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October 13, 2003
Martin Selby
Obesity: A Bigger Problem Than You Think What are a few extra pounds, after all? Sure, a little extra insulation doesn't hurt, but problems start to arise when your weight crosses that fine line between being overweight and obese. But just what is obesity? And are you at risk? mark for My Articles similar articles
Sarah Keefe
5 Reasons Why You're Overeating Many men overeat and don't even realize that they do; in fact, eating is often tied into so many other activities that it's hard to pinpoint when overeating takes place. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
January 2007
Diane Toops
Toops Scoops: Snooze and You Lose Americans take new measures in the struggle with obesity. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 7, 2014
Patrick Owen
Is It Impossible To Keep The Weight Off? The world is fatter than ever. In 2010 there were 1.5 billion people worldwide who were obese, and the trend is growing. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
Exercise And Eating Even with all the running, cycling, weightlifting, and other exercise I do, I know I don't have carte blanche to eat whatever I want. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
Exercise And Eating Connection In order for exercise to truly change the way you eat, you must be mindful. Instead of thinking, "I exercised, therefore I deserve a reward," switch to, "I exercised, therefore I've improved my ability to resist crap." mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2004
Jacob Sullum
The War on Fat The American war on fat is the latest manifestation of a collectivist philosophy that says the government has a duty to protect "public health" by discouraging behavior that might lead to disease or injury. mark for My Articles similar articles
Tony Horton
Obesity In America Our society, as a whole, is becoming fatter, and we're viewing that as normal. Today, two-thirds of America is overweight, with Canada and Europe not far behind. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 25, 2002
Amy Benfer
The lost language of fat Hectored by experts and afraid of hurting their kids' self-esteem, parents of overweight children remain silent -- as the nation faces a youthful obesity crisis... mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
December 2010
Diane Toops
Poll Indicates Adult Consumers Need More than Knowledge to Curb Obesity Behavior-changing knowledge alone is not enough to curb obesity, a poll seems to indicate. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
Choosing the Right Diet to Lose Weight What kind of diet will help me lose weight?... Why am I overweight?... What kind of diet should I follow?... Won't it be hard to change my diet? mark for My Articles similar articles
November 22, 2012
Chris Aung-Thwin
Andrew Luck Interview Losing weight and being more active should be a priority for everyone -- and initiatives like Quaker Oats NFL's Play 60 are paving the way for parents to do exactly that. Spokesman and Indianapolis Colts QB Andrew Luck talked to us about diet, health, and sports. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 9, 2006
Catherine Arnst
Helping Your Kid Slim Down How parents can change behavior that can foster obesity - and its long-term damage. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 13, 2003
Laura Miller
"Fat Land" by Greg Critser In America, fat and poor go together. A new book looks at why. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
February 2007
Diane Toops
Healthy Eating Gains, Exercise Loses Cooking Light survey finds Americans more knowledgeable about nutrition and health but less inclined to exercise. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
October 2007
Toops Scoops: Obesity epidemic solved Another reason to choose your friends wisely. mark for My Articles similar articles
Psychology Today
Jul/Aug 2008
Sora Song
Five Stealth Forces in Weight Loss Scientists are zeroing in on the unexpected ways molecular forces - including genes and viruses - impact your weight. In the process, they're upending the conventional wisdom on just what makes a successful diet. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2014
Maria Minsker
Is Kid-Targeted Marketing Unethical? With children going online more often, Internet advertising comes under scrutiny. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
June 2005
John L. Stanton
Market View: The first pyramid never worked Rather than admit failure, the government acts as if the guidelines have been working and gives us more of the same. Perhaps its up to the food and beverage industry to find new, creative solutions to America's disastrous diet. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 23, 2015
James Fell
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September 24, 2015
James Fell
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July 2003
Julie Monahan
Food Fight! How should restaurateurs deal with the weighty problem of customers' obesity? mark for My Articles similar articles
Prepared Foods
October 1, 2006
William A. Roberts, Jr.
Editorial Views -- Rebuilding Seasons Over the past 30 years, overweight and obesity levels have skyrocketed. And Americans have developed a culture of gaining that will not easily disappear. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 7, 2008
High Blood Pressure Stress is one of the main contributors to high blood pressure, but it's also the easiest to control. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
July 16, 2005
Janet Raloff
Money Matters in Obesity In newly published reports, scientists not only discuss factors that appear to be contributing to the nation's girth, but also explore the potential roles of different sectors of the economy in helping people trim down. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2004
Jacob Sullum
Teletubbies Overweight American children may watch food ads, but that is not what is making them fat. Watching too much TV and not exercising is the problem. mark for My Articles similar articles
Seasoned Cooking
August 2004
Michael Fick
The Classic Weight Control Dilemma: Diet or Exercise? The bottom line is that to really save time in your weight management program, stop eating the wrong food and eat plenty of good food to avoid putting the weight on in the first place. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2008
Jonathan Katz
Obesity Weighs Down Production Overweight workers can hurt productivity, but employers can help by encouraging healthier lifestyles. mark for My Articles similar articles
Prepared Foods
February 2008
Julia Gallo-Torres
Article: Clarity on Calories The decision to mandate calorie content on chain restaurant menus meets a positive response, noting that an educated population is essential to fending off the obesity epidemic. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 1, 2004
Eating Disorders A general overview of eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
September 1, 2005
Joyce Fassl
Battle of the American bulge continues Delivering health- and diet-conscious food and beverage products is good business for manufacturers whose customers are retailers. But for those whose major customers are fast food or family restaurants, fat is still the name of the game. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2008
Jacob Sullum
Secrets of Weight Loss Revealed! Two new books on the science of weight loss conclude that a little is easy, a lot is hard, and results may vary. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 31, 2005
Michael Arndt
Needed: More Bite To Fight Fat Without stronger federal guidelines, foodmakers will keep pushing junk. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jacob Franek
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Managed Care
December 2004
Jack McCain
The Weight Debate, Continued This article presents the views of people who indulge in what many regard as health care heresy. They challenge the conventional wisdom that millions of Americans need to lose tons of weight, fast, to stave off diabetes, heart disease, cancer. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 23, 2004
Catherine Arnst
Let Them Eat Cake -- If They Want To Discussion about the growing problem of obesity and what should be done worldwide. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jasper Anson
Stress & Health Stress is meant to protect us, and in small doses it is healthy, but when stress responses become habitual, there can be a problem. Read on for tips on how to deal with stress when it gets the better of you. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
April 2006
David Feder
Well Noted: My Twenty Cents Creators and manufacturers of foods designed either directly or indirectly to prevent the development of obesity and diabetes, are bringing more and more ammo to the battle every year. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
November 2006
Barbara Katz
Focus on: Childhood Obesity In spite of all the press and the studies and the looming health issues, it appears parents are just not that concerned about childhood obesity. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2003
McInnis et al.
Counseling for Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Patients An estimated 97 million adults in the United States, or more than six out of 10 men and women, are overweight or obese. The role of physicians and other health care professionals is associated with greater efforts to help patients adopt healthy lifestyle habits related to diet and exercise. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
November 2007
La Puma & Palmer
Weight-Loss Programs Need Health Plan Support Weight-loss programs have dismal success rates. Insurers can play an active part in helping members change their thinking, and therefore change their lifestyles mark for My Articles similar articles
Alex Santoso
5 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy Heart disease kills more men than any other disease. And because you've only got one heart, here are some tips to keep it healthy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
April 17, 2004
Janet Raloff
When It's No Longer Baby Fat Nutritionists and epidemiologists have been documenting a disquieting trend: Increasingly, children are plump by the time they enter school--and they get fatter as they grow. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
June 2007
Toops Scoops: Balance jumps to the fore Shoppers seek the `benefit of the benefit' in health and wellness. mark for My Articles similar articles
Prepared Foods
January 1, 2006
William A. Roberts, Jr.
Weighing Obesity Obesity in the U.S. has hit what many consider to be crisis levels, with the greatest fears centering around America's youth. But while the rising number of calories in children's diets is an easy target, it may be only part of the equation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
April 2010
Stephanie Schomer
National Stress Awareness Month, By the Numbers April happens to be National Stress Awareness Month -- and Stress Awareness Day is on the 16th. To mark the anxious occasion, here's a look at our angst in numbers. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 15, 2004
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James Fell
Military Diet: Part 2 Healthy food doesn't taste as good as stuff that's been engineered to taste good. It feels good, though. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2008
Try These Gut-Busting Foods Eating the right foods can actually help you lose weight. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2003
Physical Activity for Healthy Weight How are physical activity, weight, and health related?... How will physical activity help me?... I have a busy life -- how can I find time to exercise?... How do I get started?... What's next? What kind of exercise program should I follow?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles