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Winter 2005/2006
Mitchell J. Thompson
Breaking the Proconsulate: A New Design for National Power There have been few truly transformational changes to the institutions of national security, only slight modifications to the existing ones. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2007
Gregory L. Cantwell
Nation-Building: A Joint Enterprise When America's Army is at war, is the nation also at war? mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2007
Christopher M. Schnaubelt
Whither the RMA? The present Department of Defense (DOD) focus on technological solutions to increase capabilities may be misguided by a vision of a high-tech Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2007
Anthony J. Schwarz
Iraq's Militias: The True Threat to Coalition Success in Iraq Analysis of the historical, political, and religious roots underlying the growth of extremism in Iraq mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2008
William Mcdonough
Time for a New Strategy The Surge Strategy proposed by George W. Bush in 2007 has accomplished the majority of its goals and now is the time to significantly reduce the US presence in Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2008
Henrietta Holsman Fore
Aligning "Soft" with "Hard" Power The importance of collaboration between American development agencies and the US military and how to drive those collaborations deeper into the US Agency for International Development (USAID). mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2005
Metz & Millen
Intervention, Stabilization, and Transformation Operations: The Role of Landpower in the New Strategic Environment A historic shift has taken place in the strategic environment as globalization and interconnectedness propel the concept of security in new, unforeseen directions mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2009
Stew Magnuson
Integrating Civilian Agencies Into Military Operations Remains Difficult The United States' "whole government" approach to rebuilding war-torn nations is nevertheless moving forward. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2008
Mark Cancian
Contractors: The New Element of Military Force Structure The purpose of this article is to examine what battlefield contractors do, consider how we got to the situation we are in today, and provide force planners with some useful insight regarding the future. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2007
Marc Lindemann
Civilian Contractors under Military Law The insertion of five words into Congress's fiscal year 2007 defense authorization act may now subject every civilian contractor operating in a combat zone to the discipline of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2005
Christopher M. Ford
Speak No Evil: Targeting a Population's Neutrality to Defeat an Insurgency Using Iraq as a model, this article seeks to examine the relationship between the people and the insurgency, with the ultimate questions being: What role does the civilian population play in the insurgency, and how can this situation be influenced to achieve success? mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2004
Harold Kennedy
The New face of Peacekeeping U.S. leaders have began to rediscover the value of peacekeeping operations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2006
Michael R. Melillo
Outfitting a Big-War Military with Small-War Capabilities Unfortunately, it took the tragedy of 9/11 and the challenges posed by an adaptive enemy for the U.S. to realize it was not prepared to fight war on terms other than its own choosing. mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2003/2004
Tulak, Kraft, & Silbaugh
State Defense Forces and Homeland Security State Defense Forces represent a valuable additional component for homeland security and homeland defense contingency planning and operations. They can provide key technological and procedural bridges to link US Northern Command to local first-responders and state and federal agencies during operations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2008
Steven L. Schooner
Why Contractor Fatalities Matter Apprising the American public that the true human cost associated with military operations includes contractors and exceeds 6,000 is critical to making informed decisions for the future. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2004
Michael O'Hanlon
The Need to Increase the Size of the Deployable Army The possibility exists that large numbers of active-duty troops and reservists may soon leave the service rather than subjecting themselves to a life continually on the road. The seriousness of the worry cannot be easily established. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
April 2005
Roxana Tiron
Irregular Warfare Counter-insurgency in Iraq provides a template for fighting terrorism. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2004
Harold Kennedy
U.S. Northern Command Actively Enlisting Partners The U.S. Northern Command--established in 2002 to prevent a repeat of 9/11--is seeking assistance from a wide range of organizations to help it protect the United States, its territories and interests, said Army Col. Stover James, the organization's director of interagency coordination. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2008
Robert M. Chamberlain
With Friends Like These: Grievance, Governance, and Capacity-Building in COIN This article questions the assumption that enhancing the power of the state will make the population less likely to support insurgents. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2004
Robert R. Tomes
Relearning Counterinsurgency Warfare Thirty years after the signing of the January 1973 Paris peace agreement ending the Vietnam War, the United States finds itself leading a broad coalition of military forces engaged in peacemaking, nation-building, and now counterinsurgency warfare in Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2007
Book Reviews The new book, Fiasco, wastes no time in cutting a wide swath through Washington and Baghdad in this critique on the war in Iraq... State of Denial is the third book by Bob Woodward on the war in Iraq... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2006/2007
Book Reviews From Omaha Beach to Dawson's Ridge: The Combat Journal of Captain Joe Dawson. By Cole C. Kingseed... The Making of a Terrorist: Recruitment, Training and Root Causes. Edited by James J. F. Forest... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2006
Book Reviews Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis. By Jimmy Carter... State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century. By Francis Fukuyama... Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944-1945. By Max Hastings... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2006
Perry & Flournoy
The U.S. Military: Under Strain And at Risk In the current debate over the nation's defense strategy and spending priorities, many have forgotten that the ground forces are under enormous strain. This strain, if not soon relieved, will have highly corrosive effects on the force. mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2006/2007
Gary Felicetti
The Limits of Training in Iraqi Force Development The National Strategy for Victory in Iraq and much of the public debate surrounding it leaves the impression that additional training will go a long way toward solving the security problem and bringing our troops home. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2005
Pierre Lessard
Campaign Design for Winning the War . . . and the Peace The current Western interpretation of campaign design must reunite with its strategic roots of ends and means in its quest to seek ways of winning both the war and the peace in the post-9/11 era. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2004
Book Reviews In the Company of Soldiers: A Chronicle of Combat. By Rick Atkinson... America's Inadvertent Empire. By William E. Odom and Robert Dujarric... The Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet. By James Mann... The Iraq War. By John Keegan... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2004
Joe Pappalardo
U.S. Moves to Rearm Iraq The U.S. government--following an extended delay--is aggressively moving to train and equip Iraqi security forces to provide for the internal and external defense of that war torn nation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2005
Book Reviews Abandoning Vietnam: How America Left and South Vietnam Lost Its War....The Moral Warrior: Ethics and Service in the U.S.... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2005
Kenneth Payne
The Media as an Instrument of War The media, in the modern era, are indisputably an instrument of war. This is because winning modern wars is as much dependent on carrying domestic and international public opinion as it is on defeating the enemy on the battlefield. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2008
Robert Gates
Reflections on Leadership Partners in Command, a book by Mark Perry, is an account of the unique relationship between General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General George Marshall, and how they played a significant role in the American victory in World War II. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2007
Book Reviews Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965 by Mark Moyar offers fresh insights on the war... Ivan's War: Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939-1945 by Catherine Merridale is social history at it's best... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2006
Book Reviews Soldiering: Observations from Korea, Vietnam, and Safe Places. By Henry G. Gole... New Glory: Expanding America's Global Supremacy. By Ralph Peters... Sands of Empire: Missionary Zeal, American Foreign Policy, and the Hazards of Global Ambition. By Robert W. Merry... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2005
Harold Kennedy
State Department Gets Major Role In Peacekeeping The White House has assigned the role of coordinating civilian and coalition efforts, or "stability operations," after a war to the State Department, which has created an office with an "ambassadorial-level coordinator." mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2003/2004
Richard D. Hooker, Jr.
Soldiers of the State: Reconsidering American Civil-Military Relations Far from overstepping its bounds, America's military operates comfortably within constitutional notions of separated powers, participating appropriately in defense and national security policymaking with due deference to the principle of civilian control. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2008
Kenneth Payne
Waging Communication War This article sets out to explore the ramifications of poor communication and lack of support of the population in a modern war. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2007
Grace Jean
Lack of Military-Civilian Coordination Hinders War-Zone Rebuilding Efforts Civilian groups that play critical roles in the rebuilding of Iraq have no clear guidance for how to coordinate their efforts with the military. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2004
Book Reviews A book review of Beyond Baghdad. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2004
Roxana Tiron
Pentagon Seeks Joint Doctrine, Training for Personnel Recovery Despite accounting for each and every missing soldier in the Iraq war the combat search and rescue community is stretched thin and grappling with gaps ranging from policy to training. mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2005/2006
Jeffrey Record
Why the Strong Lose Why has the United States fared consistently well against such powerful enemies as Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and the Soviet Union, but its record against lesser foes is decidedly mixed? mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2004
Roxana Tiron
U.S. Takes Step Back, Revisits Rebuilding Plans To recover from serious setbacks in its reconstruction plans for Iraq the United States will need a more flexible strategy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2007
Richard Swain
Reflection on an Ethic of Officership Reminder that America's Army has operated for over 200 years without an officer's creed to govern the actions of its leaders. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2009
Stew Magnuson
Increasingly Complex Operations Force Rapid Changes in Army Training The increasingly complex battlefield is prompting the service to rethink the way it trains for war. mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2005/2006
Book Reviews The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War by Andrew J. Bacevich... 1776 by David McCullough... West Point: Two Centuries and Beyond edited by Lance Betros... What We Owe Iraq: War and the Ethics of Nation Building by Noah Feldman... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2004
Carolyn Maloney
Advanced Technology Demonstrations Proven in Iraq The war in Iraq helped demonstrate several Defense Department research and development programs that started out more than a decade ago as Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2006
David W. Barno
Challenges in Fighting a Global Insurgency Strategy in a global counterinsurgency requires a new level of thinking. A world of irregular threats and asymmetrical warfare demands that we Americans broaden our thinking beyond the norms of traditional military action once sufficient to win our wars. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2010
Grace V. Jean
Army's Anthropology Teams Under Fire, But in Demand The military's lack of knowledge of the Iraqi population and its socio-cultural dynamics was one of the key failings of U.S. policy that led to the rise of insurgency there. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2005
Book Reviews Vietnam Chronicles: The Abrams Tapes, 1968-1972... Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror... Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2004
Book Reviews Surprise, Security and the American Experience... Arguing About War... The Regulars: The American Army 1898-1941... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2004
Franklin Eric Wester
Preemption and Just War: Considering the Case of Iraq This article demonstrates that the use of military force by the Bush Administration against the regime of Saddam Hussein does not meet the ethical criteria for "preemptive war" set forth in the classical Just War tradition. mark for My Articles similar articles