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Jen Woodward
Vitamins 101 Here is a list of some of the most essential vitamins and where to find them in the foods you eat. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 12, 2002
Simon McNeil
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Shannon Clark
Vitamin C 101 Although it's commonly known as the vitamin that helps prevent the common cold, vitamin C does much more. mark for My Articles similar articles
Adrienne Turner
Foods You Should Eat Daily - Part I Loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients, these five "super" foods provide the body with everything it needs to thrive. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
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Eating Well: Frequently Asked Questions It's really not surprising that many people simply stick to their bad eating habits because they find healthy eating too complicated. The following answers to some frequently asked questions about nutrition will hopefully help clear up some of this confusion and keep you on the right track. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Should Foods Be Fortified Even More? A team of nutritionists is recommending that the federal government mandate the fortification of cereal-grain products, with calcium and vitamin D. Together, the two nutrients would add an estimated $.06 to $.10 to the cost of food per person per year. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shannon Clark
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Are Vitamins Really Necessary? Because on average only 9% of all North American men consume the daily amounts vegetables and fruit recommended by the government, supplements are often used to help bridge the gap. Here are some facts about vitamins and minerals. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
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Jarosz & Bellar
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Mark Anthony
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American Family Physician
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Food Processing
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Dave Fusaro
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Chris Carmichael
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Sarah Keefe
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Prepared Foods
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Simon McNeil
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Food Processing
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David Feder
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February 18, 2002
Joshua Levine
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Sabrina Rogers
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Shannon Clark
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Science News
April 30, 2005
Janet Raloff
Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency In this second of a three-part series, researchers explore why certain segments of the population have greater vitamin D deficiencies than others. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
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Shannon Clark
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Joel McConnell
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American Family Physician
November 1, 2006
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Shannon Clark
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Nutra Solutions
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Ginny Banks
A New Look at Bone Health Although vitamin D and calcium are the mainstay ingredients for osteoporosis prevention, studies show that vitamin K2, phosphorous, magnesium, prebiotics and soy can also play a role. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Simon McNeil
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Shannon Clark
Vitamin K 101 Vitamin K is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that the body requires, but be careful; because our bodies are able to store vitamin K effectively, it can become toxic over time if you take in too much. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Disgusting Foods That Are Good For You - Part II If you can swallow these foods, they'll provide your body with a ton of healthy benefits. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Sabrina Rogers
Eat Your Way To A Stronger, Healthier Body Many nutrients can protect specific parts of your body in addition to contributing to your overall health. Although taking supplements can be a good way to get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, nothing beats a healthy, balanced diet. mark for My Articles similar articles