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December 30, 2005
Roy Mark
Open Access, Closed Debate Phone and cable giants aim to dismantle Internet neutrality. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 7, 2006
Roy Mark
No New Laws For Net Neutrality? The cable and telephone industries again insisted Tuesday they have no plans or intentions to block either Internet content or applications over their high-speed broadband networks. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 15, 2006
Ben Worthen
The Net Neutrality Debate: You Pay, You Play? The democracy of the Web may soon be a relic of the past, a change that may have costly implications for doing business on the Net. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 13, 2006
Catherine Yang
Is Verizon A Network Hog? Documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission show that Verizon Communications Inc. is setting aside a wide lane on its fiber-optic network for delivering its own television service. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 17, 2006
Stephen H. Wildstrom
The War For The Net's Future Innovation must be able to thrive on both public and private networks. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
October 2005
Willie D. Jones
United States Establishes "Level Playing Field" in Broadband--Or Does It? Reversing a longtime stance, the FCC no longer maintains that offering consumers broadband services on attractive terms requires there to be competing providers of digital subscriber line, or DSL, service. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 7, 2005
At SBC, It's All About "Scale and Scope" SBC Telecommunications' CEO Edward Whitacre talks about the AT&T Wireless acquisition and how he's moving to keep abreast of cable competitors. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 28, 2005
Yang et al.
The Shifting Telecom Landscape With AT&T and MCI going, the Bells will compete with cable and tech companies. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 28, 2006
Roy Mark
Senate Panel Kills Net Neutrality After almost two hours of often contentious debate, the Senate Commerce Committee defeated a measure to insert controversial network neutrality provisions into the panel's ambitious telecom reform legislation. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 28, 2005
Rich Duprey
No Jams on Info Freeway The Supreme Court says cable Internet operations are information providers, not telecoms. Information services will inevitably evolve over time, and this ruling will help foster new developments. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 9, 2005
Roy Mark
FCC: 'Net Neutrality' For All U.S. Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) urges Congress to make FCC's principles of open networks part of telecom reform. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 30, 2006
Roy Mark
'Clear And Present Danger' For Telecom Reform Bill Big tech urged Congress today to stop telephone and cable operators from extending their market power over broadband access to broadband content. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 7, 2005
Catherine Yang
Getting Real At The FCC Unlike Michael K. Powell, the next chairman must put ideology aside to foster new services. The new chairman must safeguard basic communications services and promote new entrants who'll create competition. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 1, 2005
Roy Mark
FCC Chief Pushing For DSL Deregulation New FCC chairman circulating proposal to give telcos' broadband the same status as cable modems. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
February 4, 2014
Nancy K. Herther
FCC Confronts Issues of Net Neutrality, Future of the Internet at Stake On Jan. 14, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the Federal Communications Commission does not have the authority over broadband providers in its provision of internet access and traffic "control" as it has with ISPs. Immediately red flags went up. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
March 3, 2015
George H. Pike
FCC Approves Net Neutrality The Federal Communications Commission gave a huge victory to Net Neutrality advocates by voting in favor of sweeping new rules that change the way internet services are regulated. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 30, 2005
Rich Duprey
Controlling Interest in Net Access Supreme Court hears the case of opening cable Internet access to competition and regulation. The decision will have important consequences that may become irrelevant if satellites, power lines or other means of transmission become more prevalent. Investors, take note. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 1, 2006
Roy Mark
CNN, Chicken Fried Steaks And The Same Dumb Pipe As Washington thrashes with net neutrality, it's really all about smart and dumb pipes. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2, 2006
Roy Mark
EBay Marshals Members For Net Neutrality Online auctioneer eBay raised its bid on network neutrality this week by sending 1 million-plus call-to-action e-mails to its members urging them to bombard Washington with e-mails and calls protesting efforts by broadband providers to create a two-tiered Internet. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 19, 2006
Roy Mark
Looking Back: Net Neutrality Spoils Telecom Reform A review of the top stories and issues that rocked the tech industry in 2006. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 21, 2006
Roy Mark
Telecom Reform Hopes Fading Telecom reform is dead in the U.S. Senate - until at least a November lame duck session, U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens said. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 5, 2005
Roy Mark
Bells Free From DSL Obligations In a significant policy victory for the incumbent carriers, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unanimously voted today to eliminate DSL line-sharing rules. The FCC imposes a one-year transition period for ISPs to renegotiate. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 19, 2006
Roy Mark
Consumer Groups Balk at 'New Cartel' Consumer groups urged Congress today to pass legislation barring broadband providers from engaging in what the groups call potentially discriminatory pricing for high speed Internet service. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 25, 2006
Roy Mark
Fresh Start For Net Neutrality? Both the House and Senate will take up legislation today on the increasingly contentious issue of just what is - or is not - network neutrality. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 1, 2004
Roy Mark
Court Refuses to Review FCC Modem Rule Ninth Circuit upholds decision saying cable broadband is subject to common carrier rules. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
May 13, 2014
George H. Pike
FCC Open Internet Proposal Could End Net Neutrality In what is being described as the end of Net Neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission expects to publicly propose new rules to allow ISPs to create different rate scales and transmission speeds for different types of content. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 28, 2004
Catherine Yang
Telecom: The Day After Will unleashing the Baby Bells serve to heighten competition -- or stifle it? mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2004
Rosenbush et al.
Broadband: What's The Holdup? The U.S. lags far behind global leaders such as Korea and Japan, where broadband is far faster and cheaper, thanks to more focused national policy, less cumbersome regulation, and more densely populated regions. What's holding up the US with broadband? mark for My Articles similar articles
March 4, 2005
Roy Mark
It's Degrading: VoIP Firms Urge More FCC Action Vonage and Nuvio say port blocking is easy to prove, but allege that telecoms and cable companies are also degrading VoIP signals. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 17, 2006
Roy Mark
Cuban All For Multi-Tiered Internet Internet pioneer and entrepreneur Mark Cuban wants a multi-tiered Internet where bandwidth-intensive applications, such as video, cost a premium, echoing recent comments of the Baby Bells and cable companies that dominate the U.S. broadband market. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 3, 2010
Kelly M. Teal
If Net Neutrality Dies, Expect Common-Carrier Push People who oppose greater government oversight of the Web say a common-carrier push for net neutrality wouldn't get very far. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 1, 2009
Eric Jhonsa
Net Neutrality: It's All About Wireless The FCC could upend the way that mobile carriers do business. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
June 16, 2015
Nancy K. Herther
The FCC's New Open Internet Order Faces the Realities of Implementation The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) 2010 Open Internet Order was intended to prevent broadband ISPs from blocking or interfering with traffic on the web to ensure the internet remained a level playing field for any user. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 28, 2005
Roy Mark
Brand X Reactions Split up The Middle Did the Supreme Court add regulatory certainty to the broadband market or confuse the situation even more? mark for My Articles similar articles
January 15, 2008
Comcast Gets FCC Notice on Web Blocking Comcast faces an FCC investigation following complaints of BitTorrent throttling. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 7, 2006
Roy Mark
'Net Neutrality' What? Who Knows? Proponents of net neutrality face an uphill battle on Capitol Hill: explaining the concept. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 27, 2006
Roy Mark
Net Neutrality Faces Senate Panel Vote The Senate Commerce Committee pushes vote on network traffic management rules to Wednesday morning. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 17, 2007
Roy Mark
Senators Push FCC on Network Neutrality The Federal Communications Commission should expand the focus of its network neutrality inquiry to include the impact of carrier practices on content providers, U.S. Senators Byron Dorgan and Olympia Snowe said Monday. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 13, 2007
Roy Mark
Network Neutrality Foes Square Off For FTC There isn't much hope that the two sides of the network neutrality debate will find any common ground at a Federal Trade Commission workshop on the issue. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 9, 2006
Roy Mark
Martin Concerned Over Broadband Plan Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin is worried about mounting rumors of a proposed two-tiered broadband delivery system by the Baby Bells. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 23, 2007
Roy Mark
FCC Begins Net Neutrality Inquiry The FCC launches a period of public comment on need for network neutrality provisions. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 7, 2005
Ante & Crockett
Rewired And Ready For Combat SBC and Verizon are spending billions to stay competitive in the broadband era. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 26, 2005
Roy Mark
Same Broadband Numbers, Different Conclusions Consumer advocates claim the FCC is misleading public about pace of broadband rollout -- and DSL and cable modem users are paying more because of it. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 30, 2010
ISPs Urge FCC to Resist Broadband Regulation A band of cable and telecom firms and their lobbying organizations issue a warning to Federal Communications Commission telling it to keep broadband unregulated. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2, 2006
Roy Mark
Senator Steps Up for Net Neutrality New legislation would bar broadband network operators from creating fast lanes for those who can pay. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 12, 2004
Roy Mark
EarthLink: Telecom Reform Unnecessary Nation's third largest ISP tells Congress it should focus on enforcing current law, while broadband providers Verizon and Comcast argue for new ones. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 7, 2008
David Needle
FCC Chairman Says 'Balance' is Key to Net Neutrality FCC Chairman Kevin Martin discusses Comcast, net neutrality and other issues at Stanford. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 7, 2002
Jeffrey Benner
Getting a lock on broadband How the FCC is paving the way for a few big companies to control everyone's high-speed Internet access. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 24, 2006
Roy Mark
New Coalition Finds No Hope in COPE According to the Coalition, the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Efficiency Act of 2006 does not guarantee network neutrality since telephone and cable companies will be able to charge content providers different rates based on bandwidth consumption. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 14, 2008
Kenneth Corbin
Industry Groups Declare War on Net Neutrality Bill Telecommunications industry groups have attacked a new bill calling for government regulators to take a closer look at how broadband providers manage their networks. mark for My Articles similar articles