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The Motley Fool
January 27, 2005
Dayana Yochim
Allocation for the Rest of Us How does your portfolio compare with that of the average affluent American? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 12, 2004
Dayana Yochim
Act Rich Stop envying the affluent. Start emulating their behavior. Saving your money and investing like the rich do. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 25, 2004
Asset Allocation for Retirees A helpful way to approach asset allocation is to jot down how much you have, how much you want to withdraw each year, how quickly you expect your nest egg to grow invested in your various options, and how long your money needs to last. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 19, 2006
Rex Moore
Optimize Your Asset Allocation The nearer you are to retirement, the more important your asset allocation. Which investments should go in your retirement account? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 30, 2003
How Much Do You Need to Retire? Plan for some comfortable golden years. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Luis Rodrigues
Retire Rich... Really Rich If you want to retire rich or plan on retiring a little earlier than the average Joe, it's time to evaluate your situation. Unless you were lucky enough to be a blue blood or you won the state lottery, chances are that you'll have to do some careful financial planning to meet your goals... mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
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Don't Forget Home Equity To business professor Dean Gatzlaff, your home should be part of any asset allocation plan. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Guarantee Greater Returns Simply seeking advice can boost your earnings from thousands to millions. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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Building the Perfect Portfolio Smart asset allocation is critical to successful fund investing. Staying the course is a fine idea, but because your goals and tolerance for risk are bound to change over time, the perfect portfolio will always be a work in progress. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 22, 2008
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Uh-Oh: Your Retirement Has Been Rescheduled A market downswing can derail retirement plans with little warning. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 17, 2006
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The Motley Fool
February 4, 2004
Dave Braze
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The Motley Fool
January 25, 2007
Selena Maranjian
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
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William Stecker
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The Motley Fool
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Kaderli & Kaderli
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The Motley Fool
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Selena Maranjian
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The Motley Fool
March 14, 2006
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The Motley Fool
December 1, 2005
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
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Robert Brokamp
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The Motley Fool
October 14, 2009
Chuck Saletta
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The Motley Fool
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Amanda B. Kish
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The Motley Fool
December 30, 2004
Robert Brokamp
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The Motley Fool
May 7, 2004
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The Motley Fool
April 25, 2006
Anand Chokkavelu
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Registered Rep.
November 1, 2005
Lynn O'Shaughnessy
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The Motley Fool
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Selena Maranjian
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The Motley Fool
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Tim Hanson
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The Motley Fool
January 5, 2004
Mathew Emmert
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The Motley Fool
May 20, 2005
William Stecker
How to Ruin Your Retirement Rather work on crossword puzzles than resumes? A simple financial plan can avert disaster. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 29, 2004
Dayana Yochim
Need a Yawner Investment? If you're in the market for a safe little something for your portfolio, buy bonds. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 1, 2006
Rich Smith
4 Ways to Ruin Your Retirement Want to retire in poverty and live a life of penury? Here are four good ways to get started (and one great solution for those who choose to become wealthy instead.) mark for My Articles similar articles
On Wall Street
October 1, 2008
Judith Schoolman
5 Questions with Jean Setzfand The director of financial security at AARP provides tips on safeguarding retirement income. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 5, 2005
Dayana Yochim
Find Your Money Motivation When retirement is a distant goal, how do you motivate yourself to start a savings habit? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 5, 2009
Selena Maranjian
Overcome the Market Meltdown Despite the recent rally, the market is still some 40% off its highs. And that probably means that your retirement funds have taken a substantial hit. But change your game plan and you can still win the game. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 8, 2005
David Braze
10 Ways to Mismanage Your 401(k) Any one of these mistakes has the potential to cost us thousands of dollars in the amount we will eventually accrue for retirement. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
October 1, 2005
Stan Luxenberg
Taking the Sting Out of Taxes For high-net-worth investors, tax-sheltered accounts offer special opportunities. Because they need not worry about exhausting savings, wealthy clients can use shelters creatively to derive maximum tax and investing benefits. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 17, 2010
Selena Maranjian
Beat Bonds and Still Stay Safe There may be a way for risk-averse investors to keep their nest eggs relatively safe, yet still enjoy bond-beating growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 6, 2008
Chuck Saletta
How to Salvage Your Retirement Plan Now Regroup, recover, and restart your retirement plan from where you are today. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 15, 2004
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On Wall Street
December 1, 2008
William Harding
Endowments Offer Investment Lessons for Retirees The number of Americans who turn 65 each week could fill a sports stadium -- and they all need income. Portfolios for people saving for retirement should be structured differently from those already there. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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Robert Brokamp
Save More Now, Play Much More Later If you socked away an additional $100 a month, how much would your retirement improve? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 23, 2007
Jill Ralph
Act Now to Save Your Retirement Here's what you can do today to make sure your retirement is the one you've worked so hard to achieve. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Luis Rodrigues
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The Motley Fool
September 28, 2010
Selena Maranjian
Who Says Women Can't Get Rich Investing? These factors can work in women's favor. mark for My Articles similar articles