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June 15, 2004
Thomas Wailgum
Selling Girl Scouts on Science Women make up 46 percent of the U.S. workforce, but only 22 percent of scientists and engineers, according to the National Science Foundation. The Girl Scouts are working with corporate and government agencies to change that. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 7, 2000
Austin Bunn
The leader of my pack was gay Which was a good thing, because I was too. And in our small town, my scoutmaster was the only happy, normal model of gay manhood I had. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2000
No out Scouts - Letters Letters to the editor about the Supreme Court decision about gays in the Boy Scouts. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 3, 2005
Wendy McElroy
Is The Boy Scouts of America Public or Private? The Boy Scouts should cease to accept tax-funding and cut all official ties to government agencies. The Boy Scouts should live up to its self-declared status as a private organization. This would also be living up to the Boy Scouts' principles: it is the honest and honorable thing to do. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 7, 2000
Susan Brenna
Does my son have to quit the Boy Scouts? It would break his heart, but how else do we take a stand against the organization's homophobic philosophy? mark for My Articles similar articles
July 17, 2000
Kera Bolonik
A conversation with James Dale America's most famous un-Boy Scout discusses discrimination, the Supreme Court and the fight scouting taught him to fight. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Annette McGivney
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June 29, 2000
Daryl Lindsey & Fiona Morgan
No out Scouts Plaintiff James Dale, the Boy Scouts, Andrew Sullivan and others react to the ruling that the organization can exclude gays. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2004
Naomi Lubick
Larry Funkhouser: The "Midwestern" Oil Explorer His career has followed the oil industry from postwar boom through later highs and lows. In April, he received his colleagues' highest recognition, the 2004 Sidney Powers Medal, at the meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) in Dallas. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2005
Astronaut Geology Field Training The field trips in preparation for moon landings were designed as instruction about the specific landing site. We went to places that we thought would show geologic features and problems similar to those they would encounter on the moon, such as impact craters and volcanic areas. mark for My Articles similar articles
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December 20, 2009
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Uncomfort Zone: Status is a Powerful Motivator Competition is human nature, which makes us strive for status. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2004
Patrick Graham
Jamboree Jihad A former CIA agent is on his strangest mission yet: starting Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs in Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2004
Rossbacher & Rhodes
Building Geology for the Future: Cui bono? Academic geology departments are under attack and have been for more than a decade. Now, Geology departments are facing increasing challenges to survive. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2003
Jan Childress
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June 2006
Kathryn Hansen
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October 9, 2007
Kahoot Products Inc. Recalls Cub Scouts Totem Badges Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard The surface paints on the badges contain excessive levels of lead, violating the federal lead paint standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2003
Naomi Lubick
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Fast Company
Lindsay LaVine
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May 2004
Rossbacher & Rhodes
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February 2004
David Applegate
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October 2005
Jon L. Rau
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May 2007
Carolyn Gramling
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September 2003
Jill Karsten
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May 2004
Naomi Lubick
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May 2, 2005
Colin Beasty
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August 2003
Lisa A. Rossbacher
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Information Today
May 23, 2013
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Fast Company
Anna Maria Chavez
Girl Scouts CEO On The Importance Of Encouraging Girls To Enter STEM Fields Digital Cookie meets girls where they are -- online -- and teaches them exciting new 21st-century skills such as website maintenance, online money management, e-commerce, online marketing, and even cyber security. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2003
M. Ray Thomasson
Cooperating to Lead The American Geological Institute gathered geoscience leaders in Washington, D.C., to find new opportunities for alliance. mark for My Articles similar articles