainted with the potential of technology for their enterprise's success, and more aggressive in driving its use for competitive advantage. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 16, 2010
10 Key Challenges for CEOs Chief executive officers must now be chief diplomat, chief talent officer and chief image manager, says a veteran executive recruiter. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
August 20, 2007
Stephen Prentice
CIOs Must Execute On Innovation Most IT leaders lay the foundations of their own demise in unimaginative, me-too decision-making, content with emulating the competition or making marginal improvements. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 7, 2009
Hope Nelson-Pope
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James E. Ellis
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March 5, 2013
Qualities Of A Leader An exceptional leader is good at hiring and firing, building a culture within a company, and has resilience, vision, and more. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Emmy Favilla
Required Reading When the demand for consumer goods has reached full capacity, the signal isn't always as obvious; and more. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 14, 2008
Chris Potts
Tools for Leading Business Change As developments such as Web 2.0 change business models, enterprise architecture and IT portfolio management provide strategic tools that CIOs can use to innovate and efficiently execute change. Just remember that these tools are not about IT, but about people, collaboration and culture. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
June 2010
John Pyrovolakis
Innovators: A Call to Action The Innovation Accelerator wishes to leverage great and innovative technologies developed in our nation's research universities and federal research labs on the strength of federal funding to empower our nation's banking industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
April 2008
Making Innovation Work Approaching innovation systematically and being ruthless about the allocation of resources to it are keys to a successful business. Here are some simple mistakes made by companies that muffled innovation. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 13, 2010
Alyce Lomax
Wall Street's Reality Deficit Continues Wall Street compensation's expected to hit a record this year. Say what? mark for My Articles similar articles