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National Defense
October 2007
Breanne Wagner
Cyber Attacks in Estonia Serve as Wake-Up Call The attacks compromised both public and private websites and sent a wave of panic through a country that is known for being especially "wired." mark for My Articles similar articles
August 21, 2007
Joshua Davis
Hackers Take Down the Most Wired Country in Europe How Estonia dealt with a botnet strike that targeted almost every digital front all at once. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
July 2008
Rebecca Sausner
Could the U.S. Be the Next Estonia? Gadi Evron, former Israeli Government Internet Security Operations Manager, went to Estonia during the crippling DDOS attacks last May. Here he talks about whether the U.S. is vulnerable to such an attack, and the role banks and home computers play in protecting critical infrastructure. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 12, 2009
Kenneth Corbin
Lessons From the Russia-Georgia Cyberwar Georgian official and U.S. security experts look back at the Internet attack that preceded the military conflict. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 18, 2007
Sean Michael Kerner
Estonia Under Russian Cyber Attack? Data by a security research firm clearly shows that a full-scale assault is under way, but the attackers' identity and location is still uncertain. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 29, 2007
World Faces 'Cyber Cold War' Threat Cybercrime is no longer just a threat to industry and individuals but increasingly to national security. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
April 2007
Rebecca Sausner
The Taiwan Scenario The issue of China's cyber-warfare capabilities is intricately linked to the political status of Taiwan. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 23, 2007
Ralph Peters
Washington Ignores Cyberattack Threats, Putting Us All at Peril 21st-century-warfare will be to deny entire states the ability to process, protect, and communicate information. The Pentagon doesn't seem to fully grasp the dangerous potential of this new domain of warfare. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 4, 2009
Cyber War Could Cause Global Collateral Damage The effects of an all-out cyber war would be impossible to control and could be felt worldwide, experts say. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
July 13, 2009
Rich Smith
Welcome! You've Got Hackers! Someone threw a cyber war this week. It's great to know that the government is spending billions hardening the IT system against more competent attackers, but what we really need here is a solution to the real problem: Identifying who the attackers are. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 2008
Glenn Derene
The Coming Cyberwar: Inside the Pentagon's Plan to Fight Back In the modern American military, digital telecommunication is so integral to command and control of forces and equipment that the disruption of data can do more to disable a fighting force than a thousand bombs mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
April 2007
Rebecca Sausner
The New Red Menace Russian and eastern European hackers get all the glory these days, but their efforts to disrupt American financial services are a nuisance when compared to the nation-state threat that China's cyber army, and its rogue hackers, may pose. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
August 2012
Willie D. Jones
Declarations of Cyberwar What the revelations about the U.S.-Israeli origin of Stuxnet mean for warfare mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2009
Stew Magnuson
U.S. Plans to Destroy Enemy Computer Networks in Cyber-Attacks Questioned But secrecy may have impeded widespread debate about the nature and implications of cyber-attack. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
July 2007
Karen Krebsbach
After Estonia Cyber Attacks, U.S. Frets Over Potential Cyber War The U.S. Treasury Department's decision to sponsor an industry-wide exercise this fall for the financial-services sector to test its ability to respond to a pandemic crisis is taking on a different, and more sinister tone. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2012
Stew Magnuson
Can Peace Prevail in Cyberspace? The prospect of an assault on the United States through its networks has been a doomsday scenario for a number of years. mark for My Articles similar articles
Search Engine Watch
January 20, 2010
Jason King
Google's New Approach to China: A Closer Look at the Attack Heard 'Round the Web Taking a look at the numerous security implications for Google users after last week's cyber attack on Google by China. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 7, 2009
Facebook, Twitter Attacks Aimed for One User An anti-Russian blogger with profiles on a number of sites may have been the intended target of yesterday's attack. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 13, 2010
Is the U.S. Ready for a Cyberwar? And if not, what's the worst that can happen? Cybersecurity expert Scott Borg painted a grim picture of the future of warfare this week at the USENIX security conference. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2010
Stew Magnuson
Competition Keen for Next Generation of Cyberwarriors The Air Force last year established its first command devoted solely to protecting and attacking networks. But in a time when cybersecurity experts are in high demand, the question has arisen: Where is the talent coming from? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 17, 2011
RSA: Security Experts Debate Cyberwar Threat From corporate espionage to WikiLeaks, experts at the RSA conference debate the challenge of maintaining computer security. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2010
Stew Magnuson
Expert Warns of Nexus Between Cybercriminals and Terrorists Terrorists who want to stage a cyberattack against the United States may lean on criminal networks to assist them, a former Defense Department official said. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 2008
Glenn Derene
Top 3 Threats and Countermeasures From the Coming Cyberwar: Glossary An explanation of terms like DDoS, root-level penetration, etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 16, 2004
Jim Wagner
Cyberspace, The Next Battlefield Is World Cyber War I somewhere on the horizon? A new report shows the increased popularity of converged networks like VoIP makes it more likely. mark for My Articles similar articles