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January 31, 2013
James Fell
How To Lose Weight It's important to see exercise as a tool that gives you the power to resist junk food. Because it does. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shannon Clark
Exercising vs. Dieting There are a few important things men need to consider when deciding between exercising vs. dieting. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 7, 2014
Patrick Owen
Is It Impossible To Keep The Weight Off? The world is fatter than ever. In 2010 there were 1.5 billion people worldwide who were obese, and the trend is growing. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 13, 2014
Michelle Magnan
The Final Word On The Possibility Of Getting Fit Fast I promote what I like to call a flexible diet. I tell people to hit a certain amount of protein, carbs and fat a day, but if you want to have a little bit of ice cream and you still hit those numbers, that's okay. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2003
Physical Activity for Healthy Weight How are physical activity, weight, and health related?... How will physical activity help me?... I have a busy life -- how can I find time to exercise?... How do I get started?... What's next? What kind of exercise program should I follow?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
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September 10, 2005
Janet Raloff
Dieting? Don't Give Up Protein Low calorie diets that are rich in starches are not as effective as those that are rich in protein. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
Exercise And Eating Connection In order for exercise to truly change the way you eat, you must be mindful. Instead of thinking, "I exercised, therefore I deserve a reward," switch to, "I exercised, therefore I've improved my ability to resist crap." mark for My Articles similar articles
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Common Workout Misconceptions In this excerpt from Lean Body Promise, one former Mr. Universe examines the common misconceptions that stop people from working out and getting the lean bodies they want. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 15, 2000
You Have Diabetes--But You Don't Have to Get Heart Disease Too People with diabetes are more likely to get heart disease because diabetes can have a bad effect on your blood vessels. Some of your lifestyle habits may also raise this risk. Here are some things you can do about your lifestyle habits... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
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Ian Lee
Getting Ripped Muscles "How do I get ripped?" is by far the most popular fitness question amongst men who start bodybuilding. Guys want that six-pack along with a chiseled chest, rock hard biceps and easily noticeable triceps... mark for My Articles similar articles
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Martin Selby
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September 24, 2015
James Fell
Weight Loss Tips From A Former Fat Guy Many lose weight and then regain it, but I lost weight and kept it off for more than two decades. I also added a bunch of muscle and kept that too. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
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July 21, 2014
James Fell
Are Your Exercise Habits Actually Making You Fatter? Every summer I spend a few weeks on the coast running, hiking, sea kayaking, swimming and getting about double my usual amount of exercise. And still I gain weight. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
7 Low-Carb Myths & More If you haven't heard of Atkins or the South Beach Diet, you've probably been living under a rock for quite some time. The low-carb diet craze has taken on gargantuan proportions in the media and in Americans' everyday lives over the past year. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 25, 2002
Amy Benfer
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October 24, 2002
Sabrina Rogers
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James Fell
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Jeff Bayer
Synchronize Your Diet And Cardio Here's how to synchronize your diet and cardio in the healthiest and most efficient way possible to get the kind of muscle mass you're dying to show off. mark for My Articles similar articles Physique-Based Fat Loss Physique-based fat loss involves paying particular attention to certain aspects of training and nutrition, and manipulating them correctly, to achieve fat loss while maintaining your muscle mass. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 7, 2013
James Fell
Is Running Really A Worthwhile Weight Loss Workout? It you want to get (and stay) lean, you need to turn running into a long-term habit. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 17, 2014
Anthony Yeung
The Muscle-Building Guide Your Biceps Don't Want You To Bypass Training comes first. You will never add an ounce of muscle without some type of exercise, even if you have a perfect diet. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2003
Choosing the Right Diet to Lose Weight What kind of diet will help me lose weight?... Why am I overweight?... What kind of diet should I follow?... Won't it be hard to change my diet? mark for My Articles similar articles
August 19, 2012
Ron Forehand
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August 21, 2015
Adam Ali
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Jeff Bayer
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May 21, 2013
James Fell
The 7-Minute Workout The quick-fix mindset doesn't transform your body. The relentless quest to be awesome is what changes things for the better. And, contrary to what the article in the New York Times might lead you to believe, awesome doesn't come from just seven minutes a day. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 12, 2002
Simon McNeil
11 Questions About Eating Right Here are some frequently asked questions followed by answers to help you debunk some health mysteries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jeff Bayer
Protein Loading Overall, there are good reasons to bring your protein intake higher than normal, but you can take this too far. mark for My Articles similar articles
Anthony Yeung
Best Ways To Lose Weight Focus on your diet and lift heavy. That way, you'll not only drop the extra weight, but also build a better-looking physique. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 19, 2015
Adam Ali
Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus The bad news is that the plateau is inevitable. The good news ? It's not as hard as you think to overcome. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2, 2013
James Fell
Fat Loss And Exercise People want a quick fix with exercise. They want to hear they can accomplish more by doing less. A study out of Denmark was conducted showing that could actually happen. I mean, it appears that way if you're not looking at the big picture. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 24, 2003
Sabrina Rogers
Eating Well: Frequently Asked Questions It's really not surprising that many people simply stick to their bad eating habits because they find healthy eating too complicated. The following answers to some frequently asked questions about nutrition will hopefully help clear up some of this confusion and keep you on the right track. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jen Janzen
How To Gain Weight Whether you have a high metabolism or a naturally slender frame, it's possible to gain weight and even have fun doing it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Shaina Falcone
9 Bad Eating Habits To Avoid Lucky for you, you don't have to resort to a prehistoric lifestyle to break your bad eating habits; funneling unhealthy eating habits out of your life is easier and takes less time than you think. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 14, 2002
Sebastien Stefanov
Are Your Eating Habits Making You Fat? The answer to why you might be getting a spare tire is as simple as poor eating habits... mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
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Shannon Clark
Low Carb Dieting If you are looking to try out this popular method of dieting, keep these factors in mind. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 12, 2000
Simon McNeil
7 Easy Steps To Weight Loss I have news for all of you out there: don't diet, and don't rush off to buy the next gimmick. Here's the real secret to losing weight: eat less! mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 1, 2004
Eating Disorders A general overview of eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 14, 2015
James Fell
Creating A Calorie Deficit I've written lots of articles about losing weight and keeping it off. These are the basic facts of what I've learned over the years of how to lose weight and keep it off. mark for My Articles similar articles
Vatche Bartekian
Myths Concerning Weight Loss Dropping a few pounds will be a snap once you discard these common misconceptions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
December 2004
Jack McCain
The Weight Debate, Continued This article presents the views of people who indulge in what many regard as health care heresy. They challenge the conventional wisdom that millions of Americans need to lose tons of weight, fast, to stave off diabetes, heart disease, cancer. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ian Lee
Lifting Weights Burns Fat In general, people will practice cardiovascular activities and forget about weight bearing exercises when it comes to burning fat. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 1, 2014
James Fell
Here's Why Your Workout Today Isn't Like Your Workout 5 Years Ago If you train your body to get into great shape, then to keep it there you need to keep on using it. You can't just sit back and expect it to burn calories on autopilot. mark for My Articles similar articles