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Financial Planning
September 1, 2011
Suzanne McGee
Full-Nest Syndrome Even when a financial advisor is able and willing to work with clients on containing and managing requests for financial help from their boomerang children, they can end up squarely in the middle of one of the most perilous kinds of disagreements: family squabbles over money. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ross Bonander
Fatherhood Guide: Setting An Example The following presents some tips on how to set an example for your child. While much of this piece pertains to young children under the age of 8 or so, the issue itself is germane to kids of all ages. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 17, 2013
Kevin McKinley
The Power of Persuasion These small acts for clients' children and grandchildren can make a big difference. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 26, 2007
Mary Dalrymple
Troubled Youth Younger adults report heavy financial concerns. But they've got lots of time to achieve their goals. Here's how. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
March 2011
Caren Chesler
Homeward Bound In a tough economic environment, some clients must deal with their children moving back home. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
April 10, 2012
Kevin McKinley
Helping Clients Cut Off the Kids If you have clients stretched between supporting their older youngsters and saving for retirement, you can delicately help the parents nudge, shove, and kick the offspring out of the proverbial nest. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 1, 2012
Lynn O'Shaughnessy
Seven Ways to Borrow for College Look for borrower protection, consider credit unions and apply for multiple loans. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 7, 2010
Ask June: Military Divorce Entitlements and VA Loan Benefits June Walbert answers reader questions about benefits for divorced spouses. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
August 1, 2010
Donald Jay Korn
Borrowing Trouble When conversations about college affordability take place, planners may be able to introduce some realities into the discussion. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
November 2010
Mitch Anthony
Skin In The Game Why your clients' kids should pay for part of their college educations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
April 2005
Gregory Bresiger
Selling A Home To A Child Convince a client nearing retirement to stay in a primary residence in a booming real estate market, delaying the move to the Sunbelt for a few years. Have the client sell the home to a child. It could help the client and a child under certain circumstances. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ross Bonander
Fatherhood Guide: Discipline This article addresses the fine line of disciplining your child. Discipline relates to children of all ages, but the following article will be most helpful to fathers of children under the age of 10. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
June 2007
Tracey Longo
Grown Up, But Not Gone More and more retired or nearly retired investors are engaging in something that is extremely difficult for even the brightest advisors to accommodate in a financial projection: unplanned giving to their adult kids. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
October 1, 2011
Ingrid Case
Tending Mom and Dad When siblings are unprepared, bickering about responsibility and unsure of one another's desires, skills, financial resources and availability, planners are stepping in to help families sort out their roles. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 16, 2009
Wendy McElroy
Beat up the Kid, Spare the Adults Police removed an unruly 7-year-old from his classroom and forced him to be hospitalized under the state's Baker Act -- against the wishes of his outraged parents. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 19, 2008
Ross Bonander
Fatherhood Guide: Affection Showing affection is a challenging area of parenting, but this is not uncommon; for many loving and caring fathers, showing their affection represents the most challenging aspect of parenting. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 3, 2007
Elizabeth Brokamp
Lending Money to Loved Ones When you consider what's at stake with a loan to family or friends, you know to take the personal lending process very, very seriously. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
August 2010
Lori K. Murphy
Easing The Stress Here's how financial advisors and estate planners can work together to help those with mentally impaired family members. mark for My Articles similar articles
Steven Shaw
How To: Be A Godfather A look at some of the most important duties to help you learn how to be a godfather. mark for My Articles similar articles
Michael B. Rubin
5 Financial Tips For Expecting Parents If you've just received the news that your wife or girlfriend is pregnant, make sure you have a solid financial plan if you hope to make it through the next nine months. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
November 2009
Caren Chesler
Family Bonds Clients face both financial and emotional traps when they loan money to family. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
July 1, 2009
Scott Schutte
Lesson Plans Is there anything positive we can take away from this time of turmoil? How can we learn, and how can we help our kids learn from this? What wisdom can we impart to our children or our clients' children that can help them better prepare for their financial future? mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
November 2005
Karen DeMasters
When Grandparents Raise Grandchildren Some financial advisors have developed an expertise in helping families work through the financial issues involved when grandparents are raising grandchildren. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 24, 2007
Dan Caplinger
The Dangers of Co-Signing Know what you're getting into before you guarantee someone else's debt. Co-signing on another person's loan is beyond the regular call of duty, and you shouldn't feel bad if you decide it's not worth risking your own financial stability to do it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
October 20, 2013
Penelope Trunk
Lessons to Unlearn for Success at Work There's plenty that school doesn't teach you about work, and some of the things you learned may be working against you. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
July 5, 2012
Kevin McKinley
Five Mistakes that New Retirees Make Some of your savviest clients still need your help to retire confidently. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
May 2010
Lewis Schiff
The Affluentialist: Raising Responsible Children Advisors to wealthy families can offer sensitivity and guidance. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 27, 2011
Dayana Yochim
4 Things Missing From Your Financial Aid Offer There's a lot of money hiding between the lines of those college aid letters. mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
December 1, 2011
Ann Marsh
All In The Family In this low interest rate environment, some financial planners are advising their clients to cut the middleman out entirely with intra-family loans. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 3, 2002
Lynn Ponton
Future shock The author, a psychiatrist, responds to a 17-year-old boy who despairs of a world threatened by war and run by adult hypocrites. mark for My Articles similar articles
Michael Estrin
How to Determine What You Can Afford Financial tips on determining what big-ticket items you can afford to buy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
September 2009
James J. Green
Numerology: Kids Ain't Cheap The latest Department of Agriculture child-rearing study reports that a two-parent, middle-income family can expect to spend $221,190 to raise a child born in 2008. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
December 2011
James Picerno
Let's Get Personal Customizing socially responsible investing strategies is good for your clients (and your business). mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 25, 2010
Dayana Yochim
How to Survive College With No Credit Regrets Free t-shirts, Frisbees, and unprotected exposure to plastic are gone (or at least harder to come by), thanks to new credit card laws. But it's still easy to get into credit trouble. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
November 1, 2010
Jim Grote
Special Cases Minoti Rajput, CFP, president and principal advisor of Secure Planning Strategies in Southfield, Mich., maintains a general financial planning practice and a specialized practice for families of children with disabilities. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 17, 2009
Wendy McElroy
Kids are like the Gorgon. Do not gaze too long. For many months I have been crying out against the political hysteria that currently surrounds issues of child abuse, child sexuality, etc. The witch hunt has made men into presumed criminals. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
December 2004
Gregory Bresiger
Your Next Client May be a Child Financial relationships that took an advisor years to build can be quickly ruined by a young person's recklessness with money. That's why it is often critical for advisors to know the children of their clients. mark for My Articles similar articles
Terence Channon
Debt Consolidation Mistakes Avoid these common mistakes when taking on a debt consolidation loan. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
March 2011
Jerilyn Klein Bier
Special Consideration Advisors help parents of special needs children tackle unique planning challenges. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
May 2005
Dorothy Hinchcliff
A Special Dedication Provider Group is committed to helping parents with disabled children financially provide for their offspring. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 5, 2007
Mary Dalrymple
Does Your Credit Card Do This? Some credit cards to raise your interest rates when your credit score drops, even if you're faultlessly punctual with your payments. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2009
Alaska's Disney Alaska Airlines is once again enticing members to visit Disneyland in Southern California with their Kids Fly Free offer. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
October 2, 2007
Donald Jay Korn
Home Relief Lofty housing prices and tight credit are sending young people to the Bank of Mom and Dad. Should your clients open the discount window? mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
August 20, 2012
Lynn O'Shaughnessy
When Dream Schools Become a Nightmare Many parents will go to great lengths to send to their children to their dream schools, but it's not always the best financial decision. mark for My Articles similar articles
Michael Estrin
7 Things to Remember When Borrowing Money Whether you're starting a small business, remodeling your home or just paying some bills, from time to time you'll need to borrow money. When your time comes, here are some things to consider. mark for My Articles similar articles
Steve Richer
How To: Say No To Friends If you really want to avoid getting in over your head, here are some ways to get out of some sticky situations. Note that at times, you may have to tell a white lie or two. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
June 1, 2010
Donald Jay Korn
College Loans Say Uncle The new law excluding banks from making federal education loans should be a PLUS for borrowers who can now turn to the Bank of Uncle Sam. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 10, 2010
Dan Caplinger
Save Smarter for College As the school year starts, it's time to think about your child's future. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
August 1, 2009
Donald Jay Korn
College Panic Many of your clients with teenage children may be feeling the college panic about now. They are looking at diminished net worths and an uncertain job market and economy mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
April 22, 2015
Kevin McKinley
Small Deposits Now, Big Money Later Using the right vehicle and starting as soon as possible, parents, grandparents and other concerned family members can provide a lifetime of financial security for the children they love. mark for My Articles similar articles