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July 2006
Jennifer Yauck
Quake Triggers Deadly Tsunami Off Java A major undersea earthquake occurred south of Indonesia, triggering a local tsunami that hit the island of Java. At least 80 people are dead after a 6-foot-high wave crashed ashore on the island's southern coast. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bernie Alexander
Tsunamis: Waves Of Destruction Understanding the tsunami: definition, origins, history, warning signs, etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2005
Grace Jean
Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System to Become Operational in 2006 UNESCO officials set forth a plan calling for the establishment of seven regional tsunami advisory centers in the Indian Ocean basin, the installation and upgrading of coastal sea-level gauges, seismic instruments and stations, and the deployment of deep underwater sensors. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2006
Laura S. L. Kong
Guarding Against Tsunamis: What Does It Mean To Be Ready? Despite the implementation of new tsunami warning systems, much work is ahead before the coastal communities of the world can be truly prepared. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
March 2005
Philip E. Ross
Waiting and Waiting For the Next Killer Wave A tsunami alarm for the Indian Ocean may be worth the cost, but can it retain public support over the long haul? mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2005
David Applegate
Lessons From Sumatra In the months following the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists and their colleagues around the world have been working hard to learn from the tragedy so that such loss of life does not happen again. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2005
Naomi Lubick
Magnitude-8.7 Earthquake Hits Sumatra, Small Tsunami Wave Detected An earthquake that was quite close the site of December's catastrophic quake has prompted warning bulletins from NOAA's Pacific Tsunami Warning system suggesting the evacuation of coastlines within 1,000 kilometers of the epicenter. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
February 11, 2005
Kevin Davies
Tsunami Science The task of retrieving and identifying bodies in Southeast Asia enters a new phase. At the Thailand Tsunami Victim Identification Center, officials have been evaluating genetic database systems for comparing ante-mortem and post-mortem DNA samples. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2005
Naomi Lubick
Tsunami Devastates Asia Geoscientists won't know exactly what happened in the Indian Ocean event until they can get into the field. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2005
Susan E. Hough
Earthquakes: Predicting the Unpredictable? Seismologists are quite good at identifying where large earthquakes are likely to occur on time scales of several decades to centuries, but still unable to identify regions where earthquakes will happen tomorrow, next week, or even within the next few years. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2006
Megan Sever
Faster Tsunami Warnings with GPS Time is of the essence when a giant earthquake strikes, especially underwater. Now, a team of researchers says that they have found a new way -- using GPS -- to more quickly determine if the quake is large enough to produce an ocean-wide tsunami. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2006
Megan Sever
Earthquakes, Tsunamis Strike Japan A magnitude-8.3 earthquake struck off the Kuril Islands between Japan and Russia, followed by a series of strong aftershocks, at least four of which were above magnitude 6.0, according to the USGS. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2006
Arthur Lerner-Lam
Don't Prioritize: Mainstream Hazard Reduction Into Economic Development Aid A global effort to reduce natural hazard risks is a dream shared by many, but it cannot play out in a development policy vacuum. Making the explicit link between risk reduction and economic development turns a global effort into an international one. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2006
Naomi Lubick
Measuring the Sumatra Quake The motions on the fault that set off the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake that sent a tsunami across the Indian Ocean continue to puzzle seismologists. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
January 20, 2010
Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Lessons for U.S. Preparedness From Haiti Relief Efforts: Analysis Nobody cares more about helping you and your family in time of disaster than, well, you. So it makes sense for you to be prepared to take care of yourself. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
August 12, 2006
Science Safari: Earthquake Hazards To keep up with the latest rumblings around the globe, the U.S. Geological Service offers a Web site with current earthquake data. mark for My Articles similar articles