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Science News
January 31, 2004
TimeLine: January 27, 1934 Flash-over at 125,000 volts... 200-inch telescope mirror to be poured of special glass... Heavy hydrogen-lithium bombardment yields helium mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
January 22, 2005
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October 19, 2002
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July 5, 2003
From the July 1, 1933, issue Seven mummies from Texas cave brought to Smithsonian... Successes in atom smashing evaluated by Dr. Millikan... Atomic bombardment breaks up more elements mark for My Articles similar articles
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August 28, 2004
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April 24, 2004
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July 20, 2002
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March 16, 2002
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November 8, 2003
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Popular Mechanics
June 15, 2009
Andrew Moseman
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Science News
December 22, 2001
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Chemistry World
December 4, 2006
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Technology Research News
January 15, 2003
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Science News TimeLine: October 18, 1930 Archaeologists Find Patient Peruvian Surgeons Lost... New Method Shows Scientists Growth of Living Tissue... Atomic Projectiles Sought to Release Energy of Atom... mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
May 15, 2004
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Traci Purdum
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Chemistry World
January 28, 2009
Phillip Broadwith
Water spilt with aluminium Aluminium clusters' ability to split water molecules and release hydrogen is dictated by the geometric arrangement of active sites on their surface, US scientists have discovered. mark for My Articles similar articles
Technology Research News
November 17, 2004
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Chemistry World
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Chemistry World
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Chemistry World
May 1, 2009
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Chemistry World
November 7, 2013
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Technology Research News
May 7, 2003
Researchers fill virus with metal One way to construct materials atom by atom is to conscript machinery nature has already devised. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 12, 2014
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Rocket reactor forces space hydrogen rethink Scientists have pushed low-temperature experimentation and computational chemistry to their limits to better understand hydrogen fluoride, which astronomers use to study regions of space that are otherwise hard to image. mark for My Articles similar articles
Reactive Reports
Issue 62
Alumination at last! More powerful solid rocket fuel could be the product of research into a new class of compounds containing aluminum and hydrogen compounds, according to an international research team. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
February 9, 2002
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