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Bank Systems & Technology
May 25, 2006
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ISO: Going Beyond Manufacturing Information security standards provide a new option for financial institutions' security troubles. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
July 28, 2006
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Corillian Maps to ISO Security Standard Online banking solutions provider Corillian recently attained certification to ISO 27001, a stringent globally recognized information security standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
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The Truth About SAS 70 CFOs who put too much trust in this high-profile report may be putting their companies at risk. mark for My Articles similar articles
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So many standards to follow, so little payoff Companies have spent a lot of money to comply with the International Organization for Standardization's popular management standards. It is difficult for entrepreneurs to obtain certification because of time and money constraints. mark for My Articles similar articles
Military & Aerospace Electronics
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Gurnett & Adams
Can ISO Standards Smooth the Lead-Free Transition? In the long run, the global legislative demand being made by lead-free rules and the European Reduction of Hazardous Substances rule in the consumer world will benefit military and aerospace users. mark for My Articles similar articles
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New Global Standard for Safer Food Supply Chains The new food safety management system standard, ISO 22000:2005, harmonizes the requirements for systematically managing safety in global food supply chains and offers a unique solution for best practices on a worldwide basis. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2015
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