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Insurance & Technology
January 28, 2010
Full Text: Obama's State of the Union Address The following are remarks U.S. President Barack Obama made during his State of the Union Wednesday before a joint session of Congress in Washington. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2003
Cathy Young
Divorcees and Social Engineers Most people acknowledge that children are better off when they have fathers and when their fathers are actively involved in their lives. But where do we go from there? Fathers face off against the marriage movement. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
October 2008
Olivia Mellan
Long-Term Losses How can you cut your losses when they keep going on and on? mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
January 2008
Olivia Mellan
Splitting Heirs When parents and children are involved in divorce-related issues, it will be difficult (if not impossible) for an investment advisor to recommend financial strategies if they are still nursing unresolved wounds, anger, feelings of betrayal, or a thirst for revenge. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 10, 2009
Emma Goldman
On love and marriage A view on love and marriage from 1911 in Anarchism and Other Essays: they have nothing in common; they are as far apart as the poles; are, in fact, antagonistic to each other. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 8, 2007
Michael J. McManus
Taken Into Custody Father's Day was not joyful for millions of fathers who had a divorce forced upon them, whose children were "taken into custody" by the mother who filed for the divorce. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2004
Jon W.
Letter: Civil Disobedience & Fundamental Liberty Rights of Parents There is no sign that the Federal Courts are going to recognize the serious legal mess of the family court system. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 10, 2003
Douglas Cooney
Why Do Divorce Laws Marginalize Men? It seems that no matter who you talk to these days, someone knows of a man who came out of a divorce robbed and humiliated. And there is no end to how harrowing such stories get. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
February 2007
Olivia Mellan
Like Mother, Like Daughter The relationship between daughters and mothers tends to be a complex mix of love and hate. The better you understand this, the more productive your work with women financial advisory clients will be. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
August 2012
Jeffrey H. Rattiner
Minimizing The Pain The harsh and overlooked financial side of personal financial planning for divorce. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 5, 2007
Teri Stoddard
Can't Find a Husband? Men who embrace fatherhood are shown their time and influence aren't important. Our government does this by enforcing child support orders while not enforcing visitation orders. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 27, 2004
France & Woellert
The Battle Over The Courts Politics, ideology and special interests are compromising the U.S. justice system. And all the crossfire is driving away potential non-partisan judges. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
June 2007
Olivia Mellan
Turn, Turn, Turn Even when life's changes are good, coping with them can be daunting for you and your financial advisory clients. Here are some examples to help guide you in easing your clients' transition to new ways of life. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
December 2007
Olivia Mellan
The Mourning After If you or one of your financial advisory clients is struggling to cope with grief, now or at any other season of the year, the advice that follows may help ease the pain. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
Evie Nagy
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Psychology Today
May/Jun 2007
Mark Teich
House Divided: Hate Thy Father In an era of bitter divorce battles, parents often use children as hammers to bash each other, manipulating not only the legal system but also their children's affections. Can a broken parent-child bond be restored? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2005
Cathy Young
The "Values" Panic It's quite true that neither the "red" nor the "blue" states have a monopoly on moral values. By the same token, neither side has a monopoly on moral bullying. mark for My Articles similar articles
Terence Channon
Financially Prepare For A Divorce Here are some tips to financially prepare for a divorce and make sure you survive without any permanent monetary scars. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ross Bonander
How To: Win Over Her Parents Every parent wants what's best for their daughter. So let your actions, not just words, represent you. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
September 1, 2013
Miriam Rozen
How to Have the Money Talk With Kids Advisors say their own family experiences offer lessons for clients. And sometimes the reverse is true, as well. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
March 2011
Caren Chesler
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Financial Planning
March 1, 2013
Ingrid Case
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Financial Advisor
October 2008
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July 19, 2006
McCormick & Sacks
North Dakota Shared Parenting Initiative Will Help Children of Divorce A misguided collection of federal and state officials, divorce attorneys and women's advocates have all united to oppose a simple proposition: children need both parents. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 30, 2005
Carey Roberts
The Rise of Big Sister-ism Deadbeat Dad myths have become so ingrained in American thinking that basic Constitutional protections are being casually tossed aside. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
July 2005
Lynn O'Shaughnessy
A Kinder, Gentler Way To Divorce The financial impact of blowing a marriage apart can leave behind a lot of destruction. But collaborative divorce is gaining popularity as a way to ease much of the pain and suffering. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 11, 2003
Thompson & Sacks
Undermining the American Family The American Law Institute, which exercises great influence on American jurisprudence, has just released a series of family law recommendations that would exacerbate our problems by trivializing the importance of marriage, encouraging divorce and accelerating fatherlessness. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 19, 2001
Maria Russo
The marriage hoax Conservative moralists, alarmed by the divorce rate, want us to return to a Golden Age of Marriage. Too bad it never existed. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 29, 2004
Wendy McElroy
Across U.S., Non-Custodial Parents Sue The number of non-custodial parent plaintiffs who sign on to a federal class action cannot be predicted but it could run into millions. Federal law is being asked to trump state practice in custody matters. mark for My Articles similar articles