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Linux Journal
June 2000
Reuven M. Lerner
At the Forge Building Sites with Mason: This month, Mr. Lerner introduces us to a mod_perl module to aid in building large, dynamic web sites. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
March 2000
Reuven M. Lerner
At the Forge: Consumer Rankings How to use CGI programs to allow list subscribers to enter and rank their favorite products or services. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
August 2000
Reuven M. Lerner
At the Forge Session Management with Mason. This Perl-based web helper and MySQL work together to let you quickly build a user registration system for your web site. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
October 2001
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Reuven M. Lerner
At the Forge: Creating Queries Don't be afraid of large joins--learn to generate complex SQL queries from easy-to-use interfaces. Integrating your database with a website. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
September 1, 2007
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At the Forge - Database Modeling with Django Django provides a high-level interface for the definition of database models using Python, rather than SQL. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
September 2000
Reuven M. Lerner
At the Forge: Content Management Keep track of updates to your web site documents with this Mason application. mark for My Articles similar articles
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May 1, 2007
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Linux Journal
May 2000
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June 1, 2007
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Linux Journal
April 1, 2007
Reuven Lerner
MySQL Deserves a Double Take With versions 5.0 and 5.1, MySQL is looking like a database that can advertise its depth of serious features, rather than claim its main advantage is speed. mark for My Articles similar articles
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September 30, 2006
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February 1, 2007
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December 2002
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May 2002
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PC Magazine
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