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September 29, 2004
K. C. Wilson
On-Going Gender Bias We define aggression as, "what men do," and nurturing as, "what women do." The genders are used to define the terms. This blinds us to the equal aggressiveness of women, and equal nurturing of masculinity. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2003
Stovall & Domino
Approaching the Suicidal Patient In an attempt to help the family physician prevent suicide, this article reviews known risk factors and offers a strategy for assessing and addressing these factors in individual patients. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2010
Sharon M. Valente
Assessing patients for suicide risk This article will help you update your knowledge of suicide risk factors and prevention strategies, and provide guidelines for effective intervention. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 14, 2008
Richard L. Davis
DV Awareness Month and Male Victims October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Male related domestic violence deaths seem to be something that most domestic violence organizations, public policy makers, researchers and the media are not aware of or as concerned about as they should be. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2007
Depression in Children and Teens How to recognize depression in your children and resources available for more information. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 3, 2004
K. C. Wilson
Male Nurturing 101 The real gender bias we all face is a society that defines aggression as "what men do," and nurturing as "what women do." This blinds us to the equal aggressiveness of women, and, more tragically, equal nurturing of masculinity. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 5, 2008
Tony Zizza
The over-prescribing of America In writing "Stigma often hinders lifesaving discussion" for The Tennessean on Sept. 17, Dr. Dennis Morrison offers us more recycled bromides concerning suicide and the state of mental health. mark for My Articles similar articles
Teacher Magazine
May 2000
Jessica Portner
Suicide Watch An ever-vigiliant school district discovers that a well-funded town effort can keep kids from killing themselves mark for My Articles similar articles
June 10, 2003
Warren Farrell
Unhealthy Times The New York Times Book Review, a section that depends on objectivity, has instead an "attitude" toward men that is perhaps best reflected in this Book Review headline: Don't Expect Too Much of Men mark for My Articles similar articles
Jacob Franek
Mental Health For Men Greater understanding of new and emerging mental illnesses for men is important, and hopefully the following will help to raise your awareness. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 17, 2002
Warren Farrell
How dads who can't be with their children can be 'with' their children Divorce leaves men ten times more likely than women to commit suicide. And for millions of men the double jeopardy of being a divorced man during the holidays is magnified when he has children he cannot see -- the holidays are the season of the Home Alone Dad. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 17, 2009
Richard L. Davis
Intimate-Partner Homicide and Suicide My research paper about domestic violence-related deaths explains why so many people continue to know so little about domestic violence, which is not merely a women's issue since it impacts all of us. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 26, 2004
Wendy McElroy
Death by Theory? The feminist movement's belief in psychosexual neutrality at birth and their campaign to change the gender identity being taught to children, coupled with fraudulent research ends in suicide for a man who was raised as a girl. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 21, 2009
Mathew Honan
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March 15, 2007
Darrin Albert
Eleven Cognitive Biases that Help Sustain the Anti-male Double Standard in Society There are at least eleven cognitive biases that have been acknowledged over the years in the field of psychology and beyond that can be applied as forces that help sustain the anti-male double standard in American society. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
March 9, 2015
Maria Burke
Royal Society to address gender imbalance The Royal Society is to take steps to encourage more women to access its career development awards and will train its selection panel members to guard against gender bias. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
March 2010
Becker & Schmidtke
All along the watchtower: Suicide risk screening, a pilot study Patients will continue to die if healthcare organizations don't take action and appropriately assess patients at risk for suicide in general hospitals. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 17, 2003
Carey Roberts
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September 26, 2001
Jeffrey Eugenides
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Justin Quirk
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American Journal of Nursing
September 2011
Schmid et al.
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American Family Physician
September 15, 2002
Depression What is depression?... What causes depression?... How is depression diagnosed?... How is depression treated?... What about suicide?... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 8, 2001
Alicia Montgomery
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The Motley Fool
June 3, 2004
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June 2, 2004
Ray Blumhorst
Gender Roles, Survival Instincts, and Procreational Drives in the Combat Zone With Abu Ghraib in Iraq as a backdrop, one wonders if military planners, social scientists, and others have clearly thought out all the ramifications of putting men and women closely together in combat situations. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2004
Carey Roberts
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March 1, 2002
Quentin Fottrell
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American Family Physician
January 1, 2007
Shashi & Subhash Bhatia
Childhood and Adolescent Depression Safe and effective treatment of major depression in this age group requires accurate diagnosis, suicide risk assessment, and use of evidence-based therapies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
January 2006
Michael Shermer
Murdercide Science unravels the myth of suicide bombers. mark for My Articles similar articles