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IEEE Spectrum
July 2005
MacKenzie Smith
External Bits How can we preserve digital files and save our collective memory? The open-source DSpace project sees not only the problem of preserving the data, but also making it readable, playable or watchable many years later. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
May 2009
Bill Greenwood
Securing Your Digital Future A look at various industry standard data formats used for storing archival data, and strategies for physical storage. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2000
Stewart Granger
Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy Many libraries and archives are in the process of `going digital'. What are the issues with respect to emulation as a digital preservation strategy? mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2015
Nathan Brown
Helping Members of the Community Manage Their Digital Lives: Developing a Personal Digital Archiving Workshop This article explores resources and methods that could be used in the development of a personal digital archiving workshop and how to best tailor it to your library audience. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2008
Catherine C. Marshall
Rethinking Personal Digital Archiving Part 2: Implications for Services, Applications, and Institutions Implications of accumulation, distribution, digital stewardship, and long-term access in digital archiving, and some promising technological directions and requirements for each of these four issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2000
Gail M. Hodge
Best Practices for Digital Archiving: An Information Life Cycle Approach Digital information is fragile in ways that differ from traditional technologies, such as paper or microfilm. It is more easily corrupted or altered without recognition... mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2008
Catherine C. Marshall
Rethinking Personal Digital Archiving Part 1: Four Challenges from the Field Challenges that must be overcome to ensure that digital assets are retained over time and through changes in computing platforms and digital technologies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2014
Rimkus et al.
Digital Preservation File Format Policies of ARL Member Libraries: An Analysis While concerted efforts have been made in the library community to encourage common standards, digital preservation policies regularly vary from one digital library service to another. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
January 20, 2004
Leon Erlanger
Memories that Last Tips for storing digital audio, images, and documents. Includes a discussion of file formats and archival media. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2004
Andreas Stanescu
Assessing the Durability of Formats in a Digital Preservation Environment: The INFORM Methodology Clearly, the process of measuring the preservation durability of digital formats is best done in collaboration with digital archives, global registries, institutional repositories, digital libraries, digital format experts, software and hardware developers and researchers. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Rosenthal et al.
Requirements for Digital Preservation Systems: A Bottom-Up Approach Work is under way to elaborate the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model with sufficient detail to allow systems to inter-operate on the basis of common specifications for ingesting and disseminating information. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov?Dec 2010
Noonan et al.
PDF/A: A Viable Addition to the Preservation Toolkit We describe the format itself, the lessons learned as the authors investigated the tools readily available for creating PDF/A files and the design of the pilot to test implementation of the use of the format in The Ohio State University's repository, the Knowledge Bank. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2005
David S. H. Rosenthal et al.
Transparent Format Migration of Preserved Web Content The design of digital preservation systems must anticipate obsolescence, and incorporate a strategy by which the content they preserve will still be understood by readers after multiple generations of formats have become obsolete. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2012
Jinfang Niu
An Overview of Web Archiving This overview is a study of the methods used at a variety of universities, and international government libraries and archives, to select, acquire, describe and access web resources for their archives. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
September 2004
Jon L. Jacobi
Better Backups We test fast, vast, and cheap new storage options that take the pain out of keeping your vital data safe. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 20, 2009
Bryan Gardiner
Burning Question: How Do I Future-Proof My Digital Media? Digital media is not immune to the winds of time. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2013
Michael Rumianek
Archiving and Recovering Database-driven Websites In this paper, a procedure is presented that overcomes the problems faced by archivists of database-driven websites. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
March 2, 2005
Bill Dyszel
Backup for the Video Age Video files are huge. Backing them up necessitates new storage strategies. Adding a separate disk drive is a good start. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 15, 2001
Ian Springsteel
Are You Sure You Want to Save That? At most companies, managing electronic records means backing up everything in case disaster strikes. But that can get you in trouble, too, if you don't know what you're saving and why... mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2001
Dale Flecker
Preserving Scholarly E-Journals For research libraries, the long-term preservation of digital collections may well be the most important issue in digital libraries. In certain ways, digital materials are incredibly fragile, dependent for their continued utility upon technologies that undergo rapid and continual change... mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2015
Casad et al.
Enduring Access to Rich Media Content: Understanding Use and Usability Requirements Through an NEH-funded initiative, Cornell University Library is creating a technical, curatorial, and managerial framework for preserving access to complex born-digital new media objects. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2000
Peter Hirtle
Digital Paleography Paleography is the science and art of reading and deciphering old or obscure handwriting. What does paleography and ancient handwriting have to do with digital libraries? Preservation of digital file formats is of increasing concern to the digital library community. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2013
Altman et al.
NDSA Storage Report: Reflections on National Digital Stewardship Alliance Member Approaches to Preservation Storage Technologies To better understand ongoing storage practices of organizations committed to digital preservation, the National Digital Stewardship Alliance conducted a survey of member organizations. This article reports on the findings of the survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Clay Shirky
AIHT: Conceptual Issues from Practical Tests The Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT) was created with the idea that by giving a moderately complex digital archive to a variety of participants, we would be able to better understand which aspects of digital preservation were institution-specific, and which aspects were more general. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2002
William G. LeFurgy
Levels of Service for Digital Repositories This article outlines conditions that govern the persistence of digital materials and suggests a model for future levels of service for digital repositories... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 16, 2007
Sean Gallagher
White House Ordered to Retain Backups in E-Mail Case Corporate America isn't alone in facing scrutiny over data archiving policies. A federal court has issued a temporary restraining order against the White House, preventing it from destroying backup tapes that may include copies of millions of deleted e-mails. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2013
von Suchodoletz et al.
Report on the First iPres Workshop on Practical Emulation Tools and Strategies The International Conference on Digital Preservation is an established annual event bringing together practitioners and researchers in the digital preservation community, engaging individuals, organizations and institutions across all disciplines and domains involved in digital libraries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 28, 2005
Richard W. Wiggins
British Library and Others Join Microsoft in Document Standards Effort Seeking to promote digital preservation of documents composed in Microsoft Office formats, the British Library and a number of other enterprises have joined Microsoft's effort to define a new standard for Office Open XML. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2002
Anne R. Kenney
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PC Magazine
December 4, 2003
Bill Howard
Archiving for the Ages Now's the time to switch to recordable DVD from CD for backups. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
September 2007
Joel Bruckenstein
File Trials Today's regulatory, legal and security environments demand a more robust document management solution and financial advisors who downplay these issues may find themselves doing so at their own risk. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
June 13, 2011
Eric Griffith
How To Hide Your Data Want to keep your private files under wraps without making it obvious they're important? Rather than encryption, try hiding them, so prying eyes don't even know they exist. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 15, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
Microsoft 'Frees' Office Formats Microsoft places code and specs for its old Office binary file formats under its "no lawsuit" program; begins open source project. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2009
Carol Minton Morris
Baltimore SPARC IR and SUN PASIG Meetings At the SPARC Conference and the Sun Microsystems Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group meeting, attendees grappled with the thorny issues around creating technology and policies to support durable knowledge for future generations in an era of burgeoning information. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
September 2005
Lincoln Spector
Preserve Your Most Vital Data for the Long Haul Take these steps to keep your important information safe for many years... Convert your WMA files to MP3... Password Safe... mark for My Articles similar articles
January 15, 2005
Message Therapy Many CIOs thought they had nailed e-mail systems in the '90s and could move on to more important things, but Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA and other regulations have moved e-mail management to the top of CIOs' agendas. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
September 2002
Melissa J. Perenson
Buyers' Guide to Rewritable DVD Drives Of the competing drive types, DVD+RW copies data and formats discs fastest, but DVD-RW is more compatible. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2005
Harold Kennedy
Navy's High-Speed Vessel Aids Relief Effort The HSV-2 Swift may be a forerunner of a next-generation fleet of fast, shallow-draft American-built transports capable of operating close along the shorelines of the world's hot spots. mark for My Articles similar articles