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Similar Articles
May 17, 2005
Tim Gray
The Sober Virus Returns A wave of far-right German, political-party propaganda choked millions of e-mail inboxes around the world over the weekend, delivering racist messages along with a dirty payload. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 6, 2005
Tim Gray
Sober's Rating is Raised McAfee today announced that its Anti-virus and Vulnerability Emergency Response Team raised its risk assessment to "Medium" on the recently discovered W32/Sober.r, also known as Sober.r. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 19, 2004
Sean Michael Kerner
New Virus 'Sobers' up The Internet A new worm is wriggling around the Internet. This time it's the latest variant of Sober, which first appeared in October of 2003. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 27, 2006
David Miller
Bouncebacks: The Hidden Cost of Spam A nasty side effect of spam and e-mailed viruses is costing companies an estimated $5 billion per year in IT resources, according to security services company IronPort. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
January 18, 2006
Neil J. Rubenking
Who Has a Virus? If your e-mail account has received numerous "mail rejected" notifications for messages that you never sent, this generally doesn't indicate that you've got a virus. However, there's no way to block the flood of rejection messages. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 23, 2005
Jim Wagner
FBI: We're Not Infecting You The culprit, according to e-mail security sites Symantec and F-Secure, could be a new strain of the Sober.K worm, which spoofs the domain addresses of a number of e-mail servers. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 22, 2004
Stephen H. Wildstrom
Toughing Out The Junk-Mail Virus An insidious strain swipes e-addresses from your PC -- to spam your friends mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
March 14, 2002
Todd R. Weiss
E-Mail Worm Goes Multilingual Vendors update protection to nail English/Japanese W32/Fbound.c, which travels via Outlook... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
July 2, 2002
Andrew Brandt
Klez: The Virus That Won't Die? Brace yourself for another round: A variant of the resilient worm is wriggling alive this week. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 20, 2004
Ryan Naraine
'Bagle' Virus Threat Upgraded New e-mail virus includes a backdoor component which could allow an attacker to execute malicious code on infected systems. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 1, 2010
Mike Cohen
The World Cup: No Winner in South Africa The soccer fest was supposed to help boost the economy, but fans are balking at the travel costs. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 4, 2010
Hackers Zero In On Execs With World Cup Scam A flurry of malware scams are using e-mails related to the upcoming World Cup to target executives at companies and organizations around the world. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2, 2006
Sean Michael Kerner
A Sobering Report on Viruses According to an analysis by Postini of 150 billion e-mail messages sent in 2005, e-mail-borne viruses represented 2.5 percent of all inbound e-mail messages. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 8, 2005
Jim Wagner
Sober Worm Has Nazi Connection The infamous Sober worm is set to rear its ugly head again in a New Year's activity that has security officials expecting the worst. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 16, 2005
Seth Jayson
What's German for "Spam?" A lot of unsolicited German political rhetoric highlights Microsoft's continued security problems with a new "Q" variant of the two-year old computer virus. mark for My Articles similar articles
Search Engine Watch
June 5, 2010
Johnny Widerlund
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PC World
July 2004
Andrew Brandt
Privacy Watch: Why Your Friends Believe You're Selling Viagra Spammers who forge your address on their junk messages can clog your inbox and harm your reputation. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
August 2, 2001
Frank Thorsberg
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December 22, 2003
Ryan Naraine
(Sober) Mutant Starts to Squirm This mass-mailing worm comes with a German flavor and puts new PC users at higher risk. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 6, 2004
Robyn Greenspan
The Deadly Duo: Spam and Viruses, December 2003 High growth rates and record-breakers are usually celebrated, but not when it comes to spam and viruses. The spam volume rose from 42 percent of e-mail to 58 percent during 2003, and the year fell just short of being the worst on record for malware variants. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
November 26, 2001
Sam Costello
Antivirus Vendors Warn of Badtrans Worm Patch available for Outlook flaw that allows worm to propagate... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
October 1, 2002
Paul Roberts
New E-Mail Virus Targets Windows, IE Virus is attached to e-mail messages with a wide variety of subject lines, making it harder for antivirus apps to detect. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 9, 2004
Sean Michael Kerner
New MyDoom Variant Aims at IE Hole New variant of the MyDoom virus takes advantage of Iframe vulnerability in IE. Windows XP SP2 users are not at risk. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
June 2010
Austin Carr
The 2010 FIFA World Cup by the Numbers The World Cup, which takes place June 11 to July 11, may be the be-all-end-all for soccer fans. Compared with other popular sports, it wins in financial terms as well. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 29, 2004
Tim Gray
Viruses Crowd Internet in 2004 A banner year for virus writers meant a bad year for Internet users, but much of the damage was preventable. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sports Central
March 7, 2007
Will Tidey
World Cup 2018: U.S.-Bound? U.S. soccer fans seem destined to have the world's greatest sporting event on their doorstep sooner rather than later. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 14, 2004
Sharon Gaudin
New Zafi-D Worm Spreads Christmas Fear The latest variant in the Zafi worm family has hit the Wild, disguising itself as a Christmas greeting. Discovered on Dec. 13, the worm already has earned 'medium threat alert' status. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
January 28, 2002
Ellen Messmer
'My Party' E-Mail Virus Hides as URL Antivirus vendors urge update to protect against sneaky virus, which could open PCs to intruders... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
February 13, 2002
Michael Gowan
Beware of Vicious Valentine Viruses Virus-writers love to target the holidays, so here's what to watch for in electronic greetings... mark for My Articles similar articles
October 29, 2004
Ryan Naraine
It's Bagle Day, Again Anti-virus firms have raised the alarm after spotting three new strains of the Bagle virus rapidly spreading through e-mail inboxes. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
March 22, 2002
Sam Costello
File-Deleting Bill Clinton Virus Reported Also called MyLife, virus promises humor but may deliver trouble to the unsuspecting... mark for My Articles similar articles
September 13, 2010
Enterprises Recover From 'Here You Have' Virus One of the most potent email-based viruses in years had enterprise IT managers scrambling over the weekend to get their email servers back in top form. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 14, 2004
Robyn Greenspan
The Deadly Duo: Spam and Viruses, April 2004 The spam volume is rising, e-mail trust is eroding, and viruses are rampant, but Internet users are sending more legitimate messages and CAN-SPAM is making a positive impact. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 20, 2004
Tim Gray
Microsoft Alters Hotmail Security Trend Security software firm Trend Micro today announced it had completed a deal with Microsoft to provide virus scanning, protection and cleaning for its Hotmail Web-based e-mail service. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
June 2006
John Blau
Securing the World Cup At the FIFA world championships in Germany, those responsible for ensuring the public's safety will have a few high-tech tricks up their sleeves. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 3, 2006
Andy Patrizio
Scammers Use Wikipedia To Distribute Virus The downside to a site anyone can edit is someone can put up a link to a virus, too. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
February 24, 2003
Tom Krazit
Lovgate.C Worm Crawls Across Web Leading antivirus vendors post inoculations for newest pest. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
April 26, 2002
Joris Evers
Klez Worm Continues to Spread Home PC users should be on the lookout for worm and its variants, as reports of new infections increase... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
November 1, 2006
Trick to Protect Address Book is a Bust Urban legend that creating invalid e-mail addresses will thwart virus efforts. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
April 9, 2002
Tom Mainelli
Tricky Worm Can Spread via AIM, IRC Low-risk mass-mailed W32.aphex promises porn but delivers inconvenience for buddies... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
June 13, 2002
Sam Costello
First JPEG Virus Identified McAfee studies lab virus that could change the way digital infections spread -- and are contained. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 31, 2004
Ryan Naraine
New Netsky Mutant Preps DoS Attack The Kazaa file-sharing network is being targeted for a DoS attack by the newest Netsky strain. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sports Central
May 12, 2006
Ray Leroy
Soccer: The Beautiful Game June 9th will kick off the most watched sporting event in the world, as 32 teams from across the globe vie for professional soccer's 2006 World Cup. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
February 1, 2008
Neil J. Rubenking
I'm Telling You for the Last Time . . . Not Really I've said it before and I'll keep saying it until everybody gets with the program: Don't click links in e-mail messages! mark for My Articles similar articles
June 1, 2005
Jim Wagner
Gpic Worm Hits AIM The worm is the latest threat to AOL's instant messaging platform, AIM, by targeting users' penchants to blindly click on links supplied by friends. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
September 2002
Andrew Brandt
Klez: The Virus That Won't Die Already the most prolific virus ever, Klez continues to wreak havoc. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 4, 2004
Robyn Greenspan
The Deadly Duo: Spam and Viruses, January 2004 E-mail inboxes groaned under the 60 percent spam volume, along with the most financially destructive worm the Internet has known. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
August 23, 2002
Frank Thorsberg
The World's Worst Viruses Check out our list of nasty computer viruses -- and find out how to save your PC from infection. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
August 2003
Karen Krebsbach
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PC Magazine
March 14, 2007
Larry Seltzer
A Storm Blows Through the Web The Storm Worm virus is old news. Where is it now? mark for My Articles similar articles