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National Defense
July 2015
Terry L. Elling
How to Recruit Government Workers For many government contractors, current and former government employees -- including military service members -- comprise an experienced and valued source of talent. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2009
Stephen Epstein
Companies Must Beware of New 'Revolving Door' Policies Relationships between government and private contractor representatives must be carefully approached as recent front page stories highlighting allegations of collusion and impropriety have shown. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2004
James McAleese
Safe Harbors of Ethical Conduct Needed in Defense Procurement In light of a recent series of isolated, highly controversial public scandals with respect to several major defense acquisition programs, it is important to create "safe harbors" of conduct so that both government and contractor personnel can work as a cohesive team . mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2012
Jacob Pankowski
Take Heed of Post-Employment Restrictions The new Defense Acquisition Regulation System clause requires offers on Defense Department contracts to represent that all covered ex-department officials expected to work on any resulting contract are in compliance with all post-employment restrictions. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2011
Steve Epstein
Defense Department Contractors May See New Hiring Regulations A proposed Defense Department regulation, if implemented, will substantially change how contractors hire, oversee and track certain former civilian and military personnel. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
April 2009
Hickey & Parker
White House Kicks Off New Wave of Reforms Pledges and actions in the president's first few weeks in office, signal that increased ethics restrictions on government appointees, lobbyists and contractors have arrived. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2007
Hickey & Connolly
Ethical Lapses Provide Valuable Training Tool A recently proposed amendment to the Federal Acquisition Regulations would call upon all government contractors to have a written code of ethics and business conduct. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2005
L. James D'Agostino
Raising the Bar To Meet the Next Wave of Reform Recent procurement scandals have prompted numerous ethics reform initiatives by federal prosecutors, regulators and legislators. Given the volume of spending related to Operation Iraqi Freedom and on-going homeland-security initiatives, the industry can expect the greatest level of scrutiny since Operation Ill Wind in the 1980s. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2010
Sean M. Connolly
New Personal Conflicts of Interest Rules Proposed Federal Acquisition Regulations call for contractors to police their employees' personal conflicts of interest or face serious disciplinary action. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2005
Moorhouse & Hickey
Contractor-Sponsored Events: Navigating Through the Rules For contractor-sponsored events that involve federal employees, the following considerations should be examined by federal contractors and their government customers. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2009
David H. Laufman
Mandatory Disclosure Regime Raises Stakes for Contractors A new regulatory enforcement regime has now commenced that underscores the Department of Justice's aggressive approach to procurement fraud and dramatically increases the compliance and disclosure obligations of defense contractors. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2004
Joe Reeder
Association Unveils New Ethics Code for Industry The National Defense Industrial Association's Ethics Committee has developed a benchmark statement of industry ethics for companies to incorporate into their day-to-day business. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2006
Thomas O. Miller
Corporate Liability: Beware of Rogues And Ostriches A corporation can be liable for a criminal or Civil False Claims Act violation stemming from the conduct of "rogue employees," who are politely known as "adverse agents," and employees who are willfully blind or deliberately ignorant of ethical, legal and contractual requirements. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2011
Moorhouse & Jack
Frivolous Bid Protests Come With Risks The government and contractors both invest heavily in the lead up to contract formation, and both are expected to behave ethically towards one another with complete integrity. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2015
Sandra Evers-Manly
An Ethical Culture: Own it, Live it, Lead it Anyone involved in ethics and compliance within the defense industry should know that to be truly effective, a corporate ethics program requires more than a "check the box" approach mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2013
Canni & Levy
Agencies Becoming More Aggressive in Pursuit of Contractor Wrongdoing After years of congressional complaints, federal agencies are responding to concerns about how they handle contractor debarments and suspensions. New civilian debarment offices have emerged and are becoming active. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2006
Reeder & Hickey
Make Commitment To Corporate Ethics The National Defense Industrial Association puts ethical conduct on par with shareholder profits and believes maintaining the highest ethical standards throughout the defense industry has never been more important to the country. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2006
Reeder & Hickey
Defense Industry Political Activities: Do's and Don'ts Basic knowledge of the do's and don'ts of corporate political activity will prevent serious and potentially embarrassing pitfalls, and corporate leaders must know or be able to assess quickly the nuances before permitting any financial participation by anyone. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2011
Statement of Defense Industry Ethics In November 2004, after several months of in-depth review the National Defense Industrial Association finalized and published its Code of Ethics. Five years later in 2009, NDIA undertook to review, and, in a small number of ways made minor but we believe worthy revisions. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
September 2012
Richard L. Moorhouse
Implementing Evolving Disclosure Rules Federal government oversight, scrutiny of contractors and enforcement actions are on the rise. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2007
Manik K. Rath
Mergers, Acquisitions Call for Added Scrutiny When acquiring or merging with any government contractor, reviewing ethics policies, compliance programs, and all recent voluntary disclosures will provide a wealth of invaluable information. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2007
David Hickey
Companies Must Set and Review Compliance Priorities As 2006 closed, the Department of Justice's criminal division announced the formal creation of a national task force "to promote the prevention, early detection and prosecution of procurement fraud." mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2008
Joseph J. Summerill
Congress to Enact New Accountability in Contracting Congressional interest in oversight of government contracting began early last year with separate bills during the first three months of the 110th Congress in both the House and Senate that provided for contractor oversight and limited the number of sole source contracts. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2008
Hickey & Connolly
Codes of Conduct Don't Always Protect Reputation Alone, ethics codes will not protect an organization's reputation. Leadership is required. CEOs, boards, and every level of management, must vigilantly endeavor to steer their organizations clear of even appearances of questionable behavior. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2009
McGrath & Connolly
Industry Should Prepare for Review of Ethics Programs Contractors may soon have more complete answers as to how the Defense Department will verify contractor compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation's recent ethics program requirements. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2009
McGrath & Connolly
Final Rules on Mandatory Disclosure Effective Dec. 12, 2008, government contractors will face what rule authors characterize as a "sea change" in how government enforcement authorities expect to govern in the future. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2008
Moorhouse & Connolly
Contractors' Conflicts of Interest Under Scrutiny Contractors may soon be required to police their employees' personal conflicts of interest. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2007
Marc Lindemann
Civilian Contractors under Military Law The insertion of five words into Congress's fiscal year 2007 defense authorization act may now subject every civilian contractor operating in a combat zone to the discipline of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2006
Dorn C. McGrath
What's Good for the Goose and the Gander Actual bad faith by government officials is relatively rare, but it happens, and making government officials accountable when it does occur is essential to the integrity of our procurement system. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
July 3, 2005
Michael Kinsman
Career Pros: Leading by Example Executives help establish the standards that drive the behavior of other workers. When executives embrace corporate values and live up to them, they provide standards for everyone to follow. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2004
Lawrence P. Farrell Jr.
Corporate Self-Governance Remains an Imperative The ethics-related issues that have put the defense industry on the front pages in recent weeks obviously have prompted concerns among business leaders. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
October 2009
Thomas D. Giachetti
Expert's Corner: Look Before You Lay Off Let's explore three of the most common staff reduction options available to employers -- layoffs, reductions in workweeks or salary, and furloughs -- and address some of the legal pitfalls that can be associated with each. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2004
Richard J. Bednar
Small Companies Need Ethics Programs Too The Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct (DII)-- focused on defense industry ethics and conduct programs since its inception in 1986--has developed a "tool kit" to help smaller defense contractors plan ethics and conduct program. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
July 2012
David Lawrence
Departing Employees Regardless of circumstances, you need a plan for handling transitions. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2001
Evan Fray-Witzer
Independents' Day You may call them contractors, but the courts say they're employees. A look at the problems that can come from mischaracterizing an employee as an independent contractor and steps you can take to avoid problems. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2007
Brian Sears
Building an Ethical Culture From the Top The NDIA ethics code encourages companies always to aspire to and implement best practices in all dealings with the government and other businesses. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 14, 2006
Dan Caplinger
The Definition of Independence For a small-business owner, hiring an employee is a big step. Ignoring the rules classifying employees can be a costly tax mistake for your business. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
April 2007
Thomas D. Giachetti
First, Hold On to Your Clients Before selling your investment advisory firm, make sure restrictive covenants are in place. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
July 2006
David L. Lawrence
How To Hire The Perfect Employee Look at why you want to hire someone -- and what job they'll do. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
August 17, 2008
Lindsey Novak
Career Pros: The Facts About Firings Employer rules and employee rights regarding terminations. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2005
Reeder & Hickey
`Tis Once Again the Season To Be Jolly, but Wise It's that time when the Defense Department's Standards of Conduct Office issues guidance and emphasizes the rules governing partying and gift giving between contractors and their government customers. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2006
Stafford & Brody
Regulations Affect Sales Agents, Fees Many firms hire employees or engage sales agents to help secure federal government business. Doing this properly requires compliance with ethics rules that bar contingent fees. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
December 1, 2002
Lawrence Rosen
The Ethical System Administrator As an ethical attorney -- or at least an attorney who strives to be ethical -- I must advise everyone to obey the law. Don't make unauthorized copies of software, and don't just sit idly by when you see others in your company doing so. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2012
Sean M. Connolly
Update Emerges For New Personal Conflicts of Interest Rule Effective Dec. 2, 2011, the Federal Acquisition Regulation requires U.S. government contractors and subcontractors to prevent personal conflicts of interest that arise during their employees' performance of certain acquisition functions. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2005
Joe Pappalardo
Investigators Band Together Against Contracting Fraud A scandal involving the manipulation of a $20 billion contract for Air Force refueling tankers served as an impetus for an interagency effort to police government deals for abuse and conflicts of interest. More than 20 federal agencies are involved, and that list is growing. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2012
Stafford & Kaprove
Mitigating the Risk of Defense Base Act Insurance The Defense Base Act requires many U.S. government contractors and subcontractors to provide workers' compensation insurance to their overseas-based employees working on U.S. military bases and government projects. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
April 2008
McGrath & Connolly
New Rules For Federal Contracts Effective Dec. 24, 2007, the government-wide federal acquisition regulation (FAR) mandates a written code of ethics for almost all government contractors. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2011
Denis Chamberland
Contractors on the Battlefield: Outsourcing of Military Services The last decade has witnessed a sharp increase in the scale of outsourcing of military services to third parties, emphasizing the importance of integrating contractor support into military operations and generating efficiencies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
November 2005
William R. Urban
Raising the Bar There are few easy answers when it comes to the ethical issues faced by financial advisors and their staffs. Here's how one financial advisory firm successfully keeps ethical issues at the top for all its employees. mark for My Articles similar articles
Global Services
July 30, 2007
Vashistha & Khan
Hire and Fire: Regional Labor Laws In these times when businesses thrive on global labor, companies must know and understand the employment laws of the countries they operate in. mark for My Articles similar articles