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American Family Physician
February 1, 2006
Chronic Constipation in Your Child An informative patient hand-out: What is constipation?... How common is chronic constipation... Why does my child have constipation?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 1, 2002
Constipation in Adults What is constipation?... What causes constipation?... What can I do to prevent or treat constipation?... Should I use a laxative?... When should I call my doctor? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 1, 2002
Constipation in Your Child What is constipation?... What causes constipation in children?... Why is it important to treat constipation?... What can I do to treat my child's constipation?... When should my child see a doctor? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2005
Constipation A patient hand-out on the bowel disorder, what causes it and how to treat it. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2002
IBS -- What You Need to Know What is irritable bowel syndrome?... How does my doctor know if I have IBS?... What are the treatments for IBS?... Does IBS lead to colon cancer or other diseases?... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2005
Irritable Bowel Syndrome A patient hand-out on the intestinal disorder, its symptoms and how to treat it. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 15, 2006
Hirschsprung's Disease: What You Should Know A patient guide: What is Hirschsprung's Disease?... What are the symptoms?... How is it treated?... Where can I get more information?... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2005
Diverticular Disease: What You Should Know A patient guide to the disease, its diagnosis, and prognosis. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 1, 2004
Chronic Pain Medicines Description of the different types of pain medicines for chronic pain. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2004
Why should I eat more fiber? Eating foods that are high in fiber can help relieve some problems with constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2005
Inflammatory Bowel Disease A patient handout on the intestinal disease, its causes, diagnosis and treatment options. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 1, 2005
Christine Hsieh
Treatment of Constipation in Older Adults Effectiveness of a variety of treatments for chronic constipation in the elderly. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2006
Help for Your Child's Constipation A patient hand-out: Keep a positive attitude... Remember the way your child's body works... Keep a list of your child's bowel movements... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 15, 2006
Tips for Using Medicines Wisely A patient guide and suggestions for safe medicine use. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2005
What to Do If Your Child Swallows Something A hand-out for parents and caregivers of young children offering advice for this safety concern. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2003
Heart Attack: Getting Back into Your Life After a Heart Attack How soon can I get back into my regular activities?... Why is exercise so important?... What kind of exercise is good?... How often should I exercise?... etc, mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2003
Pregnancy: Prenatal Care What will happen during prenatal visits?... What should I eat?... Is it okay to take medicine?... How long can I keep working?... What about exercise?... Is it okay to have sex?... What can I do to feel better while I'm pregnant?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 1, 2004
Heart Failure-What Do I Need to Know About It? A patient bulletin discussing what heart failure is, its most common causes, treatment options, ways to prevent the disease, etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 1, 2006
Getting Your Child to Take Medicine What to do if you child won't take his/her medicine. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 1, 2004
Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing: Tips to Share with Your Doctor If you are hard of hearinf or deaf, here are some tips to make your next doctor's visit easier. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2003
Heart Failure What is heart failure?... What causes heart failure?... What are the symptoms of heart failure?... What tests will I need?... What treatment will I need?... What medicines will I need to take?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 1, 2003
Using an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor What is high blood pressure?... What causes high blood pressure?... Why do I have to control my high blood pressure?... How can I check my blood pressure?... What is an ambulatory blood pressure monitor?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 1, 2002
Daisy A. Arce
Evaluation of Constipation Constipation is the reason for 2.5 million physician visits per year in the United States, with more than one half of these visits to primary care physicians. The differential diagnosis of constipation and the approach to its evaluation differ in adults and children. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2006
Briggs & Dery
Evaluation and Treatment of Constipation in Infants and Children Constipation in children usually is functional and the result of stool retention. However, family physicians must be alert for red flags that may indicate the presence of an uncommon but serious organic cause of constipation. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 15, 2002
Hemorrhoidectomy for Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids What are thrombosed hemorrhoids?... What treatments are available for thrombosed external hemorrhoids?... What happens during surgical removal of the thrombosed hemorrhoid?... Does it matter how long my hemorrhoids have been hurting?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Raiswell
Healing Foods We've compiled a list of common ailments and a few suggested foods that can help clear them up. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2002
Exercise for the Elderly Is it safe for me to exercise?... How do I get started?... What type of exercise should I do?... When should I call my doctor?... What are some specific exercises I can do?... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 15, 2006
Mental Retardation: What Caregivers Need to Know A caregiver's guide: What should I do about doctor visits for a person with mental retardation?... What if a person with mental retardation is hurt or acts strangely?... Who should make medical decisions for a person with mental retardation?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2, 2003
Mike Davison
8 Questions Men Are Afraid To Ask Doctors Due to macho pride or the expense of health care, many men visit the doctor only when something noticeably breaks, like their nose, or stops, like their heart. Likewise, they are not always willing to ask their family doctor embarrassing questions. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2006
What You Should Know About Worrying Too Much Learn when worrying is a problem and what you can do to get treatment. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 15, 2006
Jarvis & Golding
Lubiprostone (Amitiza) for Chronic Idiopathic Constipation Although bulk or osmotic laxatives are less expensive first options for treating patients with chronic idiopathic constipation, lubiprostone is an alternative for those who do not tolerate or respond to these agents, or in patients older than 65 years in whom tegaserod use is not recommended. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 1, 2004
Falls: How to Lower Your Risk Anyone can fall, but the elderly are especially at risk. Information and tips on falling and how to lower your risk. mark for My Articles similar articles
Delicious Living
January 2007
H. K. Jones
Roughing it Keeping things moving along in your digestive system isn't fiber's only claim to fame. More and more research indicates that a high-fiber diet may help prevent diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 22, 2000
Andreas Killen
Constipation = civilization In "Inner Hygiene," professor James C. Whorton reminds us that some of our great thinkers, from Martin Luther to Ben Franklin and beyond, have been afflicted with clogged bowels. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2005
Health Care After Cancer Treatment An informative patient hand-out on follow-up cancer care. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2002
Joint and Soft Tissue Injection What is a joint and soft tissue injection?... What will I feel during the injection?... What should I do after the procedure?... What should I expect after the procedure?... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
August 15, 2004
End-Of-Life Choices for Families An informational pamphlet for those making end-of-life decisions. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
August 2011
Craft & Prahlow
From Fecal Impaction to Colon Perforation The authors present the case of an elderly, nonverbal nursing home resident with dementia who developed fecal impaction, despite interventions such as enema. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 1, 2005
How to Prevent Falling A patient/caregiver handout including facts about falls and the elderly, its causes and dangers. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
May 2012
Diana L. Wadlund
Meeting the challenge of IBS IBS is the best studied, most common functional GI disorder, and is often characterized by debilitating symptoms without any pathologic findings. The predominant symptoms of IBS are abdominal pain and an alteration in bowel habits with an absence of organic pathology. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 15, 2003
Holten & Wetherington
Problem-Oriented Diagnosis Diagnosing the patient with abdominal pain and altered bowel habits: is it irritable bowel syndrome? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2006
Nonhormonal Options for Hot Flashes A patient hand-out: What is a hot flash?... What can I do about hot flashes?... Antidepressants (SSRIs)... Prescription medicines... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Dustin Driver
How To Check A Doctor's Credentials Here's a five-step plan to finding a good doctor. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 15, 2001
Joshua Levine
Choosing The Right Doctor Choosing a doctor is one of the most important decisions you can make. It's probably best made when you are healthy and have some time to think about a number of possibilities. If you don't have a doctor or are thinking about changing doctors, now may be the best time to look... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2002
Viera et al.
Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and is frequently treated by family physicians. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
October 2002
Michael S. Victoroff
When Patients Repay Docs By Putting Them in Their Wills The other day, a lawyer called to ask me whether it was ethical for a doctor to accept a large bequest from a patient's estate. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 15, 2001
John L. Pfenninger
Common Anorectal Conditions: Part I. Symptoms and Complaints Anorectal symptoms and complaints are common and may be caused by a wide spectrum of conditions... mark for My Articles similar articles
Robert Morris
How To Maximize Your Doctor Visit Here's how to get the most bang for your buck before, during and after your visit to the doctor. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2007
Sharon Boone
Is That Stomach Pain All in Your Head? Cut stress and that irritable bowel may disappear. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
July 18, 2009
Science Past From The Issue Of July 18, 1959 Suggestions were offered for using computerized information to help doctors diagnose illnesses. mark for My Articles similar articles