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Summer 2004
Gordon & Sollinger
The Army's Dilemma The Army is perceived by many as unimaginative, obstructionist, and wedded to concepts of warfare that are increasingly irrelevant to the current geopolitical environment. This article suggests an explanation for this perception and ways the Army might alter it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2005
Sean M. Maloney
Afghanistan Four Years On: An Assessment The situation in Afghanistan has progressed to the point where guarded optimism is justified. Unfortunately, the perception of the situation on the ground has become distorted through the prism of American partisan politics. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2004
Sean M. Maloney
Afghanistan: From Here to Eternity? American policy in Afghanistan is at a crossroads, or so it appears. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld suggested in May 2003 that the war on terror in Afghanistan was in "cleanup" or "mop up" phase. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2007
Sandra I. Erwin
Mathematical Models: The Latest Weapons Against Urban Insurgencies The Defense Department is asking for models of social agendas and social behaviors to help them win the war. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2005
Lawrence P. Farrell
Successful Net-Centric Operations Require Joint Testing The wars U.S. forces are fighting today---and can be expected to fight in the foreseeable future---undoubtedly are shaping the military services' requirements for new and improved technology. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
May 12, 2009
Joe Pappalardo
What the Firing of 4-Star Gen. McKiernan Means for Afghan War: Analysis What is the strategy in Afghanistan? mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2005
Michael Peck
Soldiers Learn Hazards Of War in Virtual Reality The U.S. Army is testing the utility of a web-based training technology, the military version of the popular multiplayer online role-playing games, that lets soldiers share their combat experiences with troops preparing to deploy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2006
Shawn Brimley
Tentacles of Jihad: Targeting Transnational Support Networks As the five-year anniversary of the 11 September attacks approaches, America faces an enemy that is both a transnational organization and a growing ideological movement. As long as the war in Iraq continues, more recruits will join the disparate terror networks that feed off the conflict. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2011
Eric Beidel
Battle-Scarred Troops Have Message for Army Training: Get Real A decade at war has presented officials with a dilemma: The training environment now must be made even more authentic to hold the attention of soldiers who already have experienced the real deal. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2005
Grace Jean
Games Are Gaining Ground, But How Far Can They Go? The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency looks toward simulation systems to teach soldiers about the tradeoffs involved in rebuilding Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2011
Eric Beidel
Gaming Technology Puts Soldiers' Boots on Ground The Army increasingly is turning to the commercial video game industry to create higher fidelity, less expensive and more portable simulations. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2006
Grace Jean
Disjointed Defense Simulation Programs Prompt Reorganization The increasing demand for virtual training and war gaming has prompted the Defense Department to reorganize how it manages modeling and simulation. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2004
Ben Fenwick
Meanwhile in Afghanistan The coming "warlord war" in America's other occupation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Military & Aerospace Electronics
November 2007
Courtney E. Howard
Training for the War on Terror Military personnel throughout the ranks hone their skills with advanced training and simulation systems. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2009
Brian Mockenhaupt
Fire on the Mountain In the rugged eastern provinces of Afghanistan, American Troops are engaged in a kind of alpine warfare not seen for decades. Months can go by without combat, but the calm is often shattered when you least expect it. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2009
Stew Magnuson
Soldiers At Lowest Ranks Need Better Cultural Training, Officers Say Trainees must make tough life-or-death decisions, such as what to do when they burst through a door and find a family inside. Are these innocent civilians or insurgents? Should they pull the trigger? mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2009
Shea, Willadsen & Lashlee
Military in Korea Expands Use of Simulations in War Games More so than in most other places, modeling and simulation are critical to training in Korea. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2004
Steve Silberman
The War Room Inside the fully immersive proving ground where tomorrow's soldiers are being trained by coalition forces of the Pentagon, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2009
Sandra I. Erwin
Army's Equipment Choices Shaped by Afghanistan War While the Obama administration ponders a future strategy for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, the Army is rushing to buy new combat equipment especially suited to that nation's high altitudes and tough terrain. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
April 2010
Stew Magnuson
Mobile Simulators Give Soldiers Early Roadside Bomb Training The mobile counter-IED interactive trainer is one of two new simulators exposing ground forces to the hazards they may face before they arrive in Afghanistan or Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
E.B. Boyd
Getting Out Of Afghanistan Leaving Afghanistan has become one of the most difficult operations the U.S. military has ever undertaken. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2009
Austin Wright
Army Leaders Prepare for War, Peace and Everything In Between The military is transitioning from a group of one-track warriors to a force of multitaskers who can advise, assist and attack. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2013
Valerie Insinna
Simulation, Gaming Sector Plagued by Fiscal Challenges Restrictions on the travel of government officials gutted the Defense GameTech Users Conference in Orlando, Fla. Conference attendance, which aims to increase the use of serious games by the Defense Department, dropped to a third of the previous year's show. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2015
Yasmin Tadjdeh
Training and Simulation Industry Optimistic About Future Opportunities Smaller defense budgets are forcing the military to conduct fewer costly live exercises and instead put troops in the cockpits and drivers' seats of more affordable simulators. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 22, 2001
Ken Silverstein
Blasts from the past The weaponry the Taliban could turn on us may be our own, the relics of a $7 billion Cold War campaign... mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2006
Ali A. Jalali
The Future of Afghanistan Afghanistan is again at a crossroads. One road leads to peace and prosperity; the other leads to the loss of all that has been achieved. Everything depends on the level of international commitment to help Afghanistan emerge from the dark shadows of its recent past. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 14, 2010
Tim McGirk
Armed Farces The U.S. has spent $26 billion building up the Afghan army. But it is still poorly trained and rife with internal rivalries. Will it ever be fit to fight? mark for My Articles similar articles
Military & Aerospace Electronics
November 2005
Ben Ames
Streamlined databases drive military simulation Improved displays and screens are helping engineers build sharper pictures, but the greatest improvement in military simulation and mission rehearsal has been in software. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 16, 2001
Janelle Brown
"Beneath the Veil" redux Documentary filmmaker Saira Shah returns to Afghanistan to find hopeful soldiers and starving children. Her film of the journey is called "Unholy War"... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2006
Grace Jean
Game Branches Out Into Real Combat Training The Army's PC-based video game, America's Army, is morphing beyond its original mission, becoming the platform for numerous other military and government training simulations. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 3, 2001
Janelle Brown
Any day now Afghan women hope to use the momentum of international recognition to secure civil rights and a role in government... mark for My Articles similar articles
Military & Aerospace Electronics
November 2006
Courtney E. Howard
War Games Increasingly, military training and simulation companies are tapping commercial gaming technologies to enhance precision and realism for military training, simulation and mission rehearsal systems. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2010
Eric Beidel
Greater Appetite for Unpiloted Aircraft Combat Zones Fuels Demand for Simulators The growing demand for unmanned spy aircraft in combat zones has increased the burden on training organizations that are being asked to produce more operators, and faster. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2006
Sandra I. Erwin
Air Force Sets Sights on `Airman of the Future' Video Games Gaming technologies, officials say, would allow the Air Force to broaden the training options available to airmen, and would help the service save money by shifting flying time from real aircraft to simulators. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2006
Grace Jean
Army Training Evolving to Develop Better Combat Leaders The initiative to improve combat leadership skills earlier in soldiers' careers, by better understanding the cognitive processes involved in decision-making, has gained momentum inside military academies and other academic institutions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jasper Anson
Top 10: Battle Scenes Since cinema's early days, battle scenes have been popular with all audiences. And today's state-of-the-art battle scenes can get your heart pounding and your jaw dropping. Here's our list of the top ten movie battle scenes of all time. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 27, 2001
Steve Kettmann
Creating "many, many Osamas" Novelist William Vollmann says if the U.S. convinces Afghans of bin Laden's guilt, they'll support the move against him. If not, only "genocide" will defeat them... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2015
Taylor Feuss
Army Leaning on New Crop of Soldier System Simulators As limited budgets and time constraints make live training more difficult, the Army must continue to rely on simulators to prepare soldiers for combat. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2003
John F. Shroder Jr.
Reconstructing Afghanistan: Nation Building or Nation Failure? As the Coalition forces begin reconstructing Iraq, Afghanistan continues to undergo its own rebuilding process. Whether the country continues to fail or rises to succeed may depend on U.S. efforts to help develop Afghanistan's vast natural resources. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt
Fighting The Network War Conventional military power stands little chance against a band of swarming 14th-century terrorists, according to the authors, RAND analysts who wrote the book on "netwar." Here's their five-point plan to tear apart the terror network... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2014
Chelsea Todaro
Do-It-Yourself Simulators Speeding Up Army Training A new generation of simulation software is promising to put more control into the hands of trainers, who can create their own computer-based exercises in a matter of hours. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
Ted Carpenter
Fixing Foreign Policy How the U.S. should wage the war on terror mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2004
Roxana Tiron
Pentagon Still Undecided on Policies to Protect Contractors As contractors increasingly fall in the cross hairs of insurgents in Iraq, the Defense Department is struggling to figure out how to account for them, provide for their security and, if necessary, rescue them. mark for My Articles similar articles
Military & Aerospace Electronics
May 2009
U.S. Army selects Cubic small arms training system Officials in the U.S. Army recognized a need to better train soldiers in the engagement of enemies with the help of a virtual, interactive training solution. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 10, 2009
Wendy McElroy
Arm the Afghan women Give an Afghan woman the right to own a gun and you protect her long after the current tragedy has become old news. A gun in the hand of a mother who is protecting her child may be the most humanitarian relief of all. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2014
Stephen A. Mackey
Time to Make Key Decisions in Afghanistan As the United States enters its second decade in Afghanistan, it is wise to examine the nation's interests and use them to inform the path ahead. Nations do not have permanent friends and allies, only permanent interests. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
March 2007
Grace Jean
Army Simulation Tracks Special Operators' Physical, Mental Reactions Training soldiers for special operations missions that may include negotiations and other diplomatic situations requires instructors to hone students' cognitive and interpersonal skills. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
December 2014
Yasmin Tadjdeh
Industry Shows Off New Army Combat Simulation Tools Soldiers could face a myriad of threats in the coming years, and simulation training can affordably and reliably keep them ready for a multitude of situations. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2014
Valerie Insinna
Defense Simulation Firms Turn to Commercial Sector for Inspiration With near-term military simulation procurement uncertain, defense contractors are eyeing the commercial sector for potential fixes to looming headaches. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2007
Stew Magnuson
Research Agency Wants Help Solving The Seemingly Impossible The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has a reputation for taking on challenges that sometimes seem to defy the laws of physics -- or at least common sense. Transparent Walls and Dirt... Building Simulators Without Computer Programmers... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles