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November 1, 2003
Citi's New Stance After more than a year of scandal and public penance, Citigroup CFO Todd Thomson is determined to rebuild the reputation of the financial-services giant. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 1, 2002
Tim Reason
Reporting: See-Through Finance The market's distaste for complex financing could raise your company's cost of capital, even if you comply with new reporting rules. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2005
Tim Reason
A Love-Hate Relationship Banks and their customers have grown closer to, and more wary of, each other. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 1, 2006
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Are Your Secrets Safe? A shift in banks' business model raises questions about conflicts. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2004
Double Standards? How controlled companies avoid independence rules... Name Game... Congress Weighs In -- Again... The Tortinator... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Rob Garver
Nothing to Bank On Bank executives will undoubtedly spend much of the next year assessing the likelihood and impact of new rules, while at the same time trying to keep earnings growth on its upward trend. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Ronald Fink
Default Swap Faults A dispute in the Enron bankruptcy case highlights troubling questions about credit default insurance. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2003
Randy Myers
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Investment Advisor
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Melanie Waddell
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February 5, 2002
Damien Cave
Risky business How did Enron break into the elite Wall Street world of credit derivatives? mark for My Articles similar articles
January 30, 2004
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Cheese It, the States! Corporate wrong-doers are finding state cops more aggressive than the feds. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2005
Ronald Fink
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Registered Rep.
September 1, 2005
Karen Donovan
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U.S. Banker
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Bank Systems & Technology
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Registered Rep.
March 15, 2006
Kevin Burke
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U.S. Banker
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August 2008
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U.S. Banker
December 2004
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December 1, 2003
Randy Myers
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October 1, 2002
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October 1, 2007
Rob Garver
One Nation, Left Behind The race to cut compliance-based capital has begun, and U.S. banks are trailing the pack -- badly. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
September 10, 2008
Bank of America to Buy Its ARs Back The nation's second-largest bank by assets settled an investigation by Massachusetts regulators, agreeing to buy back $4.5 billion worth of the securities. mark for My Articles similar articles
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U.S. Banker
October 2007
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The Motley Fool
November 11, 2011
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April 1, 2005
Tim Reason
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Ronald Fink
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The Motley Fool
September 22, 2004
Bill Mann
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Investment Advisor
July 2009
Melanie Waddell
Danger & Opportunity: Bracing for Change It looks to be all but inevitable that the rules for broker/dealers and investment advisors will be harmonized, and that broker/dealers offering investment advice will have to adhere to a fiduciary standard of care. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
March 24, 2005
Kristen French
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On Wall Street
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Cumming & Horwitz
SEC Takes on Structured Notes Large banks need to provide better information on these complex securities sold to the wealthy, regulator says. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2008
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Damien Cave
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The Motley Fool
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July 28, 2003
Borrus & McNamee
States vs. the SEC: What's All the Shouting for? On the surface, it looks like the fragile alliance between state and federal securities cops is crumbling. There's more -- and less -- going on here than meets the eye. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 14, 2003
Basel and the Evolution of Capital Regulation: Moving Forward, Looking Back How much capital is enough? How bank regulators have answered this question during the post World War II period has been shaped by two contending strands of thought. mark for My Articles similar articles